Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank


Well-Known Member

LOL...It isn't just YOUR husband..I would do that to Dan all the time. That's how we got the big screen plasma TV. Dan would have liked you.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/680#post_3341966
Originally Posted by Flower

LOL...It isn't just YOUR husband..I would do that to Dan all the time. That's how we got the big screen plasma TV. Dan would have liked you.
Who you talking to?
I was answering MyLady but further up in the thread...I didn't realize the quote didn't appear...half the time my post are just gone. Sorry.
As far as your advice..I totally agree.


Active Member
notice how she didnt post that she spent $120 on xmas gifts of worthless hand cream? yea, thats only 3 sets of the cream and it turns out she gave 2 away and kept one for herself. $40 for hand cream is a little rediculous aint it?!


Active Member
everyting is looking fine. I have some serious maintenance I need to do tomorrow so I will be taking some pics, if i remember, tomorrow.


YEAH...I need to play catch up too....LOL...I did w/c's on the 10G, 29G and the 54G yesterday......the 225G will be this coming weekend


Oh Flower, no worries. I know I can sound like I'm feeling all harsh, but I'm really not. I opened the door really, no biggie. I am totally stressing over money right now which is one of the reasons for my rant. My current work vehicle is about to die and my new one isn't ready and there are all sorts of things wrong with the new one, but that isn't fish related.
And for the record, I did not spend $120 on 3 things of hand cream. It was 3 nail care sets and then 2 separate different skin treatment things and I apologized to hubby as soon as I came in. I am not good with high pressure sales people and felt really intimidated into buying the stuff. I even asked if hubby would return it for me. I am a total push over in those kinds of situations and I was so embarrassed to have to tell him when I came home. I felt awful. I kept saying no and the guy just wouldn't let me leave, not without me being incredibly rude about it. It was some salt scrub stuff from the dead sea and that kind of thing. Yes, I am a wuss and freely admit it.
I think hubby mentioned we found the peppermint shrimp. He just appeared out of thin air one day and now stays in view. It was the weirdest thing. My in-laws saw the tank for the first time and didn't know we had gotten it. My MIL seemed quite intrigued by it after her inital shock. I found her looking quite intently at it several times. She didn't realize it was salt water at first either. She asked lots of questions about it so I think she enjoyed it. And the fighting conch snail who had never climbed the glass before was about 6 inches up the glass last night>
I did buy him moonlights for his tank. I know it wasn't the kind he really wanted, but he's hooking them up now and i guess I will find out if he likes them. I bought him an algea clip and algea strips as a stocking stuffer and then came home the day before Christmas to find he'd bought himself that, LOL. Oh well, now he has two clips and an extra thing of algea strips.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/680#post_3342460
Oh Flower, no worries. I know I can sound like I'm feeling all harsh, but I'm really not. I opened the door really, no biggie. I am totally stressing over money right now which is one of the reasons for my rant. My current work vehicle is about to die and my new one isn't ready and there are all sorts of things wrong with the new one, but that isn't fish related.
And for the record, I did not spend $120 on 3 things of hand cream. It was 3 nail care sets and then 2 separate different skin treatment things and I apologized to hubby as soon as I came in. I am not good with high pressure sales people and felt really intimidated into buying the stuff. I even asked if hubby would return it for me. I am a total push over in those kinds of situations and I was so embarrassed to have to tell him when I came home. I felt awful. I kept saying no and the guy just wouldn't let me leave, not without me being incredibly rude about it. It was some salt scrub stuff from the dead sea and that kind of thing. Yes, I am a wuss and freely admit it.
I think hubby mentioned we found the peppermint shrimp. He just appeared out of thin air one day and now stays in view. It was the weirdest thing. My in-laws saw the tank for the first time and didn't know we had gotten it. My MIL seemed quite intrigued by it after her inital shock. I found her looking quite intently at it several times. She didn't realize it was salt water at first either. She asked lots of questions about it so I think she enjoyed it. And the fighting conch snail who had never climbed the glass before was about 6 inches up the glass last night>
I did buy him moonlights for his tank. I know it wasn't the kind he really wanted, but he's hooking them up now and i guess I will find out if he likes them. I bought him an algea clip and algea strips as a stocking stuffer and then came home the day before Christmas to find he'd bought himself that, LOL. Oh well, now he has two clips and an extra thing of algea strips.
I know the feeling about sales people at times....Sometimes the best thing is just to be rude......


Active Member
so here are the pics I promised earlier.
Full tank shot with new additions

full tank shot with the new moon lights on. The moon lights are the LED/bubble wand from Marineland without the bubbles or the airstone/rubber. It makes all the green mouths look like they are glowing in the dark and for a while, none of the corals wanted to close up when the lights went off. Is it possible that they are too bright?

