By the grace of god.......................................

bang guy

OK, so they have to get within 40-50 yards but my bow is whisper quiet.

For what it's worth, these were the first 6 practice shots of my season from 40 yards. Note that the arrow to the far right actually hit the end of one of the arrows in the bullseye and was deflected. That's why it entered at a different angle and also why the nock is broken on one of the arrows.

Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540590
OK, so they have to get within 40-50 yards but my bow is whisper quiet.

For what it's worth, these were the first 6 practice shots of my season from 40 yards. Note that the arrow to the far right actually hit the end of one of the arrows in the bullseye and was deflected. That's why it entered at a different angle and also why the nock is broken on one of the arrows.

Robin Hood.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Go look at all the NRA misconception of information sites that tries to refute these people's claims. What's your point.
You said liberals dont want to ban all guns. I showed you otherwise. That is my point.
Not sure how it's an insult. Every mass shooting that's occurred in the last few years, and semi-automatic assault rifle was used. Yes other weapons wee in their possession, but those were only used after the major damage was done.
Calling avid gun owners or those that support the second amendment in it's entirety "gun nuts" is meant as an insult. You support abortion, from here on out would it not be insulting if I called you "baby killer"?
Yes, 1 shot gun round can do the same if the victim is within a 150 ft range. You can take that AR and nil someone as far as 3/4 of a mile away and still make a fatal shot.
1. mass shootings do not occur at that range. and this is primarily your concern with this weapon.
2. Only 12 people in recorded history have made a shot at a target of 1300 yards or more. And the used significantly higher caliber ammunition, range finders, a spotter...etc...etc.... Your claim is beyond ridiculous. Anyone that can make a 1300 yard shot doesnt need a weapon with a capacity of more than 1 shell. as they can pick off their target at their leisure and not be seen. Think the D.C. sniper in this case. Bolt action rifle, he killed how many and created far more panic and chaos.
You know what I meant in regards to legally owned shotguns. Most states allow an 18" barrel. Less maneuverable and bulkier that an AR? Guess it depends on the "accessories" you stick on an AR. Start adding all the bafflers, upper receiver forearm mods, and other "additions", that AR is just as heavy and bulky as most conventional shotguns. Most people also stick the same 16" barrel on them.
How am I supposed to know what you meant? Sawed off shotgun is completely different than an 18" barrel. Night and day different. It isn't the weight that makes it more manueverable or not, it is the over all length. The shortest a shotgun can be legally is 26 inches. To do this you remove the buttstock. Taking away acuracy and grouping of multiple shots. Not to mention added time to rack and reaim as the gunis not in a tight shoulder position to maintain aim. The ar-15 can be about 30", less if you go pistol format but this runs into the same problems as the really short shotgun. if we leave the buttstock on the shotgun it is longer than the ar-15 and thus less wieldy around corners. Doubt me? ask military personnel.
Instead of carrying a gun when I go out, I tend to avoid any location where the potential of some kind of danger could arise.
Like schools, movie theatres, public streets? Here is what you keep ignoring. Everyone I know carries a gun for protection. They also HOPE they never have to draw it. They hope even more they never have to fire it other than at the range. Maybe you hang out with some less than stellar people or associate with some subpar individuals to think otheriwse. But I would assume a millionaire mingles with differnt people with different mindsets than I. I could be wrong.
"Responsible gun owner" is such a misnomer. Anyone who owns a firearm is considered that, until they use it in an illegal manner.
same with upstanding citizen, until that citizen steals a car. Same with Trusted financial advisor until he pulls a Bernie Madoff. Bernie madoff ruined more lives than the Colorado shooter...yet we don't argue financial legislation laws nearly as much as the second amendment. Now I know it is nowhere near the loss of a loved one, but the families that affected will affect those families for generations.
Now the drunk driver argument. You do make valid points, but the two are still dissimilar. Most drunk driver injuries and deaths are never considered intentional. Most people who are involved in those incidents don't sit around saying "You know what. I'm going to get plastered to the extreme on Jack and Coke, go jump in my car, and drive down the road completely impaired until I either crash into another vehicle, run over an innocent pedestrian, or slam my car into a tree, whichever comes first." So we are willing to allow 10,000 deaths a year in this country because they weren't intentional. Even though the consumption of alcohol is not a constitutionally protected right? I see you are for slightly stiffer penalties concerning drunk driving. But you are still willing to give three strikes rather than just ban the cause of the problem. Or change the law to reduce the legal amount of alcohol in drinks even.
When someone pulls a firearm, whether it's intentional to commit a crime, or unintentional to protect oneself in a situation needing to do so, the full intent of pulling that weapon is to injure or kill.
Most armed robberies the assailant never fires a shot. Having the weapon does not mean they intend to kill. They typically intend to intimidate. The department of justice numbers show, that approximately 10% of crimes committed involving a gun result in the gun being fired to kill or maim. So apparently pull the gun does not completely give intent to kill. So the intent argument is still a stretch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540590
OK, so they have to get within 40-50 yards but my bow is whisper quiet.

For what it's worth, these were the first 6 practice shots of my season from 40 yards. Note that the arrow to the far right actually hit the end of one of the arrows in the bullseye and was deflected. That's why it entered at a different angle and also why the nock is broken on one of the arrows.

