By the grace of god.......................................

darthtang aw

Active Member
"left wingers" don't want to ban every gun known to man.  They do take the logical course when it comes to the ownership of specific types of firearms.
Seems quite a few actually do.
Over ten pages on google of blogs and articles supporting the banning of all guns.
These gun nuts that go out and spend thousands of dollars on AK-47's, AR-15's and such say they do it because "I like shooting them for sport". 
Thanks for the insult. How is that for tolerance.
Yea right.  They shoot them because it makes them feel powerful by having the ability to rip up a milk jug in 30 seconds with 50 rounds of ammo. 
1 shot gun round can do this.
However, these same individuals ignore the fact that same weapon has the capability to rip up one or more human beings in that same 30 seconds, which has occurred quite often in the recent past. 
Shotguns kill more people on a yearly basis than all rifles combined (this includes the ar-15)
Hammers and knives kill more people than either category. But you will just say hammers and knives have an additional purpose.
Those weapons have no logical use for home protection.  You may try and justify they do, but they don't.  A sawed off shotgun is WAY more effective in regards to home defense that trying to swing around an awkward rifle, the shoot a projectile with twice the force as a similar projectile in a hand gun at someone, with the potential of harming innocent individuals in the process.
So you condone the ownership and use of an illegal weapon over a legal one? Sawed off shotguns are illegal. The spread pattern of a sawed off shotgun increase your chance of collateral damage in the immediate area versus my semi automatic unloading of my AR. The bullets go in a straight line at their target from my ar. The sawed off shotgun spreads in a very wide pattern. Past a range of 5 feet you have no control over who or what that spread pattern hits. Since shotguns require a minimum of 18.5 inch barrel, most shotguns are bulkier and less manueverable than an AR. Especially in narrow hall ways of my home. My AR rounds are frangible. In fact all home defense guns in the safe are loaded with frangible rounds. No risk of the bullet going past its initial strike point.
  Implement a law like that, and your murder rates and injuries by firearms would multiply tenfold.
Implementing a law like that. you murder rate would decrease after the first year by 10 fold. You would have less prison costs. Your statement and my statement are pure opinion. Neither are based in provable fact with data or statistics. Thus can be ignored in this debate.
Then there's the "feel of power" aspect of owning a gun.  Interesting how someone's attitude changes when they are carrying a gun with them at all times.  Some feel invincible in regards to their protection awareness.  "As long as I have a firearm on me, I don't have to worry about my safety, or the safety of my family." 
If a person didnt still worry about their safety or their family's safety they wouldn't carry the gun. Those of us that do carry don't feel safer. We just feel a bit more prepared. I carry a gun about 70% of the time when I am outside of my home. Depends where I am going. You are right my attitude changes. When I carry I do not engage in verbal arguments,. altercations, etc. etc. I am more concerned about my own actions as the could spark an altercation which any responsible gun owner I know wishes to avoid.
Until the time comes to use that weapon to defend oneself.  Then Fear comes into play. 
I present my video in the opening post as evidence. Gun to her head. She defended herself.
But then you also have the arrogant one's that have the mindset of knowing since they have that weapon, they can justify using it in self defense when they feel their life is being threatened.  That's when you have your incidents like the old guy blowing away the dude for not turning off his cell phone in a movie theater, or another guy emptying his clip into a car of kids because they were playing their music too loud.  Incidents like these two are why "left wingers" and "gun haters" prefer t have limited access to guns.
Over 10,000 people are killed in drunk driving deaths each year. Yet you support the consumption and usage of alcohol. You don't request that background checks be done on individuals purchasing or consuming alcohol for mental state of mind or past DWI convictions.You don't ask for the banning of higher proof alcohol. Alcohol is fine when used responsibly (similar to guns). However the usage of alcohol greatly impairs responsible actions. Alcohol serves no other purpose than for enjoyment either through the buzz, taste, or drunken euphoric feeling. The deaths involving firearms and the deaths involving drunk driving are similar in statistics.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god#post_3540507
LOL! The top 10 guns used in crimes are 9 pistols and a Mossburg 500 pump action shotgun so why all the paranoia about AK's and AR's? Criminals don't use expensive guns like AR and AK's. These so called mass shootings where the AR was used (the Aurora shooter's AR jammed and he switched to a shotgun and two pistols) are no worse than what happens over a summer weekend in Chicago over a summer weekend. We've seen the left wing practice of incrementally shoving their extremist agenda down out throats and it isn't going to happen on a national basis with gun bans.
Fact is we need to stop worrying about making it hard for responsible citizens to get guns and work on the reporting system so people with mental issues are in the system for background checks. Criminals are going to get guns no matter what but we can and should do more to keep them away from mentally unstable people.
Brother. These so called "background checks" are useless. How exactly do you identify someone who has "mental issues"? The clinical definition of being mentally unstable? For every one of these mass shooters that were found to have previous mental issues, you have another couple hundred thousand out there that have had no known mental issues at all, yet they still use firearms in a criminal manner. They tried this "cooling off" period where you had to wait 2 or 3 days before picking up a firearm you purchased, but the NRA shot that one down in a hurry. I just went to a local gun show a couple weeks ago, found a new pistol I was wanting, and walked out the door with it 15 minutes later. Sure I filled out some "background check", and this lady picked up a phone and called "someone", gave them my name, drivers license number, and home address, wrote a couple numbers down on the form, took my cash, then said "Thanks for the purchase". As far as they knew, I could have been some enraged wacko that just got into an argument with a neighbor, and wanting a gun to go show him whose boss. You keep saying "Criminals are going to get guns no matter what", but in most cases, a person would never have a chance to become a "criminal" if guns weren't so readily available for them to obtain. You have this wild notion that there's these gun shops or back door establishments that only cater to individual's who want to commit crimes with a gun. You know, the one's that sell those guns with the serial numbers filed off?
Sorry, but "criminals" get their guns at the exact same places you do. The only difference between you and them is you have no intention of committing a crime with your weapon. Other that that, you're the same two individuals walking into a place that sells guns, filling out the same forms, and paying the cash so you can walk out the door with it.