Time to compare the leather coral. is it healthy or has it gotten worse?
Notice how it has lost all of its color which makes me think this is bad. But all the polyps are out and this makes me think its good. Not sure what to think, and my wife is taking it back tomorrow i believe.
My daughter took this shot of the dragon eye. They look to be doing better higher up in the tank.


Active Member
I am sorry for not remembering what lighting you have over this tank and am not going back through the thread to find out. The leather looks fine, bleached out but fine. Could have bleached because of a change in lighting or proximity to lighting. I would not take that back. This is a very hardy coral and adaptable to many lighting sources. Just make sure it has some good flow over it as they do shed from time to time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/680#post_3342686
I am sorry for not remembering what lighting you have over this tank and am not going back through the thread to find out. The leather looks fine, bleached out but fine. Could have bleached because of a change in lighting or proximity to lighting. I would not take that back. This is a very hardy coral and adaptable to many lighting sources. Just make sure it has some good flow over it as they do shed from time to time.
the lighting is a WavePoint 24" retro kit Includes two 24 Watt Sun Wave (12K) Lamps and two 24 Watt Blue Wave (460nm Super Actinic) T5 HO Fluorescent Lamps. My wife insists on taking it back as she does not want it in the tank. I have a feeling that the LFS might give her some grief for bringing it back, but its her decision.
Was talking with the missus last night about the lighting and I was curious about changing out one of the blue bulbs for something else. Any suggestions as to what to replace that bulb with?


Active Member
Doesn't seem to be much in the way of 22" T% bulbs out there except the wave point, or am I missing something?
Edited to 22"


Well-Known Member
Personally I like the look of 420nm bulbs over the 460's. 420's peak just a bit more in the photosinthetic range as well. The color is a little more violet but it really makes the flourescents pop when just those ones are on. My neon green finger coral, orange eyes on the zoas, open brain and the tips on my frogspawn seem to glow really well under them. I'm sure once I can get some blue LED's on there it will make them pop even more.
What is it that you're after just more color or more growth? The ATI bulbs are pretty nice, they have a little bit more output because of the internal reflectors. Some people like to throw in like a Fiji Pink or Fiji Purple bulb to help bring out reds in the tank.


Active Member
the wife has to have blue. when i took back the leather to the LFS, under thier lights it looked blue so I know its our lights that are the issue. I was thinking about taking out a 420 and putting in a 460. would that help?
I did all the tank maintenance today and I think i POed the xenia as its not open and looks like it would if the lights were off. Going to have to wait til tomorrow to see what happens. the good news is I got all of the green bubble algea off the rocks and didnt pop any of them in the DT. I might have a break out of them in the QT, but that is easier to break down and clean.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/680#post_3342861
the wife has to have blue. when i took back the leather to the LFS, under thier lights it looked blue so I know its our lights that are the issue. I was thinking about taking out a 420 and putting in a 460. would that help?
I did all the tank maintenance today and I think i POed the xenia as its not open and looks like it would if the lights were off. Going to have to wait til tomorrow to see what happens. the good news is I got all of the green bubble algea off the rocks and didnt pop any of them in the DT. I might have a break out of them in the QT, but that is easier to break down and clean.
Appoligies, I thought you said you had 460's. But yeah I like the 420 look better. What type of lighting was the coral under when it was at the fish store? I'm going to take a wild stab and guess that it was maybe metal halide? If not then I'm wondering if it's an issue of the lights just not putting out enough par at the depth that the corals are in your tank. I picked up a blue colt coral a few weeks ago and it doesn't look quite a blue as it did at the fish store. It's more like a drab color durring the day and then under the actinics it's kind of purple'ish looking. But the fish store has 20K radium bulbs over their tanks.
That's good news about your bubble algea...I had picked up a rock with some xenia on it not long ago as well. Problem was it had green bubble algae on it. The turbo snail made short work of it in just a couple of weeks and none of it has spread anywhere else. And then my halloween crab killed the snail about a couple of days ago so that he could steal his shell. Not too broken hearted about it though, the turbo snail was huge and liked to knock stuff over. He served his purpose I guess.


Well-Known Member

Just my 2 cents...
There are other reasons why a coral will look more blue in one tank than another. Coral food plays a role, so do the other critters that live in the tank.
Leathers look more blue when they are not happy and fighting other corals. In a well lit tank they open up all the way and look more pink or fleshy color. Xenia does the same thing.
You may be driving yourselves crazy trying to match lighting and it won’t even help. The SPS corals have much better colors than soft corals like leathers.