Bragging about my wife


Active Member
On a different board I had posted about how awesome my wife is with her caek making skillz. I thought it would be fine to post a link to that message board here so everyone knows the artistic skillz my wife has. Incase you havent seen it, the canopy for our tank came out spectacular and pics can be found in the new hobbiest forum in my tank build thread.
Have fun and feel free to agree with me at how amazing my wife really is.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife#post_3314032
On a different board I had posted about how awesome my wife is with her caek making skillz. I thought it would be fine to post a link to that message board here so everyone knows the artistic skillz my wife has. Incase you havent seen it, the canopy for our tank came out spectacular and pics can be found in the new hobbiest forum in my tank build thread.
Have fun and feel free to agree with me at how amazing my wife really is.

I know you are proud of your wife...I don't want to read on another site...I want a picture...however the build thread is over 150 how about a number of the post so I can go there and see it. I love what she did to the back ofthe tank and I would love to see the canopy...or just repost a picture here.. Thanks.


Active Member
Looks good. My wife does similar stuff too for all our nieces and nephews as well as selling them. A few months ago she got paid $200 to make a cake that looked like a Chanel purse for a bridal shower.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife#post_3314041

I know you are proud of your wife...I don't want to read on another site...I want a picture...however the build thread is over 150 how about a number of the post so I can go there and see it. I love what she did to the back ofthe tank and I would love to see the canopy...or just repost a picture here.. Thanks.
Well, its not a fish site if that is what you are worried about. Its a video game site. I suppose i can repost pics here, give me time.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife#post_3314054
Well, its not a fish site if that is what you are worried about. Its a video game site. I suppose i can repost pics here, give me time.

LOL...I know it was not a fish site or I would have been interested in reading...LOL...I didn't know you even meant cake...I could't figure out what she had made. I really want to see those pictures so I'm looking forward to seeing them...but don't take 45 minutes if its that hard just tell me where to look.


Active Member
Closeup of the canopy

Caek pics

We do not have pics of the spiderman caek, the Blue from blues clues caek, and one other caek.


Well-Known Member

OH how adorable! Were those cakes made for your own children? I ask because any mom that goes to that much trouble to make a child’s Birthday special is beyond just talented. I like the canopy too...the cakes outdo it...LOL So she does special things for the children and her man...No wonder you set up a post just to tell her how great she is, and it isn't even Mother's day.


Active Member
Yea, the caeks for for our 2 kids. they are in reverse order in time. top one is my daughters's 7th birthday, this past august. R2D2 was for my son's 4th birthday. Teddy Bear was for my daughter's 6th birthday. She had a party at build a bear and my wife made the caek to match. Wall-E was for my son's 3rd birthday as he fell in love with walle and we couldnt get him off the PC on disney's website full of the walle games and whatnot. The castle is my daughter's 5th birthday and the cinderella half doll, mostly caek was for my daughter's 3rd birthday I believe. It was 3rd or 4th, i am not sure.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife#post_3314081
Yea, the caeks for for our 2 kids. they are in reverse order in time. top one is my daughters's 7th birthday, this past august. R2D2 was for my son's 4th birthday. Teddy Bear was for my daughter's 6th birthday. She had a party at build a bear and my wife made the caek to match. Wall-E was for my son's 3rd birthday as he fell in love with walle and we couldnt get him off the PC on disney's website full of the walle games and whatnot. The castle is my daughter's 5th birthday and the cinderella half doll, mostly caek was for my daughter's 3rd birthday I believe. It was 3rd or 4th, i am not sure.

Give your wife a big hug, she deserves it. I made two of my children’s Wedding cakes. My son had a formal wedding, his cake was 5 foot tall, and my daughters had three tires. Taking the time to make a special cake for little kids is such an act of love...she is a special lady for sure, you have every reason to burst with pride for her.


Moderator artistic skills consist of stick figures.....BUT IN MY DEFENSE....I always ordered NICE CAKES


Well-Known Member

That basket one is really something. Now the big question is...did your wife do those cakes for her kids and family or for others?...


Active Member
Some of them were for family and friends, for free and some she got paid for. The basket one took about 4 hours and I think she charged about $80 for it. The Shea Stadium cake took about 8 hours and she charged $150. The teddy bear was for my nieces 1st bday, so that was free and I think the dolls was for a friends bridal shower, so that was a free one too. She just loves doing them and only recently started charging people as a part time gig.
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife#post_3314206

That basket one is really something. Now the big question is...did your wife do those cakes for her kids and family or for others?...


WOW! I wish I could make cakes like that.
Meowzer, I'm with you, my artistic skills involve stick figures as well!