bang guy

So you don't want restrictions on voting, which is not a Constitutional Right but you DO want restriction on owning firearms which IS a constitutional Right.

Why do you hate the Constitution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god#post_3540540
Brother. These so called "background checks" are useless. How exactly do you identify someone who has "mental issues"? The clinical definition of being mentally unstable? For every one of these mass shooters that were found to have previous mental issues, you have another couple hundred thousand out there that have had no known mental issues at all, yet they still use firearms in a criminal manner. They tried this "cooling off" period where you had to wait 2 or 3 days before picking up a firearm you purchased, but the NRA shot that one down in a hurry. I just went to a local gun show a couple weeks ago, found a new pistol I was wanting, and walked out the door with it 15 minutes later. Sure I filled out some "background check", and this lady picked up a phone and called "someone", gave them my name, drivers license number, and home address, wrote a couple numbers down on the form, took my cash, then said "Thanks for the purchase". As far as they knew, I could have been some enraged wacko that just got into an argument with a neighbor, and wanting a gun to go show him whose boss. You keep saying "Criminals are going to get guns no matter what", but in most cases, a person would never have a chance to become a "criminal" if guns weren't so readily available for them to obtain. You have this wild notion that there's these gun shops or back door establishments that only cater to individual's who want to commit crimes with a gun. You know, the one's that sell those guns with the serial numbers filed off?
Sorry, but "criminals" get their guns at the exact same places you do. The only difference between you and them is you have no intention of committing a crime with your weapon. Other that that, you're the same two individuals walking into a place that sells guns, filling out the same forms, and paying the cash so you can walk out the door with it.
So if background checks are useless why do you left wingers keep demanding we expand them? We wont catch all the whackadoos any more than we'll catch all the criminals but it does make it harder for each to get guns. It's also why I wont give up my guns short of me becoming a felon or the 2nd being repealed.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god#post_3540530
Seems quite a few actually do.
Over ten pages on google of blogs and articles supporting the banning of all guns.
Go look at all the NRA misconception of information sites that tries to refute these people's claims. What's your point.
Thanks for the insult. How is that for tolerance.
Not sure how it's an insult. Every mass shooting that's occurred in the last few years, and semi-automatic assault rifle was used. Yes other weapons wee in their possession, but those were only used after the major damage was done.
1 shot gun round can do this.
Please. Yes, 1 shot gun round can do the same if the victim is within a 150 ft range. You can take that AR and nil someone as far as 3/4 of a mile away and still make a fatal shot. With the exception of some of these modified assault shotguns, every standard shotgun has a maximum shell capacity of 5 rounds, as opposed to an AR that comes with a 30-round magazine. Do the numbers and tell me which firearm can be more lethal in the long run.
Shotguns kill more people on a yearly basis than all rifles combined (this includes the ar-15)
They kill more because they are more readily available, easier to purchase, and have a low cost in regards to ammo.
Hammers and knives kill more people than either category. But you will just say hammers and knives have an additional purpose.
Brother, the ridiculous hammer and knife analogy. Let's add baseball bats, pol cues, sticks, or whatever to the list. No, these items are sold for a SPECIFIC purpose for their intended use. Using them as a weapon is just secondary. The primary purpose of a firearm is to injure or kill its intended target. It's secondary purpose is it being used as a form of "hobby", where your "victim" is some target or inanimate object.
So you condone the ownership and use of an illegal weapon over a legal one? Sawed off shotguns are illegal. The spread pattern of a sawed off shotgun increase your chance of collateral damage in the immediate area versus my semi automatic unloading of my AR. The bullets go in a straight line at their target from my ar. The sawed off shotgun spreads in a very wide pattern. Past a range of 5 feet you have no control over who or what that spread pattern hits. Since shotguns require a minimum of 18.5 inch barrel, most shotguns are bulkier and less manueverable than an AR. Especially in narrow hall ways of my home. My AR rounds are frangible. In fact all home defense guns in the safe are loaded with frangible rounds. No risk of the bullet going past its initial strike point.
