Bush's War


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Dwight D Eisenhower was the general at Normandy. MacArthur was in the pacific theater. Remember MacArther's famous "I shall return" quote when we was leaving the phillipines?
My Grandfather proudly landed with him on Leyte.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rudedog, I've yet to see you acknowledge that you were wrong about people wanting to live under Communism, or that Communism is a failed system.
Much less admit your numbers were way freakin off.
In a related story, I check my facts before I post. Feel free to point out any mistakes I've made (I'm sure you would anyway).
We can differ on opinions all day long, but at the point where you are arguing issues with me with "facts" that are completely wrong and in reality the truth actually contradicts your basic premise how exactly do you expect me to respond?
Regarding MacArthur's dog, why was it on the beach in Normandy? I figured it would have been with General MacArthur in the Pacific Theatre preparing for the re-invasion of the Philippines.

journey, I bet you were the kid they beat up all the time at recess for being a smart
%. Take that cocky attitude with you to Iraq, and you may end up on the wrong end of a fire fight...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
journey, I bet you were the kid they beat up all the time at recess for being a smart
%. Take that cocky attitude with you to Iraq, and you may end up on the wrong end of a fire fight...
Dude I'd bet you don't know who chuck yeager is


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Dude I'd bet you don't know who chuck yeager is

Say what? What does Chuck Yeager have to do with anything? Sure I know him. He's that guy who was in that space movie. Flew them airplanes real fast. Didn't want to be one of them astronauts. I actually met him one time. Real down to earth person.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
journey, I bet you were the kid they beat up all the time at recess for being a smart
%. Take that cocky attitude with you to Iraq, and you may end up on the wrong end of a fire fight...
I spent recess in the classroom studying History.

Seriously Rudedog, I don't understand this whole conversation.
You are trying to argue that people choose to and enjoy living under a cruel and proven failure of a Governmental Dictatorship. A system that has killed over 110 million of its own countrymen in less than 100 years.


Originally Posted by rudedog40
Say what? What does Chuck Yeager have to do with anything? Sure I know him. He's that guy who was in that space movie. Flew them airplanes real fast. Didn't want to be one of them astronauts. I actually met him one time. Real down to earth person.
Getting pretty deep in here.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I spent recess in the classroom studying History.

Seriously Rudedog, I don't understand this whole conversation.
You are trying to argue that people choose to and enjoy living under a cruel and proven failure of a Governmental Dictatorship. A system that has killed over 110 million of its own countrymen in less than 100 years.

You guys are stuck on stupid. I guess it's my fault for going off on a tangent to try and provide an analogy of why I despise this war you seem so adamant to continue. You have this knack for reading into everyting I say. Look at the broader picture, and READ what I'm trying to convey. I don't care what political system is in place. I'm saying that people who live in other parts of the world have adjusted to the lifestyles and cultures they were botn into. Whether it's Fascism, Communism, Socialism, pick one. Not everyone who lives in Russia hates it there. Not everyone who lives in Poland, Bosnia, Mexico, Honduras, Pakistan, Cambodia, Korea, China hates their living conditions. They are very faithful to their country and what they represent. Just like you are so faithful to your country and beliefs. I can guarantee there's many people who live in this country that don't believe in our political system, don't think the US of A is that great of a country. However, they do enjoy whatever living conditions they grew up in. Why? Maybe because that's the only thing they've ever known. They don't know what else is out there. Is there a better place in this world to live besides the US? There's probably several million people out there that think so. You'd probably find it hard to find a Frenchman that would ever consider living in the US
(please don't take that literally as ALL French people hate the US. It's always been a well known joke that the French despise Americans that come visit their country.)
The point I'm trying to make is not everyone in this world agrees with American philosophies and politics. They don't want to have anything to do with them, and they don't want us forcing them on them. In the case of some of the Muslim groups and factions in the Middle East, they defintely don't want foreign entities coming in a pushing their beliefs on them. So the way they show their opposition to our advances is to attack us. As it stated in the article about Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden got ticked off because the Saudis chose the US over him to help them against the Iraqis. He didn't believe foreigners should desecrate their soil, no matter why they were there. Could that have been the catalyst to set him forward for attacking us on our own soil? Again, who knows what set him off. I bet it didn't help. Would he still have attacked us if this event never occurred? You guys think he would. Yet we continue to stay over there fighting the 'War On Terror', ticking off other militant groups other than the Al-Qaeda. Your not going to be able to completely extinguish these groups. I've said that 100 times over. If we ever do get attacked again, I'm willing to put my money down that it'll be another terrorist cell besides Al-Qaeda.


