Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank


Well-Known Member
O Roy is awsome monsi!
Well as far as the ric id take it off the rock and put it in some FW....Ro water preferably. Just leave it be for a min it or so. Than invert it vertically and or swish it around in the water. You will literally see the lil critters fall off the shroom. Maybe get some FlatwormX or something to add a lil to the water. Finally put it back in the tank and either super glue it back down or i use I.C. gel...Great product imo! Ive superglued shrooms to tiny LR rubble before as well.
I dont think the xenia would be harmed by ur zoos. I know they realease a nuro or paly toxin or watever but its only harmful to us not other sea life. At least thats my understanding. I dont have a xenia though so Id hope that someone who does will chime in bout this!
Wrasses are indeed a disposal LOL
good luck with the mandarin mate!


I like Roy. He's a nice looking little mandarin.
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/900#post_3394371
It didnt as you can see from my other thread. anywho.......
I noticed that one of my ricordea has a hole in it. Its kinda close to the hammer coral. Could the hammer coral actually put a hole in the ricordea? Can you post a pic? (maybe you did and I'm just too over tired to have seen it) It's possible
The mushroom coral looks like it is detaching from the rock. It hasnt fully opened since it dropped off its kid. is it just looking to move or could it be sick? Could the flatworms that are on it be causing a problem? And why doesnt my wrasse wanna eat these flatworms? I see it eating just about everything else that goes into and on the rocks in the tank. The wrasse is like a disposal. Give it anything and it eats it all up. As stated above, if your wrasse is well fed, it likely won't pick at the flatworms. That being said, Flashers and Fairies are less likely than other wrasses to pick at the flatworms, at least that has been my experience. Your mandarin might. I would dip any coral with flatworms on it. There are numerous methods for dipping. The two I like the most recently are ReVive and Melafix Marine. Have you tried blowing them off the corals? Sometimes this will interest the fish to eat them.
As far as removing the flatworms from the mushroom, how does this sound as a solution. Take the mushroom off of the rock and into a specimen cup. Then take the worms off with tweezers carefully to not damage the mushroom. Think it will work? I know I will have to work at getting the mushroom to reattach to a rock but I think it is doable. I'd dip before I took tweezers to it. I'd be afraid that I might rip the coral.

My little zoa frag is being 'bashed' into by the xenia. The zoos look fine but the xenia doesnt look to hot where it touches the zoo. Could the zoos be effecting the xenia? Possible. I'd keep the Xenia away, you know how invasive it can be.

Of course, the mandarin has made a new home at the back of the tank. I cant get a pic of him yet. Eagerly anticipating feeding time and will be tossing in pellets with the mysis and brine to offer up as much variety as I can. Hopefully the little guy comes to the front of the tank. I have seen him picking at the rocks so I am assuming he is hunting down his copepod snacks. Of course! Good luck with him!


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/900#post_3394711
Do you have a picture of the ricordia?
Mushrooms will move if not happy where they is the flow on it? IMO YES, flatworms will annoy it....and if your wrasse is well fed....that could explain the non-interest in the flatworms
you could also dip the shroom
sometimes corals annoy each other....can you separate the zoas and the xenia?
The ric isnt splitting if that is the thought. It looks like something took a bite out of it really. Its in the middle of the polyp and a bunch of the color "balls" do not inflate around the hole. I will try to get a pic tomorrow, but it is hard. The hammer coral is kinda in the way. I havent seen the 2 touch before, but its not like the hammer cant make itself longer.
Flow on shroom should be just fine. Its a little farther down in the tank than before. it started moving after it made a second one. Dip the shroom in RO water? A coral dip? what does thet shroom feel like? Been a while since I handled it.
The little frag isnt glued down as it is waiting for the zoa garden. My local club is having a house meeting on the 17th and I volunteered my rock for a demo on removing xenia and aiptasia removal. Once I get a hands on I can remove the xenia ffom the other rock and make some space for the zoos.
Originally Posted by 1guyDude
Yea, no. no chemicals in the DT for me.
Edit: @BTLD, Using a turkey baster to blow I presume? Its a little too close to the sand bed I think and I might kick up some sand and whatnot. Those are coral specific dips I presume. Is one of them better for a multitude of corals? I am a frugal guy and I dont want to purchase an item with a singular purpose.


Yes, they're coral dips. Melafix was actually made for helping sick fish, but works really well as a dip, especially for SPS. I would do a little research for each. I don't dip soft corals other than in freshwater and then just QT them, I know a lot if dips can be harsh on softies. For SPS, I swear by dipping with Melafix.


Well-Known Member
+1 i just use water!
I was sayin add the flatwormX, revive, or coralRx to the dip not the could take two seperate cups and one could just be RO water and use that as a final dip?!?!


Look into Melafix, I've seen that stuff pull Red Bugs off SPS, works really well. I just don't know what the ratio is when dipping softies.


Active Member
Warning, graphic imaged attached.
Roy is dead. Anyone want to hazzard a guess as to why? He certainly looked healthy in the pics before and I saw him swiming around picking at the rocks which certainly appeared like he was eating the pods on the rocks. I know I have plenty of pods in my tank as they are all over the sump walls AND I purchased more and added them to the sump when the mandarin went in. I can safely say that I am no longer going to order fish or inverts online ever again. I havent had a problem with coral online and it certainly seems like the coral is doing well.