You know what I meant in regards to legally owned shotguns. Most states allow an 18" barrel. Less maneuverable and bulkier that an AR? Guess it depends on the "accessories" you stick on an AR. Start adding all the bafflers, upper receiver forearm mods, and other "additions", that AR is just as heavy and bulky as most conventional shotguns. Most people also stick the same 16" barrel on them.
I'm an avid skeet shooter and wild game hunter (duck, pheasant, geese, quail, dove, etc.). I own three very nice skeet guns, and even my lower-end shotgun is probably lighter and more agile than your AR. In a small-area incursion like a home invasion, I guarantee you my 2 shots would be more effective than your two shots, even with your red dot/green dot sniper optics. Besides, my shotgun isn't even my first line of defense. That's what my 9mm is for. Unless you have one of these high-end biometric-opening safes (which very few people own), you couldn't even get to that AR by the time you heard the door break down and they come rushing into your room.
Implementing a law like that. you murder rate would decrease after the first year by 10 fold. You would have less prison costs. Your statement and my statement are pure opinion. Neither are based in provable fact with data or statistics. Thus can be ignored in this debate.
Let's just hope it never comes to that point to even obtain the statistics and leave it at that.
If a person didnt still worry about their safety or their family's safety they wouldn't carry the gun. Those of us that do carry don't feel safer. We just feel a bit more prepared. I carry a gun about 70% of the time when I am outside of my home. Depends where I am going. You are right my attitude changes. When I carry I do not engage in verbal arguments,. altercations, etc. etc. I am more concerned about my own actions as the could spark an altercation which any responsible gun owner I know wishes to avoid.
"More prepared" are the operative words. You can be prepared all you want, and you still can be a victim in any situation a firearm comes to play. Instead of carrying a gun when I go out, I tend to avoid any location where the potential of some kind of danger could arise. Yes, I could become a victim even in places where it's assumed to be safe, but that hasn't happened to me or any of my family members yet. "Responsible gun owner" is such a misnomer. Anyone who owns a firearm is considered that, until they use it in an illegal manner. The guy in the movie theater and the guy who shot the kid in the car with loud music where considered "responsible gun owners" until they took the actions they did. Shoot, the old guy in the theater was a former cop. How much more "responsible" can you get than that?
I present my video in the opening post as evidence. Gun to her head. She defended herself.
Over 10,000 people are killed in drunk driving deaths each year. Yet you support the consumption and usage of alcohol. You don't request that background checks be done on individuals purchasing or consuming alcohol for mental state of mind or past DWI convictions.You don't ask for the banning of higher proof alcohol. Alcohol is fine when used responsibly (similar to guns). However the usage of alcohol greatly impairs responsible actions. Alcohol serves no other purpose than for enjoyment either through the buzz, taste, or drunken euphoric feeling. The deaths involving firearms and the deaths involving drunk driving are similar in statistics.iv>
Now the drunk driver argument. You do make valid points, but the two are still dissimilar. Most drunk driver injuries and deaths are never considered intentional. Most people who are involved in those incidents don't sit around saying "You know what. I'm going to get plastered to the extreme on Jack and Coke, go jump in my car, and drive down the road completely impaired until I either crash into another vehicle, run over an innocent pedestrian, or slam my car into a tree, whichever comes first." Most crimes committed with firearms are intentional. When someone pulls a firearm, whether it's intentional to commit a crime, or unintentional to protect oneself in a situation needing to do so, the full intent of pulling that weapon is to injure or kill. As far as individuals who are found guilty of DWI? I'm an advocate for zero tolerance when it comes to that offense. First conviction, minimum 1 year in prison, regardless if they injured another individual or not. Second conviction, minimum 5 - 10, depending on whether someone was injured. Third conviction, life. Life with no parole if someone was fatally injured.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540544
So you don't want restrictions on voting, which is not a Constitutional Right but you DO want restriction on owning firearms which IS a constitutional Right.

