Bragging about my wife


Dang it all, that man of mine. Sigh, now I'm gonna have to be really extra special nice to him! LOL. Just kidding of course, he's something special himself. Love him to pieces.
My mom used to do wedding cakes and specialty cakes when I was a kid. When she was done with the frosting she would give us all the tips (I'm one of 3 girls) and forsting and old bartender trays and let us pretend the tops of the trays were cakes we could decorate. She had promised to teach me but passed away before she could. I kind of just wing it and figure it out as I go. I would love to take an actual class so I could do things like flowers and get my fondant to go on smoothly. My mom always made our cakes, whatever we asked for, so I am trying to continue that tradition with my own kids. And I have fun. The Cinderella cake was for Evie's 4th birthday by the way.
This is the whole reason I am a pet groomer. It gives me a wonderful creative outlet. You wouldn't believe the fabulous things you can do in fur! The cats' stripes were actually orange, he was done a a bumblebee for a contest. I actually won 3rd place. And he is actually our cat LOL


Active Member
I prefer to call it the cat from alice in wonderland as opposed to a bumble bee. When we give Spook, thats his name cuz as a kitten he was ascared of everything, his lion cut, he looks awesome. Will have to take pics the next time its done.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife/20#post_3314752
Dang it all, that man of mine. Sigh, now I'm gonna have to be really extra special nice to him! LOL. Just kidding of course, he's something special himself. Love him to pieces.
My mom used to do wedding cakes and specialty cakes when I was a kid. When she was done with the frosting she would give us all the tips (I'm one of 3 girls) and forsting and old bartender trays and let us pretend the tops of the trays were cakes we could decorate. She had promised to teach me but passed away before she could. I kind of just wing it and figure it out as I go. I would love to take an actual class so I could do things like flowers and get my fondant to go on smoothly. My mom always made our cakes, whatever we asked for, so I am trying to continue that tradition with my own kids. And I have fun. The Cinderella cake was for Evie's 4th birthday by the way.
This is the whole reason I am a pet groomer. It gives me a wonderful creative outlet. You wouldn't believe the fabulous things you can do in fur! The cats' stripes were actually orange, he was done a a bumblebee for a contest. I actually won 3rd place. And he is actually our cat LOL

MyLady, as interesting as it looks...that is one pissed off looking kitty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife/20#post_3314904

MyLady, as interesting as it looks...that is one pissed off looking kitty.

Nope, Spook loves to be groomed. He lays there and purrs the entire time. Baths on the other hand, he is not too fond of those. Because he likes to be groomed so much, that is the reason why we put him in a lion cut every summer. His fur is long enough now, I might just ask the missus to give him the lion cut tomorrow just cuz he looks so awesome in it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife/20#post_3314905
Nope, Spook loves to be groomed. He lays there and purrs the entire time. Baths on the other hand, he is not too fond of those. Because he likes to be groomed so much, that is the reason why we put him in a lion cut every summer. His fur is long enough now, I might just ask the missus to give him the lion cut tomorrow just cuz he looks so awesome in it.

One of my all time favorite pets was a black cat we named Troll, he loved to be held like a baby. It has been nearly 15 years since he passed away and I still miss him. I know the cat isn't really angry its just the smirk on his face.


I think I was in there for my second place win at the NEPGP show last fall. I took second with my poodle. My subscription ran out so now I just read it online. I've signed up I don't know how many times to renew it, but I just never seem to get it. Do you read Groomer to Groomer? Are you a groomer perhaps? I have more of my work on my website, though it has to be majorly overhauled, you are welcome to take a peak if you feel like it!
And to be honest, Spook was majorly pissed off, but it's because he hated having to pose for the camera. He was all happy and purring away until then LOL.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife/20#post_3314982
I think I was in there for my second place win at the NEPGP show last fall. I took second with my poodle. My subscription ran out so now I just read it online. I've signed up I don't know how many times to renew it, but I just never seem to get it. Do you read Groomer to Groomer? Are you a groomer perhaps? I have more of my work on my website, though it has to be majorly overhauled, you are welcome to take a peak if you feel like it!
And to be honest, Spook was majorly pissed off, but it's because he hated having to pose for the camera. He was all happy and purring away until then LOL.
My wife and I own a dog spa here and a pet retail store across the street. I will take a look.