Active Member
Its possible. One of the 2 pepps were DOA so its not like that isnt a possibility. I didnt order anything else alive so whos to say.


That sucks! He looked healthy too, at least from what I can see in the pics, can't really see his belly
Just going to throw this out there, none of the fish were picking on him, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/920#post_3395118
That sucks! He looked healthy too, at least from what I can see in the pics, can't really see his belly
Just going to throw this out there, none of the fish were picking on him, right?
Nope. He kept to himself and nothing picked on him. The coral beauty swam past him a few times and didn't do a thing. The orchid looked at him funny but didn't do anything. I think that for the most part I have a pretty passive tank. Well, except for the larger PJ cardinal, they all seem fairly passive towards each other. The clowns want to eat me and the shrimp wants to clean me. Kinda odd being cleaned and bitten at the same time.


Active Member
That bites about roy. I have had good luck with everything I've ordered online, exept my first batch of anthias.


Active Member
I have come to the conclusion that there is a problem with my fuge. I had a tiny piece of calipura in there and it sprouted a runner. It went way far from the rocks but never made any round "bulbs" like it was doing in the DT. I got some cheato with my swf order and put it in the fuge. The calipura's runner made a b line to it and I did what I could to keep the 2 from touching. This morning, I had to remove the cheato because it was all melty like. The calipura is fine down there, but no real growth to trim for nutrient export. I have some kind of light on down there from 8pm to 11am. I know there is some flow as I can see dog/cat fur floating on the top and making its way right to left to the egg crate. There isnt a PH in the fuge area. Why cant I grow algea down there? The purple rock covering coraline algea grows just fine and my cerith snail is happily eating that up. Is it because there isnt enough movement down there? I would think that the small 240gph korila would be too large for the fuge area and would kick up the sand. Any advice would be appreciated. If you need pics or video, just ask.
as an aside, rumors are that D3 comes out in november. I will need a new PC to play the game. I want to build my own pc. I think I will need around $600 to make the machine I want. My unemployment stops in 2 weeks. So, I will start accepting donations. PM me for details.


I have a damn hard time with chaeto, especially in tanks with any sort of caulerpa. I actually prefer caulerpa anyways so it doesn't bother me too much. Caulerpa needs a longer light cycle, many leave a 24hr light on if growing caulerpa to cut down on the risk of it going sexual. I do not, my fuge lights run opposite the DT lights.
I don't remember how large your refugium is, but in any of mine that are 20 or more gallons, I run the smallest of the Korallia Nano powerheads. The chaeto can collect on them, and that can be a PITA, but I've found it helps to have the PH in there.


Well-Known Member
+1 to TL's comment. Would run the fuge light 24/7 for caulerpa. It also doesn't hurt for chaeto either. Reports that I've seen are better growth for both under a 24 hour photo period. Also, what size bulb are you using and is it a full spectrum daylight bulb (around 6500k)? What about a reflector? Maybe you just need something a little stronger. You can give it plenty of nutrients but without enough light it isn't going to grow very well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/920#post_3395765
I have come to the conclusion that there is a problem with my fuge. I had a tiny piece of calipura in there and it sprouted a runner. It went way far from the rocks but never made any round "bulbs" like it was doing in the DT. I got some cheato with my swf order and put it in the fuge. The calipura's runner made a b line to it and I did what I could to keep the 2 from touching. This morning, I had to remove the cheato because it was all melty like. The calipura is fine down there, but no real growth to trim for nutrient export. I have some kind of light on down there from 8pm to 11am. I know there is some flow as I can see dog/cat fur floating on the top and making its way right to left to the egg crate. There isnt a PH in the fuge area. Why cant I grow algea down there? The purple rock covering coraline algea grows just fine and my cerith snail is happily eating that up. Is it because there isnt enough movement down there? I would think that the small 240gph korila would be too large for the fuge area and would kick up the sand. Any advice would be appreciated. If you need pics or video, just ask.
as an aside, rumors are that D3 comes out in november. I will need a new PC to play the game. I want to build my own pc. I think I will need around $600 to make the machine I want. My unemployment stops in 2 weeks. So, I will start accepting donations. PM me for details.
Donations huh?...... hmmmm lets see here hows about selling your t5's? (heheheheheee) Will be pm'g you tho, need to know where and what color lights you got.... Crazy I know


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/920#post_3395817
I have a damn hard time with chaeto, especially in tanks with any sort of caulerpa. I actually prefer caulerpa anyways so it doesn't bother me too much. Caulerpa needs a longer light cycle, many leave a 24hr light on if growing caulerpa to cut down on the risk of it going sexual. I do not, my fuge lights run opposite the DT lights.
I don't remember how large your refugium is, but in any of mine that are 20 or more gallons, I run the smallest of the Korallia Nano powerheads. The chaeto can collect on them, and that can be a PITA, but I've found it helps to have the PH in there.
sorry didn't see this post, I do however agree with long island here. Accept for the sexual part...... caulerpa need lovin too!!