Why do you hate the Constitution?
Where do you get voting is not a Constitutional right? Think you need to do some research on that comment.

Where do you get off saying I hate the Constitution? Just because I disagree with the interpretation of certain Constitutional amendments doesn't men I "hate" the premise of those laws in general.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which, I've been looking for a new shot gun for home defense against zombies. What do you guys think of the Saiga´s?

bang guy

Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540548
Where do you get voting is not a Constitutional right? Think you need to do some research on that comment.

Where do you get off saying I hate the Constitution? Just because I disagree with the interpretation of certain Constitutional amendments doesn't men I "hate" the premise of those laws in general.

Cure my ignorance. Show me where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights where voting is expressed as a right.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540545
So if background checks are useless why do you left wingers keep demanding we expand them? We wont catch all the whackadoos any more than we'll catch all the criminals but it does make it harder for each to get guns. It's also why I wont give up my guns short of me becoming a felon or the 2nd being repealed.
Why do all you Righties have a penchant to not understand the premise behind stricter laws requiring background checks? Making it harder for someone to purchase a gun may actually deter them from committing a crime with a firearm in the first place. You even said it yourself. It makes it harder for them to get guns. Exactly how would requiring someone to wait a couple weeks, or even a few days, to purchase and walk out with a gun inhibit their 2nd Amendment rights? They aren't stopping you from owning a firearm, just insuring you're not one of these "whackadoos" before they hand it over to you. And only these idiotic "anti-gun" extremists have ever mentioned some notion of "giving up your guns". That would take repealing the 2nd Amendment, and you'd have another Civil War in this country before that would happen.

bang guy

If the Second Amendment were repealed I would not be happy but I would give up my firearms.