Originally Posted by rudedog40
You guys are stuck on stupid. I guess it's my fault for going off on a tangent to try and provide an analogy of why I despise this war you seem so adamant to continue. You have this knack for reading into everyting I say. Look at the broader picture, and READ what I'm trying to convey. I don't care what political system is in place. I'm saying that people who live in other parts of the world have adjusted to the lifestyles and cultures they were botn into. Whether it's Fascism, Communism, Socialism, pick one. Not everyone who lives in Russia hates it there. Not everyone who lives in Poland, Bosnia, Mexico, Honduras, Pakistan, Cambodia, Korea, China hates their living conditions. They are very faithful to their country and what they represent. Just like you are so faithful to your country and beliefs. I can guarantee there's many people who live in this country that don't believe in our political system, don't think the US of A is that great of a country. However, they do enjoy whatever living conditions they grew up in. Why? Maybe because that's the only thing they've ever known. They don't know what else is out there. Is there a better place in this world to live besides the US? There's probably several million people out there that think so. You'd probably find it hard to find a Frenchman that would ever consider living in the US
(please don't take that literally as ALL French people hate the US. It's always been a well known joke that the French despise Americans that come visit their country.)
The point I'm trying to make is not everyone in this world agrees with American philosophies and politics. They don't want to have anything to do with them, and they don't want us forcing them on them. In the case of some of the Muslim groups and factions in the Middle East, they defintely don't want foreign entities coming in a pushing their beliefs on them. So the way they show their opposition to our advances is to attack us. As it stated in the article about Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden got ticked off because the Saudis chose the US over him to help them against the Iraqis. He didn't believe foreigners should desecrate their soil, no matter why they were there. Could that have been the catalyst to set him forward for attacking us on our own soil? Again, who knows what set him off. I bet it didn't help. Would he still have attacked us if this event never occurred? You guys think he would. Yet we continue to stay over there fighting the 'War On Terror', ticking off other militant groups other than the Al-Qaeda. Your not going to be able to completely extinguish these groups. I've said that 100 times over. If we ever do get attacked again, I'm willing to put my money down that it'll be another terrorist cell besides Al-Qaeda.

Why is it that when I read all your posts, it seems you hate America? That is the only thing you have truely coneyed to me. I am sick and tired of people like you crying about defense. IT HAS TO BE DONE. Do you have any clue why we are the greatest nation? We fought for it tooth and nail. You wouldn't last ten minutes whining the way you do in communist country.
Would you like your crow baked or fried or raw?


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
Why is it that when I read all your posts, it seems you hate America? That is the only thing you have truely coneyed to me. I am sick and tired of people like you crying about defense. IT HAS TO BE DONE. Do you have any clue why we are the greatest nation? We fought for it tooth and nail. You wouldn't last ten minutes whining the way you do in communist country.
Would you like your crow baked or fried or raw?

Well put


Active Member

Originally Posted by rudedog40
Not everyone who lives in Russia hates it there. Not everyone who lives in Poland, Bosnia, Mexico, Honduras, Pakistan, Cambodia, Korea, China hates their living conditions.
So instead of helping the unhappy majority of these nations to reconstruct their homeland . We should just let the ones that do like america and our ideals to come here and hide?

