Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank


I have been having difficulties uploading pictures so I haven't posted any updates.
I introduced snails, hermit crabs, and mithrax crabs last weekend.
I introduced 2 false percula clownfish yesterday.



Active Member
Looks like everything is coming together nicely!

Just so you you are aware, a quarantine tank may make the overall success of your tank (well, the fish in it) much better. A QT is inexpensive compared to the system as a whole, and will go a long way toward making sure your fish stay healthy and live as long as they can.

eric b 125

good stuff man! check out a tunze osmolator for an ATO. i love mine


Thanks for the information. I am seriously considering a QT tank. I am also in need of an ATO system. I just need to find room to put the extra resevoir


Active Member
Yes, a QT is an essential piece of equipment IMO.
What kind of ATO system did you or are you getting?


Active Member
the tunze osmolator is an amazing unit. having purchased an RKL that comes with an ATO, i will continue to use my tunze for ato because it just cant be beat


I just ordered the Tunze osmolator Auto Top-off system. I haven't decided on a QT tank yet because I need to find some room. Any suggestions on size? I would prefer to get an all-in-one contained unit? I have noticed that my clownfish pair have been hanging out in one corner, is this normal when first introduced? I only have my return pump adding flow to the tank because it seems like they are too small to fight the strong current.


Active Member
Clownfish aren't big swimmers, they find their spot in the tank and stay there. In their natural habitat they of course host an anemone, so they don't move around much. So their behavior is completely normal.
I have a ten gallon QT, but I'd go with a 20 or 30, especially if you plan on keeping tangs. I wish I had gone with a 20. A ten can be a challenge to maintain water quality, which is very important in a QT. All you need is a HOB filter, heater, and light. Nothing fancy. I have some PVC fittings in mine to provide shelter for the fish.


Awesome, thanks for the advice. I just purchased a small hippo tang from the LFS.
I do have a question about my return pump. It seems like the return pump is pumping the water faster then the water can get back to the pump. The pump sits in the last chamber of the sump. I just purchased a tunze auto to-off but haven't received it yet. We will see how that goes but I don't want to be adding too much water if the pump is too strong.


Active Member
How strong is the pump? You want your overflows to be able to handle more water than your pump can pump (for obvious reasons). Is it spitting out bubbles? Try adding some freshwater (RO/DI), my guess is the sump level is just getting low. With a sump system the water level dropping due to evaporation only occurs in the return chamber, so add some freshwater (not too much at a time, small increments) and see what happens.


That is what I have been doing but it seems like in a day or so I am having to add more. It was suggested to me to install a ball valve after the return pump to control it. Plus it doesn't help that I can't seem to dial in my Sump Buddy 40 protein skimmer.


Active Member
How warm is you house?
Right now my house is around 60 degrees where my tank is. I replace about 5 gallons of water every week, and I just have a 55 gallon. Your 150 will have much more evaporation than that (more surface area). It's amazing how much water evaporates.
When you add freshwater, does the water in the return chamber or DT rise?
How many gph is the pump?


Ok, so I just got home and my pump is running dry. Here's what I think is happening... I have been adjusting my protein skimmer to try and dial it in. After I dial it in it takes about 2 hours and then the level in the skimmer skyrockets and starts dumping out water. When this happens I think it is starving the return pump chamber of water causing it to lower and the pump run dry. I wonder if I should re-configure my protein skimmer or put the pump in a different chamber. I will post pictures...


Active Member
Your skimmer and pump are in the same chamber? If so, move the skimmer. It needs to be in a chamber with a baffle after it that controls water level. Skimmers need a consistent water level, or else they have all kinds of issues. That's probably the issue you are having with your skimmer.
Also, remember with skimmers, littler adjustments. Small adjustment, wait 24 hours. Small adjustment, wait 24 hours.


No, my skimmer and return pump are not in the same chamber. I moved somethings around last night and so far it seems to be better. I definetly need a QT tank, my hippo is acting wierd. The problem is I don't have a stand or anything to put it on. My LFS is selling a Sea Max 130 and was thinking about purchasing that. It's all-in-one kit. Any suggestions, I am not sure if I want to spend that much money.


Active Member
Okay, good. What kind of skimmer do you have?
As for the QT, if your tang is acting weird (what does weird mean), I'd start preparing to quarantine all three fish if necessary. How big is the tang?
If I were you, I'd get a simple 30 gallon tank (maybe a 40 long would be nice if you want), a heater, and a good HOB filter and get it set up ASAP. A QT needs to cycle just like you DT did, so it needs some time. I'd recommend quarantining every fish you get from this point forward for a few weeks to make sure it is healthy and is eating well.
Hopefully you haven't introduced any parasites into the tank, but I'd get a QT set up ASAP just in case.


Active Member
I use an Aqueon 20 in my ten gallon. I just got it a month ago, but it seems like a good filter. I like the way water flows through it, as it has to go through the filter media. I also like that the pump is in the tank, pushing water instead of pulling it. That way power outages don't effect it.
How are you fish doing?


Active Member
Hmm, I'm not sure.
Have you set up a QT yet? If your tang does have ich, the clowns do too, and you'll need to quarantine both and let the tank be fish less for a good six to eight weeks.. Might be a good idea to anyway.
However, your QT needs to be cycled.