However, until it is repealed there's still the "shall not be infringed" statement in the Constitution that a vast majority of Democrat political figures want us to disregard.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540551

Cure my ignorance. Show me where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights where voting is expressed as a right.
Look at the verbiage in Amendments – the 15[sup]th, 19[sup]th, 24[sup]th, and 26th:[/sup]

15th - [/sup]
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

19th -

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

24th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

26th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Then there's always the Voting Rights Act of 1965...[/sup]


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540553
Why do all you Righties have a penchant to not understand the premise behind stricter laws requiring background checks? Making it harder for someone to purchase a gun may actually deter them from committing a crime with a firearm in the first place. You even said it yourself. It makes it harder for them to get guns. Exactly how would requiring someone to wait a couple weeks, or even a few days, to purchase and walk out with a gun inhibit their 2nd Amendment rights? They aren't stopping you from owning a firearm, just insuring you're not one of these "whackadoos" before they hand it over to you. And only these idiotic "anti-gun" extremists have ever mentioned some notion of "giving up your guns". That would take repealing the 2nd Amendment, and you'd have another Civil War in this country before that would happen.

You are the one who said background checks were worthless, not me. I don't have an issue with background checks and a 72 hour wait as long as the government has no record of the transaction once I've waited the 72 hours. It's non of their business what guns I own or how many.

bang guy

Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540559
Look at the verbiage in Amendments – the 15[sup]th, 19[sup]th, 24[sup]th, and 26th:[/sup]

15th - [/sup]
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

19th -

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

24th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

26th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Then there's always the Voting Rights Act of 1965...[/sup]

Sorry, none of those say we have the right to vote, they say we cannot be denied because of race, religion, age, sex, etc. It does not violate the Constitution to prohibit everyone from voting for President for example. Same as getting a job, you cannot deny someone a job based on the above, that does not mean everyone has a Constitutional Right to a job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540559
Look at the verbiage in Amendments – the 15[sup]th, 19[sup]th, 24[sup]th, and 26th:[/sup]

15th - [/sup]
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

19th -

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

24th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

26th -

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Then there's always the Voting Rights Act of 1965...[/sup]

Where are people given the right to vote? We have amendments saying you can't deny people a right to vote based on certain criteria but where is the right granted? And again, If you want to claim it's an assumed right great. Where's the amendment or law that says that right can't be taken away for lack of an ID?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540562

Sorry, none of those say we have the right to vote, they say we cannot be denied because of race, religion, age, sex, etc. It does not violate the Constitution to prohibit everyone from voting for President for example. Same as getting a job, you cannot deny someone a job based on the above, that does not mean everyone has a Constitutional Right to a job.
Now that's a new interpretation of a Constitutional law. What part of SHALL NOT BE DENIED do you not understand? Of course it does. Who else is "everyone" if that Amendment protects "anyone" based on race, religion, age, or sex? That would apply to your dog or cat I presume, if that's your definition of "everyone".


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540563

Where are people given the right to vote? We have amendments saying you can't deny people a right to vote based on certain criteria but where is the right granted? And again, If you want to claim it's an assumed right great. Where's the amendment or law that says that right can't be taken away for lack of an ID?
Man, you Righties will twist the interpretation any way you want to try and win an argument. Now these amendments only "imply" you have a right to vote?

If we want to twist the interpretation of those Amendments, let's look at the 2nd:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Where in that amendment does it give you the right to own specific types of firearms? You apparently want to give a WIDE definition of the word "arms". Where does it say in that amendment that a person convicted of a felony loses his right to own firearms? Where in that amendment does it say laws can't be written to allow specific timeframes before allowing someone to purchase a weapon? Where does it say a mentally unstable person should lose his/her right to own firearms?

