building a stand for 90 gal



Originally Posted by annanymous
i will be posting pics as soon as i'll take 'em.
Woohoo - Cant wait


Stand looks good, canopy looks good...but man......
we gotta talk about those walls!!!!!!
WHERE is the color????????


Originally Posted by woodymdt
Stand looks good, canopy looks good...but man......
we gotta talk about those walls!!!!!!
WHERE is the color????????
What walls?
I find white walls umm clean
Nothing wrong with your walls - they look the same as mine.


plumbing is really hard!!!
im really mixed up about what im doing, but hopefully it will al be over soon and i can sit back and enjoy my tank...skimmer coming wensday, base rock coming in this thursday.


Originally Posted by annanymous
plumbing is really hard!!!
im really mixed up about what im doing, but hopefully it will al be over soon and i can sit back and enjoy my tank...skimmer coming wensday, base rock coming in this thursday.

Let us know what you are having problems with and maybe we can help.


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
ill take you up on the offer....
3/4" bulkhead came in normal [slip on inside], 1" bulkgead has screw in inside and i have no idea how to go about it. the same goes for the under the tank, 3/4" has a slip in, but the 1" bulkhead has those lines like a screw does....
don't lagh at my less then a novice at plumbing.
also for my overlfow, i have a center brace on the tank and dot know how to make my overflow stay put cuz its on the centerbrace [no i dont want to remove the center brace either...]
more questions coming soon......................................... :help:


Looking really good. Sorry I can't help you on the plumbing part.


you are referring to the pump itself that is in the above photo. In my sump I have my overflow drain and skimmer on one side of the sump and then my return pump is on the other side with a tank divider/screen and live rock piled up to help with biological filtration and micro bubbles


ill have to try that idea...sounds doable :jumping:
now what paintr should i use inside my going to have reflective matirial also, but i dont wnat any water seeping into the wood


ok everything is here [almost, BR coming in tommorow] so now i should start adding water to the MT, and maybe some sand already.. i should be done with this befre July 4th. :cheer:
im including a few of my fav. pics [just for fun]
p.s. the last pic is of the hammer when i first got it...



1st 5g of RO/DI water are in. when i get back from work, ill have another 5g waiting for me, :joy: , hopefuly
this will take longer then i thought


1/3 of the tank is filled up, substrate in place and 60 lb of base rock are already in the tank.
lately i have notied my RO/DI unit keeps getting slower and slower. i only had it for a bout 1/2 a year. in the beginning it only took it about 11 1/2 hrs to fill up the bucket, not it goes on for MORE THEN 4 HRS!!!! :mad:
i dont know whats wrong with it. any input???? :notsure:
i have also purchased [on a whim i must admit] a bright yellow acro and a purple German Digitata. the guy at the new LFS also gave me a metalic striped mushroom, blue mushroom, and gigantic purple pimly mushroom, plus a 2" long GSP for free. the whole thing costed me like $90 for the SPS + freebies :jumping:
i broke my digi camera so no more pics for now. maybe i can borow from a friend

p.s. can't wait for more of nluchau's updates [ :D sorry if misspeled your name]


Originally Posted by annanymous
1/3 of the tank is filled up, substrate in place and 60 lb of base rock are already in the tank.
lately i have notied my RO/DI unit keeps getting slower and slower. i only had it for a bout 1/2 a year. in the beginning it only took it about 11 1/2 hrs to fill up the bucket, not it goes on for MORE THEN 4 HRS!!!! :mad:
i dont know whats wrong with it. any input???? :notsure:
Did you check your cartridges you may have to change them. Is the unit hooked to the same water supply, if not you may have different water pressure where you have it hooked to now.


i connect it to the spout in the bathroom. im no plumber to connect it directly to the water pipes system lol. i have it in the same spot from the beginning, maybe it is time to change those things, ill have to check which ones i need. i used to love this unit. its a kent 4 stage RO/DI maxxima hi-S 35 gpd. worked like a charm before.