building a stand for 90 gal



I have posted a few updates. Did you know I moved the fish on Friday night from the 29 gallon to the 75 gallon? It was a smooth transition. I have posted updated pictures on my thread. Take a look and let me know what you think.
So your almost done filling up your 90 huh? Hows the floor holding up?
Hope everything is going well with your setup. Hope to see some pics soon, once you get your camera fixed or if you borrow one.
Happy 4th to you tomorrow. I will be stuck at work unfortunately.



i managed to take a da y off [surprisingly!!!] but ill be stuck at home studying for a test.
tank is nowhere near being filled up. my kent hi-s unit is going through its mood swings and barely im contemplating an idea of maybe declorifying tap water and using that. <<<i know its not good cuz of algae and stuff, but my skimmer and later the snails should be able to work it out i hope
i have an older kind [junky 2 megapxel] somewhere so if i can find that ill be posting updates soon.
i've seen the pics from your thread and im extremely happy that everything went well with the move,
>>>now its time for corals :jumping: <<<
keep an eye on your fish as they may still be stressed from the new tank and different condtions.
btw if you are planning to add more LR i trhink now is the best time when you still dont have much in the tank. lter it will be pain in the

, to move corals and stress fish just add more rock to their home, but thats just my 2 C
overall your new tank look very healthy and happy, so off you go to a good start!


btw i receved the bse rock shipment. cant say im extaticly happy about them [some look like they were just made
], but mainly they sent me good sized pieces that have coral skeletons in them and look like they have been around for some time. i dont think i would order more though. ill try to post a pic of them later


Sorry to hear about the rock. By the way havent heard from you in a while. Hows the tank setup coming along. Do you have the tank filled up yet? Can't wait to see some more pictures once you get them.


thank is 1/2 way filled and has to stay that way until the rock [70lb of it] arrives sometime during the next 2WEEKS
... i have to drive to LI to pick up sand on friday so maybe i will fill up the fuge a bit and the sump, but i have to clear that with squidd first :D .
now that i put the BR in the tank with water it looks much better. i guess you get what you pay !
a lesson for me for the future.
still waiting for a friends camera so hopefully by the end of the weekend will have my long waited pictures.
i dont remember if i wrote anywhere that i purchased 2 SPS corals. A purple German Digitata, and a lime lemon/lime acro. i really want to post a pic of them as im not exactly sure whether they are doing great/good/average/ or really about to die. i really never had any experience with SPS, and decided to try them out.


here are all the corals i have recieved for free at some point of time or another... some of them were almost dead, some still are almost dead, many came back to full beauty and glory
im gonna try to name all og them as closely as possible.
1 blue striped mushroom
1 large purple mushroom
about 50 red mushrooms
1"blue cap coral
about 20 heads of mint candy cane
5"encrusting digi i believe with neon hint so far [getting a little better]
neon green anthelia [originaly had 4 polyps]
GSP [3"]
5 polyps of bright neon zoos[not picuted here]
20 or so snake polyps
orn with green eye zoos
i think thats it



and finaly a short update on my tank. below is a pic of it with water, rock, and sand. i have a small overflow problem so i might have to wait before starting up the whole system. my overflow is leaking into the sump even though i have restricted all the flow. i gottafigure out where it is coming from and how dangerous it is



I want free corals.

Anyway - your setup is coming along nice. Hope you get the leak figured out. By the way what kind of lighting you gonna have on the 90? Perhaps you told me a while back but I forget.


the leaking is becoming a major problem. its now leaking out the pipe onto the floor of the stand... i hope i get through this...
im going to have a dual 400w MH and dual 110w VHo actinics [hopefully if i can foigure out the wiring for the VHOs]


I love my fluval for just that reason. Nothing leaking. You'll get thru this and it will be one hell of a setup. Good luck with the wiring, thats not my thing either


ait took the overflow out...tightened the far no leaking...will test more on friday.
already attached 4 fans to my canopy...ready to wire those nasty
i need an 18 gauge wires...<<<can anyone tell me how they look or maybe show a pic???>>>>


Originally Posted by annanymous
:jumping: ammonia is 1.5 today,
cant wait!!!!!

So its filled up and nothing is leaking and your cycling your tank without letting us know?
Do share some pics of your setup I wanna see that 90 filled up.


i had a bit of a problem yesterday...
when i was putting last touches of silicone in my sump [cuz marine goop sucks] i acidently pushed and cracked my fuge tank [at the point of attachment of the buulkhead] and had to take my stand 1/2 apart in order to take out the cracked tank.
ill post some pics
so i had to take all the water out and spill it into the drain cuz not enough buckets. moved all the rocks to the MT
btw i got my order of LR, which accidently [due to UPS's lameness] stayed on the boiling truck for 7 days, so i got dried rocks, thats smelled horribly and had no coraline [wont even mention any life on it]
so i went to Lowes ASAP, got aplastic container that has a bit more area, but is shorter [which is good for me], its rated for 90.8 L [still have to figure out how many gallons] but it fits in perfectly, and is only $12, compared to $75 that i had to pay for the drilled 30g glass tank.
anyway, everything is ok now, the sand, rock ,and water [or whats left of it] are back in the fuge [plastic this time] and im ready to fill it up again.
cycle started on its own. i didnt want to have it just yet, but i tested for ammonia and it was 1.5. i guess the dried up "LR" that put in there 4 days ago kicked off the cycle. today ammonia was 0.5, so i guess the cycle is progressing nicely. the sump and fuge are not hooked up yet so its only the MT cycling, thats y i wanted to hold off the cycle till i get everythign connected.
oh well
pictures to follow shortly


here are the promised pictures
one of the pics is the dusk/dawn affect i can make with my MH lights...looks cooler in real life



That really sucks about your rock and the sump. where did you purchase your LR from? Was it suppose to be 2 day but they kept it 7. If so you should submit a claim to UPS to make them pay for it dying. Good luck with everything - I bet your about ready to be done with it huh.


Active Member
hey djultra, any chance you have plans for yours...i have a 90 gallon and still need to build a new canopy, my stand is fine....thanks


tiny update..still no pics

i am currently working on a cabinet/bokshelf that will house my sump and fresh watetr for topoff tank. i should be done by the wekend and hopefully will have time to make an hours drive to the digital camera repair place in order to get my camera fixed.
the tank is almost done cycling [and cuz i keep moving rocks from one tank to another and back and forth
more to come later