

I can't stand when people say they hate Bush and that he sucks. He is still your country's leader. Grow up and have some respect.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.


Active Member
I absoltely love Bush, I stayed up to 1:30 last night, just waiting for the next states to fall for him and they did..
I think Bush is correct in what he's doing because he realizes that terrorism doesn't have a set home, that it moves, so we have to fight it where it is. It's either Here, or there.


I am not sure why the question. I never said the economy was effected by the uncertanty. I stated a fact how the market was effected around the voting time, and market experts suggested it was due to the fact that on Tuesday afternoon it was due to Kerry looking good, and today due to bush winning. To me that means that Investors have faith in Bush and his econimic plan. By time the market opened today, there was no uncertanty, Bush was the winner.
How it effects me at work. I am a mutual fund anyalst and accountant. So I follow the market closely. I do not get compensated for how the market does, but I need to be able to do the accounting for it.


Yes, France, Germany and Canada all suck, but we can deal with them later, by other methods. But when we went in to Iraq, it was to liberate them, to remove Hussein from power and to find WMD. Okay, Hussein is gone, there are no WMD and the Iraqi people don't have to worry about Saddam. But we're still there, our men and women dying horrible deaths. For what? It has turned into an occupation, we're taking over their military installations for our use and the Iraqi's are getting angrier by the minute because of this. This strengthens Bin Ladins cause. Iraq was lied to. We were lied to. We need to bring our troops home. Now. I work for a Reserve unit in a civilian capacity. The military folks here are very pro-Bush and would absolutly die for W's cause (and this is HIS cause). I don't want to see my friends and co-workers come home in a flag drapped coffin. I have to go to work now. You have a great day and let's pray for no American casualties in the middle east today. One day at a time.....


tru conch, thanks for the info from your perspective. You obviously have the inside story on Iraq. One thing Bush has taught us is, if you keep repeating yourself, you and others will believe it. 9/11 and Iraq. Most of the hijackers were Saudi's. Of course, they are GW's friends. We know for a fact, Korea has WMD. They also have fired on our fighter planes. Why didn't we attack them? What about the weapons we did confiscate? Why weren't they important enough to protected? If I ran my business like this administration has ran this country, I wouldn't have one. One more thing, where are my tax breaks he keeps talking about? Oh yea! I'm not rich.


I won't get into an arguement here. I only have a few comments.
I respect president Bush's win; I can not blame him when the majority voted for him. To me it was clearly the wrong choice, but it seems many disagree with me. The only thing I will say is that when his foreign policy leads us to the likely draft, those that voted for him should go volunteer for the army and sign your kids up first. You must honestly believe that this war is just, so you have no problem fighting "to protect" our nation. Please do not mistake my comments as negative towards the troops (I have several family members serving proudly). The troops are to be respected for their brave service; they do their jobs everyday even if they disagree with the commander in chief.
I fully supported the war in afghanistan, as did most of the world, but IMO the War In Iraq was motivated by the wrong reasons and has made our country less safe.
Also as a teacher, I can not respect a president that calls himself great on education when he cut funding to his "no child left behind act" by several billion dollars. You can't place an even greater burden on schools to drill for standarized testing when they don't have the financial resources for things as simple as text books. When all schools are privatized by the republicans in the next few years don't be surprised. They can't be happy with any system unless someone can get rich off of it. They don't see the benefit to educating our children. I also personally believe that they would rather keep the proletariat uneducated anyway. Look at the poll numbers, the majority of Bush voters had the mistaken belief that Iraq was connected to 9/11.
The democratic party also has its share of problems; we need a system for viable 3rd party candidates. I encourage everyone to take a look at the other options available to you in your local elections.
Alright I'm done rambling.



Originally posted by Tina
I can't stand when people say they hate Bush and that he sucks. He is still your country's leader. Grow up and have some respect.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.

