Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

frenchy in ny

New Member
Hello, i'm new on this site but very nice set up. I've been looking at similar room divider tank (to upgrade my current 80gallons reef tank) and i was wondering where did you buy it ? Looks like some nice tank i've seen on line from but not really sure (and would be interested if anybody would have some experience with this site ). And would be interested by your experience with it in term of how convenient is built the canopy & accessto below the tank from the side ....
Again nice set up and looking foward seeing the next steps

eric b 125

Originally Posted by benztech858 http:///forum/thread/383277/building-my-150-gallon-u-shaped-room-divider-tank/60#post_3367485
I'm not too sure what you are referring to. I would have to say no?
when you turn the return pump off does the tank drain more water than the sump can hold? a lot of people drill a small hole in their return plumbing, right under the water line when the pump is running, so that when there is a power outage the hole allows air in to break the gravity-fed siphon that will happen to avoid flooding their sumps.


Active Member
About a month in a half ago I saw this tank and liked it. You my friend are way more patient than I. I would have had this monster up and running the first day. I applaud your patients and your wanting to do it right the first time!! Def. following now.


If I unplug the return pump the sump will not overflow. I have noticed a couple new things the last few days. It seems like the water is not flowing through all the Bio Balls fast enough. After about 3 days the water level in the pump chamber gets pretty low and I have to add more water. Is it possible the water is just evaporating and I need to add more. I also have a sponge between the protein skimmer chamber and the pump chamber. It also seems to be restricting flow into the return pump chamber. Any thoughts? I was thinking about taking some of the Bio Balls out of the
chamber, would this be ok?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by benztech858 http:///forum/thread/383277/building-my-150-gallon-u-shaped-room-divider-tank/60#post_3368163
If I unplug the return pump the sump will not overflow. I have noticed a couple new things the last few days. It seems like the water is not flowing through all the Bio Balls fast enough. After about 3 days the water level in the pump chamber gets pretty low and I have to add more water. Is it possible the water is just evaporating and I need to add more. I also have a sponge between the protein skimmer chamber and the pump chamber. It also seems to be restricting flow into the return pump chamber. Any thoughts? I was thinking about taking some of the Bio Balls out of the
chamber, would this be ok?
What is happening to make you think that the water flow through the bio media section is too slow? The water level drop in the return section is normal on any sump or wet/dry filter system. That is where you will see all of the effects of evaporation. You will have to do regular top offs with freshwater to combat this. The more you let it drop, the higher the salinity levels will rise since the water eveporates but the salt does not.
If the sponge is causing a problem then try a larger particle sponge or another material such as filter floss. Make sure you're cleaning the sponge on a regular basis. Or if it's floss, replace it on a regular basis. Don't let it get real nasty before you do anything with it.


Awesome, thank you for the advice. I am going to clean out both sponges and try it again. I think that is the problem because it was working fine
for the first 2 weeks or so


Active Member
personally I hate the bioballs, I have them in mine but I am researching and hopefully replace with LR. My wet dry trickles like yours but I only top off 2 times a week. The sponge may be the problem like what 2Quills said. clean out the sponge in your overflow box too. Mine gets clogged with left over food as well as the sponge in my wet/dry. Just a thought


I cleaned the sponge out yesterday and today it started clogging again. Do you think I really need it anyways? Maybe I should find a larger micron sponge?


Well-Known Member
The sponge that is leading to the return chamber after the bio balls you could do without. Unless you're having an issue with micro bubbles from the skimmer making their way to the pump then I would just get rid of it. You already have mechanical filtration where the drain water comes into the bio ball section right?


Active Member
I agree with 2Quills. You don't need the bioballs or sponge. Your live rock will provide plenty of biological filtration.
Also, you should look into an auto topoff unit. They make life much easier.
Looking good so far though! You seem to be taking your time and doing things right.


Active Member
I keep my sponge in my wet/dry to hold down my chempure elite. Lol i know....... opened that right up huh?


So far without the sponge everything is looking good, no problems. This evening, however, I noticed a bunch of really small white little bugs on the inside of the tank. They are only on one side of the tank which is weird. Should I be concerned or is this a good thing?


Well-Known Member
The bugs are no doubt probably copepods. Free fish food. And part of the clean up crew. No worries. Do you see them on the glass?


Active Member
Originally Posted by benztech858 http:///forum/thread/383277/building-my-150-gallon-u-shaped-room-divider-tank/60#post_3368892
yannifish, what do you recommend for an auto top-off system?
Well, I personally have a gravity fed one, where a 4 gallon tank sits in about three inches of water, and there is an opening in the bottom (it is air tight on top). When the water level drops below this opening, it allows some air in, releasing some water. Imagine holding a pop bottle filled with water upside down so the top is just under water, it works kind of like that. Moving the unit up and down controls the water level in the return chamber. A pipe connects the ATO to the return chamber. However, I wish I had the type where you have a separate fresh water reservoir, with a dosing type pump between the return chamber and the reservoir. A float valve turns the pump on and off as the water level in the return chamber drops.
Just remember always to top off with fresh water, not salt, as the salt does not evaporate. Also, talk to other people about their ATO systems.