Originally Posted by
meowzer http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/120#post_3312807
Amphipods and copepods are what mandarins and seahorses will pick at all day....they will just start showing up..if you have enough rock, and a good fuge, the pods should reseed themselves
Thats good news, I have a nice little sancuary for them in the fuge, Lots of rocks and apparently a clam. Still have to decide on what to do with that clam.
Mysis shrimp is a frozen food you buy
After I googled the images for it, its no way those things.
brown algae is diatoms.....when you are ready, your cuc (snails) will take care of it this is a perfectly normal occurrence
Is it ok to use the magnet cleaners to get this algea off of the glass? I left it on the sand, well duh, have no way to clean that. I was figuring on getting a variety of snails with the first batch of CUC. I was thinking the fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, a nassis, a turbo, a bumble bee (if the store even has them) and some others. I would imagine it would be good to have a mix o snails in the first installment of the CUC. As far as the shrimp are concerned, let them eat what they find for the first few days and then actually feed them something?