bored, snake pics


Active Member
Here's my only snake, took her (maybe) out tonight and we have a very pink belly so shedding shall be soon!
Tonight shot:

Couple months ago:


Staff member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ok, but keep in mind, in 5 yrs ill be leaving, im not sure but depending on growth rate a burm wont grow much more than ten ft rite? and besides, i dont plan on getting one until im about 14 or 15 when i plan to rent out a space and start a reptile resuce league (dumb i know but i gotta do something take up my time rite?)

There is nothing dumb at all about it...its something that is very much needed since so many reps get abandoned by owners who don't want them anymore. My oldest was abounded before I got him.
What I'm trying to say is that at your age, you just don't know how you may feel about things by the time you are an adult. Since these snakes can live upwards of 20-30 yrs, and grow very large, my feeling is that only an adult can make a responsible decision about making that kind of a commitment. Time, space and money is involved in keeping an animal, and more so with large exotics.

30-xtra high

Active Member
if you plan on getting burms... i suggest working at a pet store.. discounted prices so feeding will be cheaper, my friend with the retic is a manager at a pet store and pays like.. 0.50$ for a frozen rabbit that feeds the retic for 2 weeks.. thats only 12$ to feed it for a year..


Very nice, sharkboy. We got our state tax refunds in the mail a few days ago, and my fiance finally got his snake. It's a female redtail, he thinks surinam (maybe you can give your opinion when I post pics). She's only about a foot long. Very calm and friendly...she was at the pet store for a long time having all these people holding her on a daily basis, so she's very ok with being touched. I'll post pics as soon as I get my tax refund "present" (digital camera).


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
if you plan on getting burms... i suggest working at a pet store.. discounted prices so feeding will be cheaper, my friend with the retic is a manager at a pet store and pays like.. 0.50$ for a frozen rabbit that feeds the retic for 2 weeks.. thats only 12$ to feed it for a year..
dont work but volunteer and get a 25% discount


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
do your parents support this hobby?... i don't mean pay for it.. i mean do enjoy your hobby of snake keeping?..
yes they do


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
how big is your room?.. just curious..
hmm, im not sure, maybe 20x10? if i wer to get a room for a large python i would square off a section of my basement and make it nice and stuff. i really want a burm or a dwarf retic, preferably female since they tend to be more docile

30-xtra high

Active Member
20x10 is a really big room.. if i were you.. and was dedicated to this snake.. i would build a frame of half of your room.. 10x10, and make a screen wall with a door in it, and then you can put in your room, and put it in the half of the room with the heating vent.. and then you got heat down, tank down, maybe put in a plastic tub for a water bowl.. i'd say get a retic.. they don't get as big as the burm, and way cheaper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
20x10 is a really big room.. if i were you.. and was dedicated to this snake.. i would build a frame of half of your room.. 10x10, and make a screen wall with a door in it, and then you can put in your room, and put it in the half of the room with the heating vent.. and then you got heat down, tank down, maybe put in a plastic tub for a water bowl.. i'd say get a retic.. they don't get as big as the burm, and way cheaper.
while i agree w/ have that statement i have to say 1) my parents would kill me plus that would lead to less room for more snakes
2) retics hold the world record @ 33'9.37"


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
Very nice, sharkboy. We got our state tax refunds in the mail a few days ago, and my fiance finally got his snake. It's a female redtail, he thinks surinam (maybe you can give your opinion when I post pics). She's only about a foot long. Very calm and friendly...she was at the pet store for a long time having all these people holding her on a daily basis, so she's very ok with being touched. I'll post pics as soon as I get my tax refund "present" (digital camera).
ok, id love to see it
ive always been fond of surinames and peruvians

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
while i agree w/ have that statement i have to say 1) my parents would kill me plus that would lead to less room for more snakes
2) retics hold the world record @ 33'9.37"
wtf?.. never seen a retic over 18 feet..
and the record is set by a green anaconda.. i forget what it is.. its like 36'+


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
wtf?.. never seen a retic over 18 feet..
and the record is set by a green anaconda.. i forget what it is.. its like 36'+
im pretty sure the record is a retic, i know there r plenty of reports of like 64' anacondas and stuff but ive nevr seen them confirmed.... and largest girth i think is a burm, im not sure


i love reptiles too!!! yalls snakes are very parity. i have two monitors and a frilled dragon. is there any one els on here that keeps reptiles


Active Member
Originally Posted by jakob
i love reptiles too!!! yalls snakes are very parity. i have two monitors and a frilled dragon. is there any one els on here that keeps reptiles
u got a frilly? dude thats not fair. what kind of varanids u got? btw welcome to page 2!


i can find a better pic. can i post websites on here? b/c there is a web sit that you can see all my pics.