Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


Your tank looks amazing!!! Very impressive and I hope to have mine looking something like that in the future....i just got my first tank for Christmas from rj, who by the way says hello
....I guess you two go to pcom together and he was all excited when he saw the PCOM logo.


Active Member
Thanks for the compliment!
What kind of tank did you get?
Is RJ Ronald Caras?
I go to Pets Plus on US-1 in Northeast Philadelphia and the Pets Plus off of Ridge Pike. They have nice fish and corals and you can usually talk them down on prices. Their dry goods for the most part are way over priced.
I get most of my dry goods online or from a place back home in Chambersburg, PA.


Yea its Ronald Caras....aka rj the butthead! j/k
But yea for my birthday/Christmas he got me a 14g biocube and $120 to the pets plus on ridge pike. I got some live sand and about 10lbs of live rock there. They did give me a good price and the guy Mike seemed knowledgable....maybe?
And just today I went to the "World Aquarium" on Ridge and got about 10 more pounds of LR....they were nice there. But other than that and the water I have nothing in my tank yet....I have only had it up and going since Dec 27th.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Jacques Pierre the Skunk Cleaner Shrimp.

that is an awesome tank to be a 24 (?)....but are you sure that is a Jacques and not a Jackie???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Yea its Ronald Caras....aka rj the butthead! j/k
But yea for my birthday/Christmas he got me a 14g biocube and $120 to the pets plus on ridge pike. I got some live sand and about 10lbs of live rock there. They did give me a good price and the guy Mike seemed knowledgable....maybe?
And just today I went to the "World Aquarium" on Ridge and got about 10 more pounds of LR....they were nice there. But other than that and the water I have nothing in my tank yet....I have only had it up and going since Dec 27th.
If you need any help or want to trade corals in the future let me know!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that is an awesome tank to be a 24 (?)....but are you sure that is a Jacques and not a Jackie???
Actually both; they are hermaphrodites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Thanks Yerboy and Monk!

You may have posted this already but how long has this tank been up and running? You have tons of nice coralline growth and im wondering how long it took you to get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yerboy
You may have posted this already but how long has this tank been up and running? You have tons of nice coralline growth and im wondering how long it took you to get it.
The tank finished cycling on December 29th, 2005. It is a little over one year old. The key to the fastest coralline growth is light, proper calcium (420+ ppm) and alkalinity levels (3.0-4.0 meq/L or 8.4-11.2 dKH), and a higher pH (8.45 is ideal, but you want to keep it under 8.6).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
The tank finished cycling on December 29th, 2005. It is little over one year old. The key to the fastest coralline growth is light, proper calcium (420+ ppm) and alkalinity levels (3.0-4.0 meq/L or 8.4-11.2 dKH), and a higher pH (8.45 is ideal, but you want to keep it under 8.6).

thanks for the info


Hey bonebrake I was wondering where I should buy a master test kit? I have yet to get one since I just got it setup and I was wondering if you know of a good website or store...thanks for the help buddy!


Active Member
I would recommend Salifert ammonia test, Salifert nitrate, Salifert alkalinity test, Salifert calcium test that they sell on this site. They are a great deal right now. You will also want to purchase their digital pH meter and a refractometer. All of this stuff can be purchased here and the prices really are reasonable. Test kits and other stuff of the sort are generally twice as much or more in stores.
Do you have salt mix and a RO/DI water source?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
what happened to your yellow gorgonian...It was very beautiful in your tank.
It did add a lot of color and was a good background piece.
It was constantly getting knocked out of place by my hermit crabs; they thought it made a great jungle gym. It was only rubber-banded to a rock and was not held there tightly enough for them to be crawling all over it, so I attempted to attach it to the rock with frag glue. Well, I did it incorrectly by just sticking it in a hole and gluing all around it. For gorgonians you have to "shave" the outer layer off like tree bark before you can glue them in a hole. Well, because I did not do this, it rotted off at the base and fell out of the rock. It never completely recovered from this so I got rid of it because it made my nitrates go up to 10 ppm.
I may try another one because it was healthy and very easy to care for until I killed it, but I will only buy another that is firmly attached to a base rock.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I would recommend Salifert ammonia test, Salifert nitrate, Salifert alkalinity test, Salifert calcium test that they sell on this site. They are a great deal right now. You will also want to purchase their digital pH meter and a refractometer. All of this stuff can be purchased here and the prices really are reasonable. Test kits and other stuff of the sort are generally twice as much or more in stores.
Do you have salt mix and a RO/DI water source?
um... ro/di is exactly what? there should be a "key" for all the abbreviations. I am still lost on a few :thinking: but I am guessing this one has to do with where i get my water and when i tell you it is from my tap that is part of an ancient house you will probably yell at me so howabout you tell me where I should be getting my water from....that would be super!
I have salt mix though that I got when I purchased LR and LS and I also have a hydrometer and that is about all.
btw thanks for all the help so far!