Perhaps "Bangless Guy" would be a more appropriate name. That's good shootin. I messed around with a bow years ago and never could get the hang of it.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/20#post_3540584

in·fringe (ĭn-frĭnj′)
v. in·fringed, in·fring·ing, in·fring·es
To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.

To encroach on someone or something; engage in trespassing: an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.

Shall not be infringed.... Where does that grant the government the authority to ban a type of arm because paranoid people lose control of their bodily functions at the sight of black plastic stocks?

You just validated my argument. Sounds to me, only individuals age 15 to 48 are allowed to own guns based on your warped interpretation of that Amendment. Now you can read the minds of the Founding Fathers? So they were supposed to be explicit in regards to the meaning behind the 2nd, but not the other 9? The only "arms" those people knew back then were gunpowder muskets and muzzleloaders. Not in their wildest dreams would they have imagined someone could build a firearm you could hold in your hand that was capable of spewing 100 rounds of lead in under a minute. Yet again, spin it your way to try and validate youir argument.

You lose all credibility in your argument when you throw out ridiculous words like "Obaminated" and "tyrannical" when speaking of our current President. I could've said the same thing about Bush and his "tyrannical" way he kept us in a useless war during his entire term. I live in a state with a "tyrannical" governor who based his edicts on his faith instead of the law. What's laughable with your entire Obama-bashing is he has actually created laws regarding gun ownership that allow you more freedoms with the usage of firearms. He created the law that now allows your to carry your weapons in National Parks. He has never had a law passed that restricts anyone's right to own firearms. Instead you listen to idiots like Hannity and that loon Sarah Palin that brain wash you into thinking "you just wait, he WILL take your gun rights away!" NEWSFLASH, Obama only has two years left in his term. Based on all the other crap that's going on in this country, and now Ukraine, I seriously doubt any major gun legislation will occur on his watch.

Paranoid? Guess all those kids that were blown away at Sandy Hook, and those moviegoers in Aurora were just paranoid at the sight of that black plastic stock.

darthtang aw

Active Member
The constitution sets no age. It clearly says the people. Had been refering to only the militia the would say the miltias right to own firearms shall not be infringed.
Considering those forefathers wrote the federalist papers which contain their intent for the constitution as a whole and in parts......yes we can see their intent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/40#post_3540639
You just validated my argument. Sounds to me, only individuals age 15 to 48 are allowed to own guns based on your warped interpretation of that Amendment. Now you can read the minds of the Founding Fathers? So they were supposed to be explicit in regards to the meaning behind the 2nd, but not the other 9? The only "arms" those people knew back then were gunpowder muskets and muzzleloaders. Not in their wildest dreams would they have imagined someone could build a firearm you could hold in your hand that was capable of spewing 100 rounds of lead in under a minute. Yet again, spin it your way to try and validate youir argument.

You lose all credibility in your argument when you throw out ridiculous words like "Obaminated" and "tyrannical" when speaking of our current President. I could've said the same thing about Bush and his "tyrannical" way he kept us in a useless war during his entire term. I live in a state with a "tyrannical" governor who based his edicts on his faith instead of the law. What's laughable with your entire Obama-bashing is he has actually created laws regarding gun ownership that allow you more freedoms with the usage of firearms. He created the law that now allows your to carry your weapons in National Parks. He has never had a law passed that restricts anyone's right to own firearms. Instead you listen to idiots like Hannity and that loon Sarah Palin that brain wash you into thinking "you just wait, he WILL take your gun rights away!" NEWSFLASH, Obama only has two years left in his term. Based on all the other crap that's going on in this country, and now Ukraine, I seriously doubt any major gun legislation will occur on his watch.

Paranoid? Guess all those kids that were blown away at Sandy Hook, and those moviegoers in Aurora were just paranoid at the sight of that black plastic stock.

The fact they didn't include the age requirement, thus granting the right to the people which referred to the general citizenry clearly shows the intent to grand the right to all citizens. Not just militia members and as Darth points out there are writings of those who wrote and voted for the bill or rights that make the specific point about the need of the citizens to be armed to keep the government in check.
And do you really want to discuss credibility Bionic
I'm just curious as to how this woman got seven shots off and he only got one. I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm just trying to figure exactly how this thing went down.

She's coming from her car, walking to her door, when out of nowhere, a guy jumps out and puts a gun to her head. I would have to assume at this point, she reaches for her firearm. When he sees her doing that, I wonder why he didn't fire, or pistol whip, or something? I'm going to guess that maybe because she was a women, he just assumed she was not carrying?

It just all sounds a little weird to me. Like, if I was in the same situation, and after the gun was put to my head I reached to my right hip side to retrieve my Glock, the guy would have ample time to cut me off. In fact, if I had a gun to my head, and even if I was carrying, I don't think I would have reached for my weapon anyways.

How in the world this women managed to not only draw her weapon, but also get off seven shots is beyond me, but good for her and the amazing luck that was shining on her that day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/397238/by-the-grace-of-god/40#post_3540645
I'm just curious as to how this woman got seven shots off and he only got one. I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm just trying to figure exactly how this thing went down.

I am sure the dirtbag wasn't expecting it. She probably hit something vital with the first shot and kept trying to pump rounds into him until he quit moving. Sounds like something out of a Steven Segal movie though LOL!