I agree that "hate" maybe a strong word, but to suggest that people not dissent is awfully dangerous thinking. The great thing about America is that we can disagree. To suggest that everyone must fall in line behind the president is bordering on Fascism. We need to promote the spread of all ideas, even if we disagree with them.
Why do differences of opinions mean we have to be divided? We are all one America even if we don't all agree.


Active Member
I'm glad Bush won. He's one of the best presidents in US history. Nah Nah Nah! I don't care what you say!


I understand your views and points on the cut funding of the no child left behind act.....
I only ask that you consider my opinion on that matter... Before Bush there was no "no child left behind act". Even if the act got only 100.00$ a year, is that not more than what was in place before him?
Perhaps the teachers ought to look more towards the state to pinpoint the problems within the system regarding options packages and pay.. From the meager understanding that i have, The government has little to do with the "running of the show"?
Just my thoughts.. Not meaning to bash..


I agree with the fact that Saddam is a sadistic criminal, that their sons were killing and rapping people left and right. On the WMD’s issue, at least we now he used to have chemical and biological weapons, in the past he used them against his own people right after the first gulf war when we stopped short and did not take him out. However it is not right to use a false claim of Nuclear weapons to scare us and make us all go nuts and claim for his head to be delivered on a silver tray
Afghanistan, I agree with 100%, although it is sad that the elite team in charge of hunting Bin Laden was reduced from close to 350 people, to less than 50 people right before the start of the war in Iraq. Do you think that was a distraction?
Now that no WMD’s have been found, but we have ‘liberated’ the Iraqi people, and since we are now in the business of spreading democracy, who’s next? Iran? They do have nuclear material, they support terrorism, they do not like America (have we forget the taking of hostages at the American Embassy in Teheran at the end of Carter’s presidency?) and I almost forgot, they do have OIL !!. Syria ? they have a long history of harboring terrorists. North Korea? If half of what I’ve read about what’s going on there is correct then we should help them out, and they do have nuclear weapons. What about Sudan? It is genocide and massive rapes however we haven’t done anything other than Powell saying ‘the situation in Darfur is desperate but….’
Less tax, yes I am getting a bigger refund, however I wonder if the millionaires that got most of that money really needed that tax cut, and if like many people says, they invest that extra money in their businesses so the economy grows at a faster pace.
Sarcasm all the way….. do not come to me saying that the reason we invaded Iraq was to ‘liberate’ that people, that’s the theory this administration is using after no WMD’s were found. 1000+ American lives have been lost there, and does not look like we are getting out of there anytime soon, so expect many more to come back in flagged draped coffins.
I sincerely hope Bush changes his ways and starts leading the country towards a better future, instead of starting wars for one reason and then when that reason if found to be untrue, disguise it with another one, isn’t that a flip-flop? I would not hold my breath though.
Sorry for such a long reply


What I find most amazing through all of this is the doom and gloom people. If John Kerry would have won the election there would have been equal numbers of people saying the same crap about him. Don't you guys realize what this country is going to be like in four years. Much like it is this year. It will still be the best place to live on earth and no one will come knocking on your door to take your fish tanks away.


