Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank


Active Member
Update with pics. I finally cleaned the camera and got some batteries and took several pics. Here they all come.
These are the zoos that have been relocated due to the xenia moving them off the rock. These are the ones that my wife got me while I was in atlanta getting the bus. We dont know what kind they are, but they look great. These are now sitting on the bottom of the sand bed and they appear to not be suffering any lack of light issues.

This is the bubble coral. It has little brown stuff on it that doesnt really seem to be effecting it. It doesnt open as large as it used to. I feed it mysis every now and then so maybe I am not feeding it enough. No drop offs or any offspring from this one.

This is the dragon eyes. They seem to be doing better. It will be time to get the xenia away from them soon. You can get a better idea of thier color and proximity of the xenia in the xenia pic.

This is the blue tubs we got that remained purple in our tank. Again, the color and proximity to xenia will be seen in the xenia pic. You can see just how much these have grown as you can see the frag plug in the pic too.

This is the over grown xenia. Hard to imagine that all this came from just 2 small heads. I have to figure out how to get this stuff off the rocks so I can 'frag' it. The local reef club is supposed to have a July meeting and I offered to bring in this rock for a demonstration of this 'fragging' tecnique.

This is that little bitty frag i made way back when. It has its baby out and the sparkle is actually seen better with the new lights. Its too far in the tank to get a good pic and the xenia is almost covering it so I really need to get the zoo garden setup asafp.

This is all the gorgs in my tank. You can see the skinny one is the one that was being eaten a while ago. It now has a new growth near the top and has gotten taller. All of them have gotten larger and more full of polyps. If I dont do anything, what will happen if these things get tall enough to reach the top of the tank and stick out of the water?

This is falcor with the 'blue' ricordea from swf. I have tried to move the ric into a better spot for more light but it seems to have moved itself into this location several times. I really dont know what to do but it seems to be getting along just fine where it is. You cant see Falcor's gut in this shot but maybe in the next few you can. He eats the algea clip off the rock usually within a day. I have altered the feeding to every other day and this doesnt seem to effect him or the angel's behavior.

This is Larry buried in the sand. He can usually be found like this next to the duster. This duster was half the size when I moved it from the back of the tank to the front. Is there a call for these kinds of dusters? I have hundreds in my tank and the larger ones are out in the open with the smaller ones under the rocks. Some of the smaller ones have dropped off and making their way towards the light. Once there they will get rather large.

This is right after putting in the algea clip and everyone coming over to get a snack. The arrow points to the last piece of pretty red algea in my tank really. Close up of it next. And yes, it is attached to the snail.

This is a shot of the fish who do not eat the algea from the strip. The clowns will eat it if it has broken lose and is in the water column. The gramma loves the garlic pellets and the wrasse eats anything really. I took some of the green rose leaf eating worms off the bush and tossed them into the tank and the wrasse ate them all.
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This is a blurry shot of the hammer coral. At night you can see the distinct 2 seperate heads but they are both on one skeleton. Waiting for it to seperate into 2 skeletons so that I can have 2 pieces of this instead of one.

These are the pink people eater zoos. They are doing just fine despite being knocked around due to the fact they are not secured down. These were the first to be relocated due to the xenia being moved around. They are resting on the spot where the duncans were.

This is the mushroom family. The big one was where the little one is now. As it moved down, it left the little one behind.

This is a full tank shot

One of the things i have seen from time to time that I really would like to try out is a plate coral. I have no idea if I can do it or what it takes to care for them. The zoos on the bottom appear to be getting enough light. The hammer seems to be doing fine too. Any advice on a plate coral would be appreciated.


WOW...the tank is looking really good Monsi.....I have not had any luck with the plate corals....I have tried the Long tentacle ones and the short....they are very sensitive, and if you have anything that moves sand at all IMO forgettaboutit


The tank really looks good!
Just curious, it could just be the way it looks on my phone, but are those spots on that mushroom just a color variation or are the Flatworms?


Active Member
*Cant edit the post the way i want or effectively so I will just put this here.
This is the red zoos from swf. they are growing rather fast. I cant get a decent shot of the pink ones as I had to move them away from the calipura that is growing in the dt.


Active Member
They are flatworms. Havent decided on how I want to remove them. I did see them on the ricordea once. Not sure if the ricordea ate them or not. I dont want to use flatworm exit. Was contemplating tweezers and a really steady hand.


I'm surprised the wrasse doesn't pick at them. Have you tried siphoning? I had them in my 40g and just kept siphoning. That and my evil six line wrasse took care of them. I think my mandarin was eating them as well.


Active Member
We don't have our mandarin yet. Our turkey baster for the tank doesn't make an effective seal to siphon them out well. I haven't seen the wrasse pick at them yet. I hope to get our mandarin this weekend maybe. Kinda iching for new coral in the tank too.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man! Glad to see u back too!
hey was wondering wat kinda fixture u were runnin wit those t5s sir?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/900#post_3392218
Looks good man! Glad to see u back too!
hey was wondering wat kinda fixture u were runnin wit those t5s sir?
Very first post in this thread has the equipment list, fish list, and the very first "oh sh*t" moment for this tank. The only thing that is different from that equipment list is I have changed the wavepoint T5s with ATI T5s.
Edit: The experiment is on. I moved the pepp from the sump to the DT tonight. It swam past the skunk shrimp and he paid it no mind so hopefully all will be good.


