BUSH SUCKS, the only good thing that will come from this is the fact that in four year his lying ass will be gone. dont get me wrong i dont like politicians in general, but he has been caught lying and people died for it, with NO need for it. whoopy doo we caught an old ass dictator in a spider hole, i bet that was hard
. where is the reason that all this "home land security" and "fighting terrorist" at. let me tell you o blinded one. he hidin in a cave in afganistan dill hole, and his name is bin laden. id put odds on the fact that in four years BABY BUSH will still be lookin for him. the way i see it BUSH had four year to do it, he didnt get it done so get the next guy in there and lets get it done. if he dosnt do it get the next guy in and so on and so forth..... if you owned a business and you hired someone to do a job and gave him or her four years to do it and it didnt get done your saying that you would just keep on paying him right.....please send me the application to your job cuz im a lazy dude and id love to get paid for sitting at my house. Bush spent more time at his "ranch" in texas than he did anything else, i say send him right too texas since he likes it so much. i could go on for hours with this subject but ive got other things to do. i bet you cant tell who i voted for? oh one more thought for you...isnt BUSH an oil well man? to drill oil wells you need to disrupt the ecosystem which in turn will disrupt the wildlife, and what is included in wildlife? thats right people FISH. and if your on this site im assuming that you must care about your FISH. thank you...elvis has left the building.
i just noticed something... i find it pretty ironic that this "BUSH" thread was started by someone named Kerry:hilarious
i just noticed something... i find it pretty ironic that this "BUSH" thread was started by someone named Kerry:hilarious