They are very faithful to their country and what they represent. Just like you are so faithful to your country and beliefs. I can guarantee there's many people who live in this country that don't believe in our political system, don't think the US of A is that great of a country. However, they do enjoy whatever living conditions they grew up in. Why? Maybe because that's the only thing they've ever known. They don't know what else is out there.
So we should just leave them to live in their ignorance and not offer them a better oppertunity. Just turn a blind eye and not offer them choices . Just let them live in their shacks and suffer from malnutrition ?

Is there a better place in this world to live besides the US?
[BIf there is why don't you go find it . Please . ]

There's probably several million people out there that think so. You'd probably find it hard to find a Frenchman that would ever consider living in the US
(please don't take that literally as ALL French people hate the US. It's always been a well known joke that the French despise Americans that come visit their country.) Last I checked We wernt french . Last I checked we didn't need to have the french to approve of our life style . Personally I don't need social aproval of people who share their dinner table with animals .

The point I'm trying to make is not everyone in this world agrees with American philosophies and politics. They don't want to have anything to do with them, and they don't want us forcing them on them.
Yet there are som many people trying to imigrate to america

In the case of some of the Muslim groups and factions in the Middle East, they defintely don't want foreign entities coming in a pushing their beliefs on them. So the way they show their opposition to our advances is to attack us.
So we are now to be lead around by the wishes of radical fundamentalists ? Study up on true Islam , not the crap these guys preach but true islam, It preaches peace and harmony with all . Just as every other religion .
As it stated in the article about Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden got ticked off because the Saudis chose the US over him to help them against the Iraqis. He didn't believe foreigners should desecrate their soil, no matter why they were there. Could that have been the catalyst to set him forward for attacking us on our own soil? Again, who knows what set him off. I bet it didn't help. Would he still have attacked us if this event never occurred? You guys think he would. Yet we continue to stay over there fighting the 'War On Terror', ticking off other militant groups other than the Al-Qaeda. Your not going to be able to completely extinguish these groups.I've said that 100 times over. No That is why we are helping the masses of the middle east to put into place better goverments that are a representation of the people and their wants and needs . So they can take back control of their lands . Only when the people of the word hold power will terrorists be pushed down . The ideals of terrorism will never go away , But it can be pushed back and down to a level that is exceptable . You give the people choice and they will be happier , what about that DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?
If we ever do get attacked again, I'm willing to put my money down that it'll be another terrorist cell besides Al-Qaeda. And this is exactly why we need to stay the course and keep them on the deffensive . If we retreat as you want to do then we only impower them more than ever because .
1. They have defeated the infedals and gained a victory . You don't think their recruting will swell when they are victorious .
2. We allow them time to regroup and plan new attacks .

I realy don't understand you rudedog . I am sure you will come back with an opening insult to my intelegance and then you will blaber on about how nobody understands your true opinion . All I can say to that is go find somebody to give you a hug and tell you it will be ok .


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
You guys are stuck on stupid. I guess it's my fault for going off on a tangent to try and provide an analogy of why I despise this war ....
Rudedog, you despise the war based on faulty information.That's what I am trying to convey.
How did we force the people of Iraq to vote? Please consider that. I've pointed this out before; In the face of assasination squads, snipers, car bombings and religious threats millions of Iraqis continue to participate in the election process of bringing Democracy to their country.
If they didn't want it they wouldn't be participating...
Were we wrong to go into Afghanistan too? Their Democracy, to a smaller degree, is facing similar challenges to the Iraqi Government.
You are correct, not everyone who lives under Communist rule hates it. Still, clearly the majority do. (You don't exocute 100 million plus happy people...) At the point where you are willing to revolt with pitchforks and handguns against tanks (Chk revolt of the 60's, Chines student revolt, etc) clearly there is some angst building in the populace.
We're not forcing the American Constitution on anyone. What we are doing is allowing the Iraqi and Afghanistani people to choose their way of life. A life where women can go to school, where basic human rights are observed, and where information and freedom are not treasonous words.
Osama may not have attacked us had we not run Iraq out of Kuwait. Does that mean we abandon our allies in the Middle East? Should we withdraw support from Israel in the hopes Hamas and Hezbollah will quit attacking US civilians? Should we base our Foreign Policy on the demands of terrorists?
That's what you seem to be implying Rudedog; That we allow terrorists to tell us who we can and cannot support.



Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I realy don't understand you rudedog . I am sure you will come back with an opening insult to my intelegance and then you will blaber on about how nobody understands your true opinion . All I can say to that is go find somebody to give you a hug and tell you it will be ok .
Well, for starters, you either need to go back to elementary school and learn how to spell, or at least use a spell checker with you incoherant BLABBER.
INTELLIGENCE (something you don't have)
You are the epitome of my opening line from my last post - "Stuck on Stupid".
YOU keep rambling the same moronic priciples over and over, yet don't seem to comprehend what I'm trying to convey. As I've stated previously, the US should not be the purveyors of humanity. You compassionate conservatives want to spend every available dollar we have helping out evryone else in the world.
you said:
So we should just leave them to live in their ignorance and not offer them a better oppertunity. Just turn a blind eye and not offer them choices . Just let them live in their shacks and suffer from malnutrition ?

So because they don't believe in our principles and way of life, you consider them ignorant? Here's a thought, maybe they are satisfied with what they have and their way of life, and don't need to be spoiled arrogant idiots that typify most Americans.
Is there a better place in this world to live besides the US?
[BIf there is why don't you go find it . Please . ]

I rest my case. Already mentioned this one. Try to be more original.
There's probably several million people out there that think so. You'd probably find it hard to find a Frenchman that would ever consider living in the US (please don't take that literally as ALL French people hate the US. It's always been a well known joke that the French despise Americans that come visit their country.) Last I checked We wernt french . Last I checked we didn't need to have the french to approve of our life style . Personally I don't need social aproval of people who share their dinner table with animals .
Proof positive you don't understand what I'm trying to say. I use the French as an example of a culture that doesn't completely agree with ours. You take an arrogant attitude and insult them for it. Gee, I wonder why they would hate Americans when someone like you makes a statement like "I don't need social aproval of people who share their dinner table with animals." Pathetic.
No That is why we are helping the masses of the middle east to put into place better goverments that are a representation of the people and their wants and needs . So they can take back control of their lands . Only when the people of the word hold power will terrorists be pushed down . The ideals of terrorism will never go away , But it can be pushed back and down to a level that is exceptable . You give the people choice and they will be happier , what about that DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?

I understand you think that us forcing our principles on them, it will make them to begin liking us so they MIGHT not want to attack us again. What's with this statement? " Only when the people of the word hold power will terrorists be pushed down ." I'm assuming you meant People of the World. So what, you want world domination now? Our way or the highway?
If we ever do get attacked again, I'm willing to put my money down that it'll be another terrorist cell besides Al-Qaeda. And this is exactly why we need to stay the course and keep them on the deffensive . If we retreat as you want to do then we only impower them more than ever because .
1. They have defeated the infedals and gained a victory . You don't think their recruting will swell when they are victorious .
2. We allow them time to regroup and plan new attacks .

