Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank


Active Member
I'd get the nitrates down first. Fish waste produces nitrates as it breaks down (you're familiar with the nitrogen cycle, yes?), so adding fish will increase nitrates. Bring you nitrates down first.


I am familiar with it. I have been noticing a lot of my turbo snails dying. Will that increase the nitrate levels? I wish I new why they were dying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by benztech858 http:///forum/thread/383277/building-my-150-gallon-u-shaped-room-divider-tank/120#post_3389544
I am familiar with it. I have been noticing a lot of my turbo snails dying. Will that increase the nitrate levels? I wish I new why they were dying.
How did you acclimate the snails? Snails need a very slow drip acclimation, because they are very sensitive to changes in salinity. It can take weeks for them to die though. However, in your case I don't think this is why they are dying. In my experience some snails will live for some time (I've had a turbo snail for three years), and others die withing a few months of being introduced.
You have some shrimp in the tank, yes? And nassarius snail? These guys should eat any dead organisms in the tank, so that way they don't just rot.


Ok, some of the snails have lasted. I need to acclimate them for a longer time, I think I only acclimated them for 1 hour. I need to get a couple shrimps.


Active Member
I normally acclimate my snails for 2.5-3 hours.
Shrimp are fun to watch, and great scavengers.
I think some pictures are needed.


Yeah, well I guess I need to start acclimating them for a longer period of time. I would like to buy some peppermint shrimp. I was thinking about ordering them from
On the other hand, I did a water change this weekend and measured the nitrates afterwards, golden!
I acclimated the fish and they are doing great.


Sorry for being MIA. I have some serious updates since my last post. I now have 6 fish, yellow tang, blue hippo, 2 false perculas, midas blenny, 6 line wrasse. I also have 10 zoanthids, 2 hammer corals, and now one anemone.



My fish are doing great. My anemone is finally hosting my clownfish, what an awesome moment. Now that I have my anemone in the tank I am running my metal halide lights all day. I am noticing the temperature in the tank is between 82 and 84 degrees. I have also noticed some of my zoanthids are curling up. Is this because of the light heating up the water temperature? Should I move the light higher above the aquarium? What is a recommended height above the top. Currently, the light is 6" above the tank.


Unfortunately, I have called it quits. Between the algae problem, pump going out, and neighbors complaining about the tank I had to shut it down.


I'm sorry to hear that....If you don't mind me asking....what could your neighbors have to compain about????