Active Member
Something to consider before you discount the need to go into Iraq. I myself thought "WTF" when Bush started talking about Iraq but after the fact I absolutly agree with what he did and here's why:
Everyone and there mother "knew" they had WMD. There were also numerous contacts between Iraq government officials and known members of Al Qaeda. More than one intelligence source found Iraq was planning terrorist style attacts on US interests both inside and out of this country. One of Al Qaeda's best recruitment tools was the US military presence in the land of Mecca, Saudi Arabia(keep the last fact in mind, there will be a test later).
Whether or not Iraq had WMD stockpiles there can be no dispute that they had the ability to produce chemical and biological agents. With intelligence showing Iraq was planning terrorist style attacks on the US, and Iraqi officials meeting with Al Qaeda members wouldn't you think there was a good possibility Iraq might hand off some sarin gas or anthrax to the terrorists and let them hit us instead? My question is why did Bush wait so long? With full access to the country the 911 commission concluded there was "no credible evidence to suggest the meetings resulted in a collabrative relationship". Do they think Iraq would have kept a record of a cylinder of chemical or biological material given to a terrorist group?
Here is my conspiracy theory on this whole thing. The summer before Bush picked up the rhetoric about Iraq the Saudi Prince met with Bush at his ranch for a few days, in August I think. WHat if he gave Bush a date when our troops had to be out of Saudi Arabia as a way to dissuade the terrorists from attacking Saudi Arabia, what do you suppose the reaction would have been?
My guess is "we cant remove our military presence in the area while Hussain is still in power". I have never seen any proof of this but the timing seems right.
No matter what the true reason was for going into Iraq removing our military presence in the gulf area will bring dividends. That could never have happened with Saddam Hussain in control. Bill Clinton came to that same conclussion when he was still in office and had made regeime change an official government policy.


Active Member

Originally posted by grantman
What I find most amazing through all of this is the doom and gloom people. If John Kerry would have won the election there would have been equal numbers of people saying the same crap about him. Don't you guys realize what this country is going to be like in four years. Much like it is this year. It will still be the best place to live on earth and no one will come knocking on your door to take your fish tanks away.

If they want my tank they will have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers :D



Originally posted by sirgunther
I understand your views and points on the cut funding of the no child left behind act.....
I only ask that you consider my opinion on that matter... Before Bush there was no "no child left behind act". Even if the act got only 100.00$ a year, is that not more than what was in place before him?
Perhaps the teachers ought to look more towards the state to pinpoint the problems within the system regarding options packages and pay.. From the meager understanding that i have, The government has little to do with the "running of the show"?
Just my thoughts.. Not meaning to bash..

Here is something I read on the politics of "tougher standards".
"A plague has been sweeping through American schools, wiping out the most innovative instruction and beating down some of the best teachers and administrators. Ironically, that plague has been unleashed in the name of improving schools. Invoking such terms as "tougher standards," "accountability," and "raising the bar," people with little understanding of how children learn have imposed a heavy-handed, top-down, test-driven version of school reform that is lowering the quality of education in this country.
It has taken some educators and parents a while to realize that the rhetoric of "standards" is turning schools into giant test-prep centers, effectively closing off intellectual inquiry and undermining enthusiasm for learning (and teaching). It has taken even longer to realize that this is not a fact of life, like the weather -- that is, a reality to be coped with -- but rather a political movement that must be opposed.
You can read more at this link if you are interested.
Test Today, Privatize Tomorrow
Using Accountability to "Reform" Public Schools to Death


JFC! gregvabch, what you said is ludicrous. Most people join the military for a carrer, for some stability in their life, not to die and become a hero. True, they need to accept the fact that death may happen, but you make it sound like people join the military as a death wish, which is absurd. I spent alot of time in the military and dying for my country was not something I would have done willingly (anybody who says any different is a liar or psychotic), but I would have done it. But I'll be damned if I would die for a bunch of fanatical extremists who have no tolerance for anyone but their own type. We removed Hussein. And no matter what the "experts" say, there are no wmd. Iraq is liberated. Who said we had to bully them into democracy? And we do alot of bullying, don't we? Let them decide what kind of government they want and how they go about getting it. Let's protect the US, not some third world country where most people believe that killing out of hate is the only way into heaven.

tru conch

Active Member
bush has posted his "mandate" and he will get most of it im sure b/c the republicans control congress/the house. his mandate includes another bill to increase the budget for iraq. and a constitutional ban on gay marriages. like i said land of the free? i think not, land of the christian straight folks only.
with the environment in deep doo doo (raising temps) there isnt a mention for his environmental policy/mandate. as marine hobbiest we should at least show some concern for the environment and wish/elect for politicans who care as well to help have laws enacted to preserve it.