Breaking News! 08.23.08 12:50am Obama chooses BIDEN!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I don't think Obama Bombs I just think McCain did much much better, you don't think obama's "above my pay grade" sidestep was pretty rediculous, he is running for president, that is in the presidential pay grade.
When I hear the $5 million number, I personally especially taken in context with the rest of the answer, wasn't to be taken as the actual number he felt as a "rich person."

Even if McCain had actually said 5 million as a serious number it would be a whole lot more credible than Obama promoting a policy that lumps everyone who makes 250 grand as rich. That's pretty stupid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
To which warren said that he gave the EXACT question about a commitment to ease adoption because it was a committment and didn't want to put them on the spot, he gave it to Obama but not McCain since the goofball was late to show up.
thats one question out of 15... and Warren acknowledged that.... and the reason why McCain was late on set is because he was being prepped... he was on the premises 30 min before the show began or something like that


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What he was saying is that basically no one agrees... even in scientific community... and that an answer on the subject is essentially an opinion. I don't think its the President's role to decide when life begins or the soul... or however you want to look at it...
The remarks about McCain have been he is shallow based on his answers... they say unless its the Iraq war... he has very little depth when it comes to these topics
I didn't see the whole debate but based on what I did see no serious person could possibly say McCain was shallow based on his answers. Quite the opposite I would say. You gotta quit listening to Keith Oberman


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Even if McCain had actually said 5 million as a serious number it would be a whole lot more credible than Obama promoting a policy that lumps everyone who makes 250 grand as rich. That's pretty stupid.
Well, remember in obama's opinion he is spelling out who he is going to tax the underwear off of. So he HAD to go low.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
thats one question out of 15... and Warren acknowledged that.... and the reason why McCain was late on set is because he was being prepped
... he was on the premises 30 min before the show began or something like that


Active Member
According to Rick Warren McCain was about 30 minutes late arriving to the event. Funny how the Obamites can't admitt his mistakes and defeats. They just make up crap to excuse his many failings.
How about McCain comming out and saying his greatest shortcoming was the failure of his first marriage and taking full responsibility for it. With Obama it is always someone else's fault. The longer this campaign goes on the more respect I have for McCain. Still not my first choice but moving up.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I can sum up that debate real good on just about every issue.
Obama "I feel this BUT I feel this also.I also feel this, and I feel this. So basically what ever you feel I feel.
McCain " I feel this, if you disagree vote for the other guy.
One aswered the questions without answering the questions. The other answered the questions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
According to Rick Warren McCain was about 30 minutes late arriving to the event. Funny how the Obamites can't admitt his mistakes and defeats. They just make up crap to excuse his many failings.
How about McCain comming out and saying his greatest shortcoming was the failure of his first marriage and taking full responsibility for it. With Obama it is always someone else's fault. The longer this campaign goes on the more respect I have for McCain. Still not my first choice but moving up.
He didn't elaborate (McCain)... he should have. I forget what Obama said but I highly doubt he blamed anyone for his mistake
And I think its the other way around... it seems at least from the various forums... there is little to any criticism of McCain... its also funny how a lot of people here thought the other candidates were much better in the GOP... and what many failings are you refering to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I didn't see the whole debate but based on what I did see no serious person could possibly say McCain was shallow based on his answers. Quite the opposite I would say. You gotta quit listening to Keith Oberman

one sentence statements to the type of questions Warren was asking shows a lack of depth. Only time McCain is on is when he is prepped on what to say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
one sentence statements to the type of questions Warren was asking shows a lack of depth. Only time McCain is on is when he is prepped on what to say.

One sentence statements that offered more clarity of though than obama could muster during the whole program. It doesn't take 30 seconds to answer the questions like "do you believe there is evil?" and "when does life begin?" Most all the answers I heard McCain give had unambigiuos answers and plenty of added thought to explain his position. Obama just danced around giving an answer in most cases

