building a stand for 90 gal


funny...i got the same hair algae problem as you do. only 2 rocks have it, but they areliteraly covered in it :mad:
btw i just added 3 blue chromis to the 90g tank. so far they seem happy


Once you figure this hair algae thing out let me know. :notsure:
Got any pics of the blue chromis. I have 2 blue/green chromis in mine.


i've had a nasty aciden with one of the chromis. he somehow got it the overflow and managed to have his tail ripped by something. i fished him out of there, and pu an eggcrate on top of the overflow to avoid similar acidents in the past. but he was too injured for me to be able to do anything. he died within 2 hours, and now i only have 2 blue/green chromis
what a horrible way to start a tank.
on a cheerier note, i have added 2 more astrea snails, 1 blue legged and 1 ziebra hemit to the tank along with its first 2 corals. a neon green/blue mushroom and lime with orange centers zoos. both are frags from my 20G. they just about opening up.
i will be setting a QT tank this week, so i can finaly get the hippo tang and foxface i was waiting for.


im keepimng it more or less at bay b having 5 mexican turbo's. so far so good.
i also got a yellow tang today in hopes he would eat the remaining stuff. he is just beautifull!!! :joy:


My Turbos don't eat it. My Yellow Tang dont eat it. My Lawnmower blenny dont eat it. Hopefully my Phosphate sponge will help.
Got any pics of the new additions?


yeh, ill post them tonight hopefully.
my tang is SUPER. mexican turbos t5ake care of the really long and really shrt hair algae and the tang eats everything in the middle. i dont even feed him [well he actually didnt want to eat nori sheets i gave him], but he looks much fatter then when i git him.
i have also recenly finished my DIY kalk reactor.
next fish is blenny for sure...


sorry for the blue hues, i keep MHs off for now cuz of the temperature outside. i have many more additions, just cant manage to tak good enough pics of them. they are birds nest, green porciphora, blastos welsi, brown button polyps, a frag of purple diditata, and of course a yellow tang[ who refuses to eat anything except hair algae
the chromises and tang are impossible to take a pic of under actinics, so hopefuly in few weeks i can have decent enough photos to show everyone