Brought Home The Bigger Setup Today!!


Active Member
is that an AGA classic oak stand and canopy?those are hard as heck to find new.I heard AGA didnt make those anymore.I have that set up in 90 gal version great peace of furnature


acrylic51: It had already been sent back once by the previous owner. I talked to them (Icecap) briefly about the situation, and I was getting the impression they wanted me to look over the rest of the setup first so that's what I'm doing. Now that the tanks's taken care of, I can concentrate on the canopy and lights. I worked on them some last night.
At the time, I thought I would have the tank going much sooner than this, and I didn't think I had the time to send it back and wait for it's return. I guess I was wrong.
In the end it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have a backup ballast, or most likely I'll sell it.
unleashed: Yes they are. I bought this system used. I'm not quite sure how old it might be. I replaced the AGA tank I got with it (non-RR) with the brand new RR version though.


Active Member
once you get this tank set up your going to fall inlove with it.I want another bigger set up but I just dont have the heart to part with this one.


Well it's been a while, but I've been pretty busy which the following posta will attest to. The tank is now up and running, and has started out very well.
I finally got the tank, stand, and sump into the house. In this picture, I was leveling the tank with about a 1/2" of water in it. I thought it was more important to have the water showing level in the tank, than by just going by a level "on top" the tank. This would neutralize all the variables accumulated by the floor, stand, and tank combined.



I put this egg crate cutout on the left side of the tank on top of six 1" long pieces of pvc. The foundation rock for this side of the tank would sit on top of this. The purpose of the egg crate / pvc legs will be to support the rock work in the instances of some tank inhabitants burrowing under the rock and potentially undermining the reef. The foundation rock on the right side of the tank will sit right on the glass bottom.


Tank full of water, with an Emperor 400 and a HOT Magum filter clearing up the "sandstorm". This took about a day.


After the tank had cleared up, the liverock was moved in. All the rock was fully cured, as it was either being tranfered from my 50 gallon tank, or from the live rock bin in the garage that had been running since July or so.
I might also add I used as much of the "old" water from the 50 gallon tank as I could. The sandbed from the 50 gallon tank was also used as the sandbed for the new fuge in the sump. This combination of established water, live rock, and live sand will all but elimiate the chance for a new cycle.



I wish I had a better camera, or was better with the one I have. The pics really don't do the corals justice.


Active Member
I did the same going from 55 to 180, cept I used FOW...never had a cycle, and didnt loose a thing. Great job! Looks fantastic!!