darthtang aw

Active Member
You have been asked for links stating everything you claim regarding "them". we are waiting.
The question asked was. When does a fetus gain human rights.
How hard is that to answer. McCain did answer it Obama didn't. We still don't know when a baby gets human rights in Obama's eyes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Even if McCain had actually said 5 million as a serious number it would be a whole lot more credible than Obama promoting a policy that lumps everyone who makes 250 grand as rich. That's pretty stupid.
whats the difference either way the # itself segments people. But the $5 million # shows the type of politics the GOP and McCain favor.... The same as the Bush Admin that favors the rich... People keep making the same misinformed statements that Obama is going to raise everyones taxes.... its the same game you and they always play... this is not the case... as far as employment income... most people will recieve an additional tax break under Obama... only those making over $250K will pay more in taxes... whereas under McCain/Bush plan... the rich unproportionally benefit the most and by %.
Bottomline... another 4 years of Bush/McCain... we will be even further in debt... After the last 8 years... its insane to vote for McCain and expect things to change.
Obama needs to step his game up... there is no reason for us to be as close as we are.- that's my criticism.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
whats the difference either way the # itself segments people. But the $5 million # shows the type of politics the GOP and McCain favor.... The same as the Bush Admin that favors the rich... People keep making the same misinformed statements that Obama is going to raise everyones taxes.... its the same game you and they always play... this is not the case... as far as employment income... most people will recieve an additional tax break under Obama... only those making over $250K will pay more in taxes... whereas under McCain/Bush plan... the rich unproportionally benefit the most and by %.
Bottomline... another 4 years of Bush/McCain... we will be even further in debt... After the last 8 years... its insane to vote for McCain and expect things to change.
Obama needs to step his game up... there is no reason for us to be as close as we are.- that's my criticism.
As for taxes, this is where you are missing it. He has said he would be in favor of raising capital gains taxes. And letting the Bush tax cuts expire. You can believe the party line all you want, but around 50% of americans own stock, doubling the capital gains tax will raise taxes on ME. And I make less thant 40 k a year. Letting the bush taxs cuts expire will raise taxes on ME and you know what I make. So this whole garbage oh he will only raise taxes on the rich garbage is just that garbage.
And if you want to argue who the "rich" favor. Although it is a non issue imo, the dems in congress are richer than the republicans, and they have more big donors too.
BTW the Rich still pay a disproportionate amount of taxes vs the poor. The bottom 50% of wage earners in the USA still only pay around 3% of the income taxes. So you moan and groan about the "tax cut for the rich" but they still get hosed pretty good by good ol uncle sam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
He didn't elaborate (McCain)... he should have. I forget what Obama said but I highly doubt he blamed anyone for his mistake
And I think its the other way around... it seems at least from the various forums... there is little to any criticism of McCain... its also funny how a lot of people here thought the other candidates were much better in the GOP... and what many failings are you refering to?
McCains ex wife is a private citizen, it would be inappropriate for him to release private details of that marriage.
Obama calling a unrepentant terrorist a friend, Obama allowing his daughters to be exposed to that hatefull rhetoric spewed at his church, Obama voting present on several controversial bills and then claiming he pushed the wrong button, Obama dealings with Tony Rezko and then saying he had no idea he was a crook when it was well known he was under federal investigation at the time, Obama lying about filling out the independant voter group questionaire where he stated all handguns should be banned, Obama funneling millions of federal dollars to Rezko projects, Obama funneling millions of dollars to the hospital where his wife worked and got a huge undeserved raise shortly after he was elected to the Senate.
So with McCain he got shot down, Divorced his wife (to whoem he still pays alamony) And had probably got too close with charles Keating but when asked for a direct favor shut the guy down cold (according the the Democrats that investigated him) and lets not forget, after having a lot of you dems accuse him of lying about not being involved in his wifes finances he couldn't say how many houses they own


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
McCains ex wife is a private citizen, it would be inappropriate for him to release private details of that marriage.
Obama calling a unrepentant terrorist a friend, Obama allowing his daughters to be exposed to that hatefull rhetoric spewed at his church, Obama voting present on several controversial bills and then claiming he pushed the wrong button, Obama dealings with Tony Rezko and then saying he had no idea he was a crook when it was well known he was under federal investigation at the time, Obama lying about filling out the independant voter group questionaire where he stated all handguns should be banned, Obama funneling millions of federal dollars to Rezko projects, Obama funneling millions of dollars to the hospital where his wife worked and got a huge undeserved raise shortly after he was elected to the Senate.
So with McCain he got shot down, Divorced his wife (to whoem he still pays alamony) And had probably got too close with charles Keating but when asked for a direct favor shut the guy down cold (according the the Democrats that investigated him) and lets not forget, after having a lot of you dems accuse him of lying about not being involved in his wifes finances he couldn't say how many houses they own

Besides if he ever did divorce her, she made him sign a prenup, so he WON'T be getting much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You have been asked for links stating everything you claim regarding "them". we are waiting.
The question asked was. When does a fetus gain human rights.
How hard is that to answer. McCain did answer it Obama didn't. We still don't know when a baby gets human rights in Obama's eyes.
I think it is a valid question... but one that is very debatable.. when are cells considered human life... I would have liked him to be more firm in his answer on the subject
As far as links.. I don't have time to search the internet for every comment... the statement I made about McCain is searchable... and knowing that it would be a waste of time because any source besides FoxNews is considered liberal... according to you all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think it is a valid question... but one that is very debatable.. when are cells considered human life... I would have liked him to be more firm in his answer on the subject
As far as links.. I don't have time to search the internet for every comment... the statement I made about McCain is searchable... and knowing that it would be a waste of time because any source besides FoxNews is considered liberal... according to you all.

You've used liberal think tanks, and I've seen hef's mag used (but I don't think it was you) what do you really expect. I guess this is typical. Especially since we are asking for a source (besides something like a 427 like that was supportive of the obama performance. I was asking for an opinion of the they.
Anyway, to address the they, from a UK news source which imo=liberal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
As for taxes, this is where you are missing it. He has said he would be in favor of raising capital gains taxes. And letting the Bush tax cuts expire. You can believe the party line all you want, but around 50% of americans own stock, doubling the capital gains tax will raise taxes on ME. And I make less thant 40 k a year. Letting the bush taxs cuts expire will raise taxes on ME and you know what I make. So this whole garbage oh he will only raise taxes on the rich garbage is just that garbage.
And if you want to argue who the "rich" favor. Although it is a non issue imo, the dems in congress are richer than the republicans, and they have more big donors too.
BTW the Rich still pay a disproportionate amount of taxes vs the poor. The bottom 50% of wage earners in the USA still only pay around 3% of the income taxes. So you moan and groan about the "tax cut for the rich" but they still get hosed pretty good by good ol uncle sam.
Capital Gains tax is not going to be doubled
50% of americans don't own stock
Do you hold on to stock or are you planning on selling in 4 years?
Lastly if you make 40k, you will recieve more of your taxable income back from Obama (tax break) than you would under McCain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by One/Eighth
Whos you all? Are you racist?
I refering to pro-McCain people in this thread..
oops is typical also racist?
give me a break..
Oh, wait I get it... its a joke....Tropical Thunder
