Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
btw I left feedback on you in the coral trader case anyone wants to trade with you
Thanks buddy!

Originally Posted by Adairable

You are silly!! I am so excited for you

When are you leaving this great city? (sarcasm...I can't wait to move)
I'm going to start moving in June, and the big move will be July 7th.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Thanks buddy!

I'm going to start moving in June, and the big move will be July 7th.

who's gonna be my hookup when you move????!!!!


Active Member
This one is showing growth and coloration that is just blowing me away!
My pink bird's nest, Seriatopora hystrix, the day I got it...
April 17th, 2007

And as of today one month later (May 18th, 2007)!



Active Member
Hey Bonebrake I got my salinity calibration fluid and I was right on. I guess I'm lucky. Nah... I'm good. Thanks for the tip.


Active Member
Purple Montipora capricornis
It is not near as purple as it was under the halides of the guy I purchased it from, but it showing growth because it is attaching to the rock above it.


Active Member
This my new red Favites sp., I have had this about three weeks and it is showing very good growth. I have been feeding it every day and sometimes three times a day. It has a voracious appetite!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I think Trainfever will hook you up if you shake it like a sexy shrimp!

Hey, did I miss somethong or what?


Active Member
I think Dave the derasa clam is sucking calcium and alkalinity out of my water like a vacuum. Before him and the SPS my calcium was 430-450 ppm and alkalinity was a steady 3.5 meq/L and I only topped off with 20% saturated limewater. I now struggle to keep alkalinity much above 2.9 meq/L and the calcium is still holding steady at 420-440 ppm, but I am now topping off with 100% saturated limewater! The growth on his mantle is a full quarter inch and I have only had him three weeks as well; the coloration of his tissue is more fuller too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I can't catch up with you...
I don't have boobs or a girlie avatar.

heh he he he he heh, you said boobs........


Active Member
My pink Blastomussa wellsi colony. A very slow grower, I would not buy these unless you had the ability to feed them on a regular basis or were already satisfied with the size of the colony. Mine are too far down in the tank on the sandbed to feed regularly and the shrimp rob it long before it can ingest anything substantial.
Still pretty though!

My bright
red Solomon Island mushroom is in the background to the left. It has grown larger in the year I have had it and finally has reproduced a small one beside it. Frags easily, but extremely slow grower.