Bragging about my wife


Active Member
I agree that it was mean and inhumane. That is why I have my wife wash the cats. While they do clean themselves, not every cat does a good job.


I didn't watch the video, but if it's the one I am thinking of, yes it's a very cruel way to wash a cat. Believe me, the cat washing machine was posted on a few groomer sites and we all were aghast.
Anyway, many cats do not clean themselves very well. Especially the overweight ones who can't reach and the severely matted ones. Most of the cats I do get haircuts anyway. This is Benny, the largest cat EVER! LOL


Well-Known Member

Reminds me of my fat cat story...
Some years ago, after I had moved from Chicago, to Wisconsin I had brought my cat Lynx with me. He was an alley born yellow tabby kitten we had rescued. He was getting pretty fat and nothing we did seemed to work to get him down to size.
Fast forward a few months. I had some friends from the neighborhood over for a cook out. The first lady to arrive was July B…when she saw lynx she exclaims “that cat, where did you get that cat!?” I explained to her where he came from..she thought he was a stray and had been feeding him for weeks.
The next guest to arrive was Cindy C…she sees Lynx and asked me…Where did you get that cat? So I tell her…Oh she said, “I thought he was a stray, I have been feeding him for months.”
The third guest arrives…yep ..”That cat! Where did you get that cat?” all in all 4 people had been feeding Lynx..he could hardly walk, I don’t see how they thought he was hungry and needed to eat.
He lost lots of weight after that cook out..he died a ripe old age of 18, skinny like a normal kitty. Everyone in the neighborhood knew he was a mooch and refused to feed him anymore.


Active Member
Its caek time again. I have more of a stake in this cake than any other cake my wife has made. I was tasked with making the colored modeling chocolate balls. It was my job to get the colors right and in enough size to make the firugres out of them. My fingers are still stained from the coloring and I have washed them several times. Eventually they will come clean. So this time, it is my son's 5th birthday and he wanted a Mario and Luigi cake. The cake hasned even been baked yet, but the missus and I have worked on the figures that are going on top. They are all made of modeling chocolate. It started out white and I had to add color to get the colors we wanted. Here is just a tease of what we are doing.

You can see Mario not even close to being done and the color balls I had already formed. Most of the figures are done, and my favorite is the Bob-ombs. I think we are going to make a few more of them. I hope to have finished pictures by tomorrow evening or early sunday morning.


Active Member
I believe the plan is to cover the cake with fondant that has been rolled to look like bricks in the proper color. I am not sure and neither is the missus. We still have to come up with how the cake is going to look. Having the figures done is a huge step though.


Well-Known Member

You have some awesome talent yourself, those figures are not that easy to copy and they look great. I can't wait to see what you two come up with when you finish. What a lucky little boy you have.


Active Member
The caek is done and I took lots a pics. I think it is one of the most awesomest caeks the wife has made yet.

And my favorite piece that she made:


OMG that is amazing...LOL....
I have to ask....why do you spell CAKE caek ? LOL....must be on purpose cause you do it every time haha


Active Member
Caek is in homage to another board where cake is caek and pie is pai.
Steve was thrilled and couldnt leave the caek alone. We had to hold him off when carrying it out to the car. Of course it was my job to hold it the 15 miles to the party place. It certainly sux that NY has some rotten roads. Not as bad as MI, but still, pretty darn bumpy. He loved it and we got several comments from the other parents at Chucke Cheeses that the cake was great. So many thought we had it made somewhere and paid gobs of money for it. When they found out that the missus made it, they were shocked and more impressed.
And yes, it tasted great. We have about half the second layer and all of 3rd layer left. We will be eating cake for quite some time. And modeling chocolate doesnt taste like chocolate at all. It is a white chocolate in nature and didnt have a 'taste' to it at all. Just lots and lots of sugar, woo hoo!


YUMMMMMMM...I wish I was closer....LOL
You should give out her she could make some bucks doing that


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380717/bragging-about-my-wife/40#post_3374159
YUMMMMMMM...I wish I was closer....LOL
You should give out her she could make some bucks doing that
I think the dog grooming is more profitable though. LOL
She spent almost 3 days on this cake. I have no idea how much she would have charged for it. Who knows, maybe we will open a bakery since my daughter is soo into "cake boss" and "DC Cupcakes" and all those shows that she wants to do this.