building a stand for 90 gal


Originally Posted by annanymous
tiny update..still no pics

i am currently working on a cabinet/bokshelf that will house my sump and fresh watetr for topoff tank. i should be done by the wekend and hopefully will have time to make an hours drive to the digital camera repair place in order to get my camera fixed.
the tank is almost done cycling [and cuz i keep moving rocks from one tank to another and back and forth
more to come later


I give you direction. Take 75 down to Naples and cut accross going East. If your looking for a woman let this lead you in the right direction "Miami". I'm sure you will find some girls here. Just don't search on ""


done with the cbinet. basicly done plumbing more stuff, and the sumop is already in its permanent [hopefully] place. filling it up with water and getting ready to fire the whole thing up. plzzzzzzz cross your fingers that my floor should stay dry tonite [im very scared]

no pictures for now, im picking up my camera from the repair center next week. ill bombard you with pictures, you just wait

btw i got a sea hare in my 20g L, and my smallest fish [clown] has dissapeared


I'm sure the floor will be just fine.
Sorry to hear about your clown just dissappearing like that. He's not on the floor anywhere or stuck in a rock is he? Where did you get the sea hare. I heard they are good for hair algae? If so maybe I can borrow him when your done. hehe
Cant wait to see some pics
My newest update is that I got a lawnmower blenny. Doing good


i really want that fish. i've heard he doesnt even add any significant bioload to the system. :happyfish
im thinking of starting p the sump wish me good luck. im not scared about the floor falling through anymore, but i am scared taht something unexpercted will start leaking again. soething that i can not just fix easily [like my overflows] :scared:
well im off to do what i have to do, no matter what the consoquemnses are :cheer:


Yeah the blenny is awesome. Good luck and I hope it doesnt leak.


okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...............picture time
[mind they are still crappy looking ,2 megapixels are just not enough :mad: ]
this is my newly made add-on to the stand. it hides my top-off water "tank" and my sump, along with my future kalk reactor.



Things seem to be coming along great. Now your not scared to fill that thing up are you? h*
When can you add fish? Is anything else leaking?


breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!
MT and sump are working well, fuge still needs one connector i will leave for the weekend. CL system i will make when i will be ready for SPS, for now [the softies that i will have for now] i have more then enough flow.
i have pics, i just havent uploaed them yet


im hoping to be able to get 6 green/blue chromis by the end of the weekend, but i think its better not to rush and take things slowly. if i can, i might move my mean litle devil damsel to the 90g.


picture time.
little update.
pH 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
Alk 3 meg/l
i put in the first inhabitant of the tank. an astrea snail



the most amazing thing happened in my 20g L. a mushroom split in front of my eyes. well not literaly, i only noticed when it almost finished splitting, but i still got some crappy shots of it
and a shot of my tiger sea hare
excuse the colors in the pic. this was taken after lights out witha crappy flash



Awesome pics - Thanks for sharing
Whats something I can use to control hair algae? Any good media you would recommend for my fluval?


phosphate removal pads i think are pretty good. try a few maxican snails [those huge astrea snails]. i think thats all i know so far


I have tried a poly filter but it didnt work too much. I have a few Turbo (Mexican) snails but they aren't doing crap for my tank. haha


well the snails will eat it if you trim it to managebale size for them [make it very short, so they can graze on "roots of it"]
plus the yellow tang should be picking some of that stuff up, try feediung him less and see if he eats any of it too.
tackle the cause, not the problem. try to use only ro/di water, and dont put any chemicals in for a week or two. also try to keep your lights on for less hours, or if at all possuible turn them off for a day or two. your fish and corals will be just fine. tryst me.
also how old are the bulbs in the light fixture.
there are a few things that cause hair algae, all of them are fixable, you just gotta find the cause of the algae.
UPDATE... the snail is still alive and enjoying himself. went already twice from one side of the tank to the other in 2 days!!! :joy:


Originally Posted by annanymous
well the snails will eat it if you trim it to managebale size for them [make it very short, so they can graze on "roots of it"]
plus the yellow tang should be picking some of that stuff up, try feediung him less and see if he eats any of it too.
tackle the cause, not the problem. try to use only ro/di water, and dont put any chemicals in for a week or two. also try to keep your lights on for less hours, or if at all possuible turn them off for a day or two. your fish and corals will be just fine. tryst me.
also how old are the bulbs in the light fixture.
there are a few things that cause hair algae, all of them are fixable, you just gotta find the cause of the algae.
UPDATE... the snail is still alive and enjoying himself. went already twice from one side of the tank to the other in 2 days!!! :joy:

The Tang is picking at it every once in a while but he's not putting a dent in it. I only use RO water for water changes. I think the thing I need to do is limit the amount of hours the lights are on for. They are on from 830 to 2030. The bulbs are brand new as of 2 months ago.
The hair algae is mainly on 2 rocks. The fake coral where the chromis sleep and one other rock. I suppose I could take them out and scrub them clean and see what happens. Basically they came from my old 29 gallon which had hair algae.
Thanks for the reply. Good to hear the snail is doing well also.