I went and picked up my new ATI lights and will change out one of the antinics this evening when the lights go out tonight. I will then update with full tank shots along the way in the "my lights" thread. I wanted to post pics of what the corals are looking like right now to better determine whats up with the Dragon Eyes.
Here are the dragon eyes from a while ago

And here they are now

So, does anyone have an idea what that purple stuff is? How about an idea as to what is effecting them?
The blue tubs

My wife got me these orange and maroon zoos while I was in GA. Something keeps knocking them over and that is why they are unhappy. The latest additions of zoos havent been secured down as they will eventually make it into the zoo garden once I get my frag stands from GA.

The "blue" ricordea from SWF. It is looking far better than it ever has in my tank. I guess it has finally found a happy spot.

The "pink" zoos from SWF.

The blue mushroom that I got from a local reefer.

The "red" zoos from SWF.

And a shot of one of the mystery baby snails from the top/shell side.