Bryopsis Algae

I am now going into my second week with the Marine SAT. I havent noticed anything so far either good or bad. It says it takes 2-4 i will cross my fingers. If someone needs a supplier than im me on AIM: Soccer4life94


I had struggled with this algae for over three years. I tried everything, RO, Phosphate remover, plants in the refugium, snails, tangs, nudi branches, scrubbing, cleaning, scrapping-NOTHING WORKED-Waste of $. I finally did what needed to be done all along. I completely broke down the tank, trashed the substrait, put the live rock in dark isolation-NOT TO EVER TO SEE MY TANK AGAIN-to be sold back to the pet store, put the fish and anemones in a hospital tank, threw away the refugium material (in fact got rid of the refugium all together), then nuked the tank with STRONG Clorox water. I NUKED everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Anything that comes in contact with the aquarium, the protein skimmer, the overflow, the tank under the aquarium, the tank scrubber, any and all filter material. I let it sit in the clorox water for over 24 hours. I danced in the yard as I watched any remaining strans turn yellow (DIE YOU @#$!). I went back to a wet dry system and canned the refugium. I transfered the fish and anemonies back in the tank after it cycled and I purchased some NEW live rock to help the cycling). Anything that touched the hospital tank went back into clorox water. (Anything that was put in Clorox water was thoroughly rinsed in RO water before it was used again). My tank has been back in operation for over one year now and doing GREAT! Not a trace of any hairy algae. Please understand that you are reading a post from a person that had tried EVERYTHING to kill this stuff and lost-at least by conventional methods. I spent over $1,000 on stuff to get rid of it and none, and I mean none of it worked! But please understand there is a world of difference between hairy algae and Byrosis Algae. If you have Byrosis Algae get rid of it the only way I know how and be done with it!