


Originally posted by lovethesea
this is something that I truly wish people would get over.
He was in front of a classromm full of small children and like NW2 said, he was surprised too. I don't think the thing for him to do would be to jump up and run out saying we were under attack. He did excuse himself a few minutes later. For security reasons he may have even been TOLD to stay put until they could securly get him out of there.

Well at least he could excuse himself and tell the little children that something really important has come up and that he must leave now....The children may get upset but they are only about 20 of them and they are only little and the class room is smaller than hundreds of adults running around franticly......:yes:


Ok so lates play pretend - you are the president and YOU are told about a horrible act that took the lives of your co workers, your friends and above all all American Citizens. Your in front of a class full of young children. You would have jumped up and excused yourself knowing at that point their was still 2 planes missing.
If you think that the president was not acting under direct orders to stay then I must say you are a victim of the media.
I think that he did the right thing until security had the time to decide best exit action.


Active Member

Originally posted by Mukiwa
Well at least he could excuse himself and tell the little children that something really important has come up and that he must leave now....The children may get upset but they are only about 20 of them and they are only little and the class room is smaller than hundreds of adults running around franticly......:yes:

Like I said, I think he was probably told to stay put for security reasons. For all we/they knew there were more attacks planned and proably were, if it weren't for the grounding of those planes. I am going to safely say that Sec Serv was probaly concerned for Bush getting out of that building and getting him to AF 1 safely. This would have happened in a room full of adults also.


well some do but anyways kerry should of won i feel sorry for all the people who voted for bush they are just asking for another four years of jobs being sent over seas and another four years of every negative thing almost :'( why couldent kerry win;-;


Active Member
Companies are sending jobs overseas. I don't think Bush has told companies to do so. It started as a few companies dirty little secrect and word got out. It also started long before Bush came into office. I know this for fact, my previous employer was testing it during the Clinton years.
Many many companies were gathering descretly years ago about this subject (and still are) and found it to be a profitable move for them.
Can this President stop it? Probably not, (Kerry couldn't either, his wifes comany just laid off about 1000 people and off shored many jobs before he ran for pres.) can Bush with the help of all of those wonderful agreeable politicans? Prob not. But maybe if they tried really hard they could start to put the brakes on it.


WELL SAID lovethesea. My company also sends work offshore and guess when it started as lovethesea stated it started about 9 years ago. we have lost thousands of jobs recently and they all seem to go to India,, Philippines, Milan, Canada or the Dominican Republic. These jobs are not coming back. In order for outsourcing to stop Businesses need to be able to compete freely with each other and not have to grease the pockets of certain politicians of both democratic and republican leadership in order for competition to occur without regulations surrounding it.
Look at Microsoft, Windows is theirs Why should they make it compatible with everyone else and not load their software
That is equivalent to saying to Sears should agree to carry appliances with Wallmarts logo on it.
Outsourcing is natural progression based on regulations, in most cases if it wasn't for outsourcing many many companies would have filed chapter 11 and then we would be in the position of having a company like mine having a layoff of 120,000 instead of 10,000.


Active Member
funny little side note...(not ha, ha, but perfect for this)
My Aunt is a nurse on a critical floor at a hosp. Most everyone has heart monitors. When one of the monitors starts to go hay wire, she usally calls a 1-800 # and gets to talk to people she has talked to for years. As of last week take a wild guess who she is "talking" to now? She is actually having to teach some of these folks how to speak her lingo. (they are only reading from a manual, not real life) So not only is she overworked at the hosp. with very sick people and up to her eye balls in paperwork most shifts, now she and her staff have to take triple the time to get a monitor dealt with. :rolleyes:


Active Member
love it. Our SWbell DSL got hosed up one day. Guess what?
It remined me of that. :rolleyes: By the time she surrendered and sent me back to customer service and about an hour later of messing up my computer, SWbell had to make a free house call to fix what got messed up. So, how much did that save?
I pasted that to my computer so my husband can see that. He will relate. (also in case it gets deleted)


New Member
alright bush won!!!!!!!!
now i can look forward to being laidoff half of the year for the next four years. that is if my company doesnt decide to move to another country



Originally posted by lovethesea
Companies are sending jobs overseas. I don't think Bush has told companies to do so. It started as a few companies dirty little secrect and word got out. It also started long before Bush came into office. I know this for fact, my previous employer was testing it during the Clinton years.
Many many companies were gathering descretly years ago about this subject (and still are) and found it to be a profitable move for them.
Can this President stop it? Probably not,

What I heard is not that Bush told companies to send jobs overseas, but that his tax policies encouraged it.
I don't know if those tax laws were in effect before Bush.
In any case, it is all economics. If companies can pay folks less in India to do the same job they pay more for here, they will go to India for that service. It's the American "capitalistic" way!


Hey, lovethesea,
Are you going to the SEASL frag workshop on Saturday? Nic from Zomania is coming to demonstrate zo propagation. Should be good, and it's a potluck!


god i hate how all you fricken political rookies just look at the aspect that bush is at war and think he sucks and kery rules. keep your f***** mouth shut if you dont like our president it is our country love it or leave you friken



Active Member

Originally posted by neoreef
Hey, lovethesea,
Are you going to the SEASL frag workshop on Saturday? Nic from Zomania is coming to demonstrate zo propagation. Should be good, and it's a potluck!

rats....do they have email reminders? Ever since I found out them, I have missed things. Our new tank coming up :rolleyes: is going to be (keeping fingers crossed) a reef and that would be awesome to really actually see something like that. I need to check their website more often. Saturday is a typical child day. Scouting for food 9am, soccer game 12 pm and OH of course we will round out the day with a birthday party to attend.
:D :help:
thanks for the heads up. I am heading to their site now.
back to regular programming..........

bang guy


Originally posted by camurso
alright bush won!!!!!!!!
now i can look forward to being laidoff half of the year for the next four years. that is if my company doesnt decide to move to another country

Republicans and Independants are trying to reverse the law Clinton pushed through that allows large corporations to push jobs overseas. The problem is that since Clinton has such a devoted group of followers that I don't see how Bush is going to get the number of votes needed to reverse Clintons disasterous law. Hillary is here in New York showing government institutions and large companies how to take advantage of those laws.
If you think Bush is behind pushing the jobs overseas try a web search on "Clinton Tata". I think you need your eyes opened.


Active Member
Yep, Clinton for sure. My employer was "testing" it out in the late 90's.
Who is now worried about Clinton for Pres....2008 :nope:


Active Member

Originally posted by lovethesea
Yep, Clinton for sure. My employer was "testing" it out in the late 90's.
Who is now worried about Clinton for Pres....2008 :nope:

I have a feeling smellary will have to beat the Rudy McCain ticket in 08.
I just gotta ask how stupid are an apparent majority of people in New York? I cannot believe thay elected a Senator who had never lived there and is only interested in the seat as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
I don't agree with Shummer's politics but at least I can respect the fact that he has been involved in NY politics since CHrist was a corporal and represents the views of a lot of people. Hillary is nothing but a power whore. She proved that by not divorcing her hubby after his 15th affair.
I can't believe Bush won... there must be tons of blind people out there not to see his obvious faults as our president. First of all, he launched a pre-emptive strike in a war without enough evidence, that just says that he isn't responsible enough to think before he acts. Second, he put our country back into a large national debt with his "war on terror". Sure, it was a good cause... but, it was at the wrong time and place. I wish Kerry had won. Not because he deserved to ( he's whipped... you can tell by the look on his face:) ) but, I think, at this point, anyone would be better than Bush.
No offense to anyone... JMO (just my opinion):D
BTW, Politics Suck