Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I just got some goodies from
Red gorgonian, some new Ricordea florida, and an umbrella mushroom. I'll post pics whenever I get back from vacation next week.
Hey good deal hope your vaca is or did go well whenever you get this.

Bought some test kits and wanted to post the results before I forget what they were.
When you get a chance could you give me your input/ any advise based on the results?
Alkalinity = 200
Calcium= 400
ph = 8.2
Nitrate = 20
Nitrite= 0
Water temp 81
Dont think I missed anything. If I did let me know. Thanks in advance


Active Member
Your alkalinity is good, you want to keep it between 150-225 ppm; your calcium is ok, keep it between 400-450 ppm; your nitrates are borderline for concern, try to keep them as close to zero as possible, 10-20 ppm is nothing to get worried about, but if they creep over 20 you need to take action and figure out what you're doing to cause them to elevate.
Looking good Dark!


man ur tank looks awesome man. I know somewhere in this massive trend is an answer for this question but i cant seem to find it. SO here i go. This is what i got: JBJ 24 gall nano w/ two 60 x 60 mm cooling fans, (2) 36 watt combo bulbs and remote ballast, 290 GPH submersible pump. What i did find in your trend is to upgrade the pump but what else do u recommend for this nano cube to get it up and running corals. Also what kind of corals do u reccomend a begginner starting off w/. My tank as been cycled for about 3 months now w/ only 2 marrone clown fish in there and about 25 lbs of lr.


Bone brake just like to say I've enjoyed the pictures you have a beautiful tank, I will be starting my 29 bio within a week and I hope it looks similar to yours , also thanks for all the info in the thread this is an awesome forum thank you all


Active Member

Originally Posted by wpayton34
man ur tank looks awesome man. I know somewhere in this massive trend is an answer for this question but i cant seem to find it. SO here i go. This is what i got: JBJ 24 gall nano w/ two 60 x 60 mm cooling fans, (2) 36 watt combo bulbs and remote ballast, 290 GPH submersible pump. What i did find in your trend is to upgrade the pump but what else do u recommend for this nano cube to get it up and running corals. Also what kind of corals do u reccomend a begginner starting off w/. My tank as been cycled for about 3 months now w/ only 2 marrone clown fish in there and about 25 lbs of lr.
How is your temperature running? I had
to replace the stock pump because mine ran very hot and kept the tank around 86-87 *F without a heater and the ambient temperature was around 72-74 *F.
I would replace the stock pump anyway with a Maxijet 900. Other than that, you're ready to rock n' roll for corals if you know how to maintain good water parameters and you do regular water changes. Any corals I have (other than the SPS and the clam) would be fine for a beginner. Take advantage of the search function and the Archives and FAQ section of this board. There is lots of useful information.
Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by brstwv
Bonebrake just like to say I've enjoyed the pictures you have a beautiful tank, I will be starting my 29 bio within a week and I hope it looks similar to yours , also thanks for all the info in the thread this is an awesome forum thank you all

Thanks pal! Best of luck with the 29 gal. BioCube. Before you fire it up, read up on some mods for it because it is a much bigger tank and you would benefit if you have two or three pumps in it for flow; like three Maxijet 900's. My step-dad has a 29 gal. BioCube and I helped him get it up and running and the stock pump alone was just not enough flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Thanks pal! Best of luck with the 29 gal. BioCube. Before you fire it up, read up on some mods for it because it is a much bigger tank and you would benefit if you have two or three pumps in it for flow; like three Maxijet 900's. My step-dad has a 29 gal. BioCube and I helped him get it up and running and the stock pump alone was just not enough flow.
I have the bioCube 29 with pics of my pumps I have 2 and they have splitters on them see my pics if you want ideas.


Thanks guys I appreciate it , yeah perfect dark seen your pics nice tank also I'll make sure too upgrade 2 maxijet900 and splitters. Thanks again



Originally Posted by Bonebrake
How is your temperature running? I had
to replace the stock pump because mine ran very hot and kept the tank around 86-87 *F without a heater and the ambient temperature was around 72-74 *F.
I would replace the stock pump anyway with a Maxijet 900. Other than that, you're ready to rock n' roll for corals if you know how to maintain good water parameters and you do regular water changes. Any corals I have (other than the SPS and the clam) would be fine for a beginner. Take advantage of the search function and the Archives and FAQ section of this board. There is lots of useful information.
Good luck!

Ya know i did notice the tank was running kinda hot. Right now its about 89 degrees. I know thats way to hot. Will that kill the corals?? WHats a good temp to be at for the tank??


Active Member
89 *F would kill just about everything.
Definitely replace the pumps before you get started.
Your temperature really depends on what creatures you are keeping and the temperature they would experience in their natural habitat, but for a reef tank with a little bit of everything from everywhere, a temperature between 76-82 *F is a good; the key is temperature stability. What every number you decide to keep your tank it should not vary by more than one or two degrees throughout the day. Large fluctuations in temperature over a short period of time are very stressful on most corals and fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chankanaab
Just a suggestion..use a tripod. Nice tank. :joy:
You're right. I have a tripod and I am usually too lazy to get it out and set it up, but my pictures would be a lot better if I used it.


i was wondering if u used the foam in the back of the jbj 24 nano or did u get rid of that?? It just seems to build up too much crap. Also when u do your water changes how do u add the salt to keep the salinity level good?? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by wpayton34
i was wondering if u used the foam in the back of the jbj 24 nano or did u get rid of that?? It just seems to build up too much crap. Also when u do your water changes how do u add the salt to keep the salinity level good?? Thanks
I removed everything from the back chambers except for a lady's knee-high stocking filled with 4 oz. of activated carbon that I change monthly.
I change 4-5 gal. about every 14 days give or take a day or two.
I use a food scale to weigh the salt and use a refractometer to keep the specific gravity where I want it.


Active Member
All of the SPS are really growing well and coloring up! I haven't lost any since that first small frag of purple Pocillopora damicornis due to rapid tissue necrosis and likely rough handling on my part. And my derasa clam has a full quarter inch of new growth on his mantle in the three weeks that I have had him.
I think the success is that they are only four or five inches from and directly beneath a 36 watt 10,000 K power compact fluorescent and are engulfed in light for it and the reflector. My alkalinity and calcium are being maintained, but are not climbing anymore with top-off being 100% saturated limewater. Fortunately I am upgrading soon, otherwise I would need another means in addition to the limewater to maintain my calcium and alkalinity.
I'll post some progress pictures to show the growth. The buddy I got all of these frags from is flabbergasted; he thought they would live, but not do this well!