Active Member
So far the experiment is a sucess. The pepp molted the night it went into the DT and it survived. The skunk then molted the following night and I still saw the pepp. So now I have to encourage the pepp to start eating the aiptasia in the tank. Probably going to the LFS/ordering from SWF to get our mandarin as well as an emerald crab. The green bubble algea is too much and I dont have any decent red stuff left.


Active Member
So something happened to the dragon eyes. It appears that the sponge that was attached to the frag plug that the dragon eyes had attached to decided to disintegrate on me. I had about 5 heads of the dragons floating in the current this morning. I popped them off and looked for a nice safe place to put them. I wedged them into a crevice on a top rock and watched for a minute to make sure the current wouldnt take them anywhere. While eating dinner, I noticed i has some really bright green and yellow things on the sand next to some rocks. I looked closer and it was the dragon eyes I moved. Based on the full openness and the other zoos on the sand bed, they seem to be ok there. I am starting to notice more and more of the zoos in my tank are "breaking away" and wreaking havoc on my mind. Is this the aquarium dieties way of telling me to get the LEDs? LOL


Active Member
well, I dont have the spare $ atm. But if this continues, I might just have to get them. Gotta find out what our budget is like.


Active Member
I did not know you couldnt use store credit in the free shipping store. I am sure it was posted here before, but I must have forgotten. So I went a different route. I ordered the green mandarin, some pods, and an emerald crab for my tank. I used the credit + my gift certificate and its only costing me around $25. Far less than at the LFS. I sure hope this order goes better than the previous one, but I also do not expect a problem. It is warmer this time of year as opposed to the last time I ordered. Gonna suprise the missus with her mandarin.


Active Member
It didnt as you can see from my other thread. anywho.......
I noticed that one of my ricordea has a hole in it. Its kinda close to the hammer coral. Could the hammer coral actually put a hole in the ricordea?
The mushroom coral looks like it is detaching from the rock. It hasnt fully opened since it dropped off its kid. is it just looking to move or could it be sick? Could the flatworms that are on it be causing a problem? And why doesnt my wrasse wanna eat these flatworms? I see it eating just about everything else that goes into and on the rocks in the tank. The wrasse is like a disposal. Give it anything and it eats it all up.
As far as removing the flatworms from the mushroom, how does this sound as a solution. Take the mushroom off of the rock and into a specimen cup. Then take the worms off with tweezers carefully to not damage the mushroom. Think it will work? I know I will have to work at getting the mushroom to reattach to a rock but I think it is doable.
My little zoa frag is being 'bashed' into by the xenia. The zoos look fine but the xenia doesnt look to hot where it touches the zoo. Could the zoos be effecting the xenia?
Of course, the mandarin has made a new home at the back of the tank. I cant get a pic of him yet. Eagerly anticipating feeding time and will be tossing in pellets with the mysis and brine to offer up as much variety as I can. Hopefully the little guy comes to the front of the tank. I have seen him picking at the rocks so I am assuming he is hunting down his copepod snacks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380344/building-my-56-gallon-column-reef-tank/900#post_3394371
It didnt as you can see from my other thread. anywho.......
I noticed that one of my ricordea has a hole in it. Its kinda close to the hammer coral. Could the hammer coral actually put a hole in the ricordea?
The mushroom coral looks like it is detaching from the rock. It hasnt fully opened since it dropped off its kid. is it just looking to move or could it be sick? Could the flatworms that are on it be causing a problem? And why doesnt my wrasse wanna eat these flatworms? I see it eating just about everything else that goes into and on the rocks in the tank. The wrasse is like a disposal. Give it anything and it eats it all up.
As far as removing the flatworms from the mushroom, how does this sound as a solution. Take the mushroom off of the rock and into a specimen cup. Then take the worms off with tweezers carefully to not damage the mushroom. Think it will work? I know I will have to work at getting the mushroom to reattach to a rock but I think it is doable.
My little zoa frag is being 'bashed' into by the xenia. The zoos look fine but the xenia doesnt look to hot where it touches the zoo. Could the zoos be effecting the xenia?
Of course, the mandarin has made a new home at the back of the tank. I cant get a pic of him yet. Eagerly anticipating feeding time and will be tossing in pellets with the mysis and brine to offer up as much variety as I can. Hopefully the little guy comes to the front of the tank. I have seen him picking at the rocks so I am assuming he is hunting down his copepod snacks.
no opinions on this?


Do you have a picture of the ricordia?
Mushrooms will move if not happy where they is the flow on it? IMO YES, flatworms will annoy it....and if your wrasse is well fed....that could explain the non-interest in the flatworms
you could also dip the shroom
sometimes corals annoy each other....can you separate the zoas and the xenia?