bonus ?


nother one
A father and son are driving in a car. They get in an accident and the father is killed. The boy is rushed to a hospital. When he gets their the doctor says " I cant operate on him. Hes my son" How is this?


Alright, daytime would be the OBVIOUS answer, but clearly, he ran over and killed the innocent pedestrian and then fled the scene of the crime. Just watch more CSI Miami, New York, Los Vegas, Honduras, Latvia, and Curacao, and you will see that my answer is clearly the more interesting of the two. Oh yes, and I just checked my IQ for today and it's in the high idiot range.

bang guy


Originally posted by MolaMola
In response to the other question, isn't it something like the father and son aren't related?

No, they were just from a planet without lawyers.


Oh wait, I've got it. The son is adopted and has two adopted dads and they live in The Netherlands. Or, the Father is a Priest and the Dr. is the father of the son. OR, the Father is the father of the Dr. and the Dr. is the father of the son, or they're all inbread and their family tree is straighter than a ruler.



Originally posted by fishy411
nother one
A father and son are driving in a car. They get in an accident and the father is killed. The boy is rushed to a hospital. When he gets their the doctor says " I cant operate on him. Hes my son" How is this?

The doctor is his mother


Ah yes. You see, this is why I like to call myself a "Creative problem solver," and not a legitimate, "Problem Solver." I give up. I suck. Although, the kid could still have two fathers.



Originally posted by Tizzo
If you are trapped in a white room with nothing but a mirror and a table how do you escape?? (No windows or doors)

You look in the mirror see what you saw.
You take the saw and cut the table in half.
You put those two halves together to make a (w)hole.
And you jump outa the hole...
Oh, and yes, a rainbow.


Active Member
A fishing boat is lying in the harbour. There is a rope ladder hanging over the side with its end touching the water. The rungs of the ladder are 1 metre apart and the tide is rising at 50 centimetres an hour.
At the end of 6 hours, how many of the rungs will be covered?
Still none, the boat will rise as the water rises.



Originally posted by NW2SLTFSH
The doctor is his mother

Good.I had that question on a science test bonus because my teacher likes to give lateral thinking q'S as a bonus. I put that the doctor was a liar and was just too lazy to Operate



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Does this mean it has sunk?

I don't think so because a harbour is just a body or water and it is lying IN it because the very bottom of it is IN the water... so I guess therefor it is lying partly in the hardbour(that is ON the water)..... NO?

bang guy

Moored in the harbor or anchored in the harbor or sitting in the harbor or floating in the harbor
but lying in the harbor.... still sounds like it has sunk.


What word can be added to each of these to create three new words?
i agree with bang guy,im "lying" in bed doesnt mean on top of the sheets.......only david blaine can do that:thinking:


Okay, let me attempt to stump someone.
A man is driving in his hot little two-seat sports car in the rain, when he drives by a busstop. Sitting at the busstop are, his very best friend from childhood, a little old lady trying to get to the hospital because she's dying of a heart attack, and the woman of his dreams who is eyeing him up and down. He only has room for one passenger, what does he do?


Active Member

Originally posted by MolaMola
Okay, let me attempt to stump someone.
A man is driving in his hot little two-seat sports car in the rain, when he drives by a busstop. Sitting at the busstop are, his very best friend from childhood, a little old lady trying to get to the hospital because she's dying of a heart attack, and the woman of his dreams who is eyeing him up and down. He only has room for one passenger, what does he do?

Give the car to your friend, he drives the woman to the hospital, you stay with the woman.


Active Member

Originally posted by oceanminded
You have two(2) American coins that equal thirty(30) cents but one of them is not a nickle. What are the two coins?

Quarter and a nickel. One of them isnt a nickel, it's a quarter.


WRONG! The man crashes the car into a light pole because he's too busy gawking at the woman and then his best friend calls an ambulance and they rescue the old lady and the gawker and the woman of his dreams turns out to be a man, so he wasn't interested anymore.