You're either in high school or college aren't you? This statement sounds like it came right out of one of Bush's speeches. Sorry, but AS I SAID BEFORE, they are recruiting as young as 10 years old. Whether we "stay the course" of not, there will always be someone over there willing to die for their cause. AS I SAID BEFORE, the planning stage has already begun. New attacks are inevitable. Maybe some day you'll wake up, and this will sink in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
You're afraid if we don't protect our Democratic philosophies directly in volatile areas of the world (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Korea) they will do another Pearl Harbor on us. Sorry, but this isn't 1914 or 1942. If there ever is another 'Big One', it'll be the last one this world will ever know, because no one will be left to talk about it.
Ok so what are you saying. We just sit around and do nothing? No, we need to do something and get rid of these terrorists. If we just sit at home waiting for a "big one" we would die like you said. So you tell me what we should do, and dont give me that bull crap of talking to them. Terrorists will not negotiate!
Originally Posted by rudedog40
Whether we "stay the course" of not, there will always be someone over there willing to die for their cause. AS I SAID BEFORE, the planning stage has already begun. New attacks are inevitable. Maybe some day you'll wake up, and this will sink in.
So what do we do? Now that the "war" is still going, it would look incredibly weak to pull out now. Could the US go promote imperialism and stretch the "green zone" to Iraq's boarders with an all out invasion? When it comes down to it, who are we fighting and why? Where's the world?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rudedog, you despise the war based on faulty information.That's what I am trying to convey.
How did we force the people of Iraq to vote? Please consider that. I've pointed this out before; In the face of assasination squads, snipers, car bombings and religious threats millions of Iraqis continue to participate in the election process of bringing Democracy to their country.
If they didn't want it they wouldn't be participating...
Were we wrong to go into Afghanistan too? Their Democracy, to a smaller degree, is facing similar challenges to the Iraqi Government.
You are correct, not everyone who lives under Communist rule hates it. Still, clearly the majority do. (You don't exocute 100 million plus happy people...) At the point where you are willing to revolt with pitchforks and handguns against tanks (Chk revolt of the 60's, Chines student revolt, etc) clearly there is some angst building in the populace.
We're not forcing the American Constitution on anyone. What we are doing is allowing the Iraqi and Afghanistani people to choose their way of life. A life where women can go to school, where basic human rights are observed, and where information and freedom are not treasonous words.
Osama may not have attacked us had we not run Iraq out of Kuwait. Does that mean we abandon our allies in the Middle East? Should we withdraw support from Israel in the hopes Hamas and Hezbollah will quit attacking US civilians? Should we base our Foreign Policy on the demands of terrorists?
That's what you seem to be implying Rudedog; That we allow terrorists to tell us who we can and cannot support.
No what I'm trying to tell you is if we left them alone in the first place, they may never have attacked us. This goes back way past our current involvement in that area. I'm talking about decades ago. You're the historian, so I dare not go try to reference the first time the US got involved with some Middle East dispute. That's where I'm coming from. You can take the attitude that if we NEVER got involved with Middle East politics, we would be a target anyway. So Mr. Historian, tell me - has any Middle Eastern nation in the last 100 years ever attempted a full scale invasion on any other country OUTSIDE their region? Meaning, have they ever attempted an attack on a nation like Russia, China, Europe, the US, Southern Africa? If the answer is no, then I would say they didn't do that because:
a) They didn't have the capability to wage an all-out war since they didn't have the resources to do it (Naval ships, airplanes, artillery, etc.)
b) They weren't stupid enough to try it because they know if they did, the retaliation would have meant the end of their entire existence.
So if we go on that premise, what would the world be like if we never got involved with the Middle East? My gut feeling is they'd just fight each other like they have for centuries, and could care less what the rest of the world thought. But of course there's the magical elixir called Black Gold. That's what the Middle East is really about. So we suck up to them and give them all the firepower they want for a piece of the pie. And look what that's gotten us. Trillions of dollars spent, and a world changing event that will affect evey American for the rest of their lives.


Active Member
Rudedog, it's a given Al Qaeda hates us.
It is a given Al Qaeda is in Iraq.
It is a given we are killing them daily over there.
Now, it is also a given we were hit 6 different times before 9-11 by terrorists. We have not been hit since 9-11.
What changed?
I would argue putting Al Qaeda on the defensive has thrown them off of their game. How do you explain it?


Active Member
I think you're missing something here Dog. We removed Iraq's leadership. a good thing. We need to leave them with a government. They were very willing to vote. We aren't pushing our values on them. We are giving them a say in how their new government will opperate. We are trying to allow them to create a democracy of some sort. It has been said time and again that it will look nothing like a western democracy.
The alternative would be just to pull out and let the biggest dog (probably Iran) walk in and take over the country. Not a good thing.