Many gun zealots misinterpret the meaning of the definition of that amendment altogether. turn the two parts of the sentence around -

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed due to a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

Nowadays, our "well regulated militia" are the State Guards in each respective state. If you take that sentence literally, the only reason a person should have the right to own a firearm is if they commit to a servitude of working within that State Guard. If you're not serving in the militia, there's no need for you to own a gun. I suppose you can "imply" that every American is essentially a "militia member", but if that were the case, we'd essentially be living in a Military Dictatorship. Interpretation is a funny thing isn't it?

bang guy

Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540571
Now that's a new interpretation of a Constitutional law. What part of SHALL NOT BE DENIED do you not understand? Of course it does. Who else is "everyone" if that Amendment protects "anyone" based on race, religion, age, or sex? That would apply to your dog or cat I presume, if that's your definition of "everyone".

What part of "Shall not be denied based on ..." do you not understand?

bang guy

Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540572
Man, you Righties will twist the interpretation any way you want to try and win an argument. Now these amendments only "imply" you have a right to vote?

If we want to twist the interpretation of those Amendments, let's look at the 2nd:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Where in that amendment does it give you the right to own specific types of firearms? You apparently want to give a WIDE definition of the word "arms". Where does it say in that amendment that a person convicted of a felony loses his right to own firearms? Where in that amendment does it say laws can't be written to allow specific timeframes before allowing someone to purchase a weapon? Where does it say a mentally unstable person should lose his/her right to own firearms?

Many gun zealots misinterpret the meaning of the definition of that amendment altogether. turn the two parts of the sentence around -

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed due to a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

Nowadays, our "well regulated militia" are the State Guards in each respective state. If you take that sentence literally, the only reason a person should have the right to own a firearm is if they commit to a servitude of working within that State Guard. If you're not serving in the militia, there's no need for you to own a gun. I suppose you can "imply" that every American is essentially a "militia member", but if that were the case, we'd essentially be living in a Military Dictatorship. Interpretation is a funny thing isn't it?

The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees with you. If they agreed with you I would accept that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540572
Man, you Righties will twist the interpretation any way you want to try and win an argument. Now these amendments only "imply" you have a right to vote?

If we want to twist the interpretation of those Amendments, let's look at the 2nd:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Where in that amendment does it give you the right to own specific types of firearms? You apparently want to give a WIDE definition of the word "arms". Where does it say in that amendment that a person convicted of a felony loses his right to own firearms? Where in that amendment does it say laws can't be written to allow specific timeframes before allowing someone to purchase a weapon? Where does it say a mentally unstable person should lose his/her right to own firearms?

Many gun zealots misinterpret the meaning of the definition of that amendment altogether. turn the two parts of the sentence around -

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed due to a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.

Nowadays, our "well regulated militia" are the State Guards in each respective state. If you take that sentence literally, the only reason a person should have the right to own a firearm is if they commit to a servitude of working within that State Guard. If you're not serving in the militia, there's no need for you to own a gun. I suppose you can "imply" that every American is essentially a "militia member", but if that were the case, we'd essentially be living in a Military Dictatorship. Interpretation is a funny thing isn't it?

The people weren't illegible to serve in the militia. It was males aged 15 to 48. Had those who wrote the 2nd intended it to only be to arm potential militia members it would have been specific rather than using "The People". And again, there are many writings of those who debated and wrote the bill of rights that make specific mention of the reasons behind the right to keep and bear arms and to prevent our own government from becoming Obaminated (tyrannical :) ) was a recurring theme.
in·fringe (ĭn-frĭnj′)
v. in·fringed, in·fring·ing, in·fring·es
To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.

To encroach on someone or something; engage in trespassing: an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.

Shall not be infringed.... Where does that grant the government the authority to ban a type of arm because paranoid people lose control of their bodily functions at the sight of black plastic stocks?