call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
the new tank haze. i HATE it! i have it in my tank right now even though it was a transfer! looks great and coming along nicely. you should check out my new diary.

I'm headed there right now Nemo!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Grrrrrr, LOOK at this guy!! That's Godzilla, an emerald crab that I bought from The little bugger is a freakin' tree climber!! LOL...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thanks Rykna, I think I'm just going to do what I did with my reef and stick with water changes (after the cycle). I do have some phosphate pads for my filter as well if I need them, but I need to test first. Gotta keep thinking PONIES!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Yeah, I know there are "things" that you can do to clear it up faster, but I'm more of an organic sort of gal...I'd just as soon do the water changes and see it clear that way. I think it took my reef tank about 3-4 water changes to finally look crystal clear after the switch...and I didn't have to add anything, just routine maintenance...I like that.
Lisa :happyfish
oh i know what you mean. that's the best way for everything. :)


Active Member
Hey Jason,
I was finally able to run that seahorse video. I didn't listen to it at all because I'm at work, and, know. It's really cool!! If you click the pause button when it stops, it continues to buffer. Click on play to watch more till it stops again and keep doing that. It's really a cool video!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hey Jason,
I was finally able to run that seahorse video. I didn't listen to it at all because I'm at work, and, know. It's really cool!! If you click the pause button when it stops, it continues to buffer. Click on play to watch more till it stops again and keep doing that. It's really a cool video!!
Lisa :happyhorse
Morning Lisa,
That's great. I was so disappointed when I saw that it was messed up because I remember how great of a video it was. I want to do that or something like it for my clowns and have it be a nice small space. I have a mated pair that try to be mom and dad but don't quite know how. Anyhow, i'll be sure and try that. I just love how they go hunting for their pods in it. Cute little things. Alright, well have a nice day at work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Morning Lisa,
That's great. I was so disappointed when I saw that it was messed up because I remember how great of a video it was. I want to do that or something like it for my clowns and have it be a nice small space. I have a mated pair that try to be mom and dad but don't quite know how. Anyhow, i'll be sure and try that. I just love how they go hunting for their pods in it. Cute little things. Alright, well have a nice day at work!

LOL, "nice day at work"....ah, that's funny...
j/k, I reallly love my job. Something different every day and lately something new added to my day every day...keeps me on my toes.
I'm going to try to post a video...not sure if it will work, but watch for my next post...*fingers crossed*
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Let's see if this works...hope so.
Lisa :happyfish
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>


Active Member
lisa i think your "pot" decor is catching on, a coral tank at an lfs around here had one that looked almost just like it! lol have xenia on it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lisa i think your "pot" decor is catching on, a coral tank at an lfs around here had one that looked almost just like it! lol have xenia on it
You've GOT to be kidding me!! I need to change my username to "trendsetter" I guess.
Get a pic of that if you can 'kay?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
lol, ok, i try not to step in there too many times,just HAD to break down and buy a zoo rock.. but next time i do i'llget one for ya!


Active Member
Yay, it worked!
Don't expect any fancy schmancy music, just a lot of TV noise and me telling my fish they're NOT getting fed again!!

Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
LOL, "nice day at work"....ah, that's funny... j/k, I reallly love my job. Something different every day and lately something new added to my day every day...keeps me on my toes.
I'm going to try to post a video...not sure if it will work, but watch for my next post...*fingers crossed*
Lisa :happyfish
You know I say that without knowing what it is that you do. With that said, what do
you do? lol. I haven't worked in months. I must say it's been nice although I do kind of miss my job. I just don't miss the politics and bs that goes on. But hey, that's almost everywhere.
I'll be on the lookout for the video. I can't wait.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
You know I say that without knowing what it is that you do. With that said, what do you do? lol. I haven't worked in months. I must say it's been nice although I do kind of miss my job. I just don't miss the politics and bs that goes on. But hey, that's almost everywhere.
I'll be on the lookout for the video. I can't wait.

I'm the Health Information Management Coordinator for a county hospital, but I've also taken on the role of Information Technology Help Desk and various other I said, it keeps me on my toes. I need a vacation...
And...correcto...that politics crap goes on everywhere...just something ya gotta learn to deal with.
What kind of work do you do?
Video is posted, post #230. You'll probably have to pause again while it buffers...let me know what you think!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Yay, it worked!
Don't expect any fancy schmancy music, just a lot of TV noise and me telling my fish they're NOT getting fed again!!

Lisa :happyfish
Hahaha, "I'm not feeding you again" Greedy little buggers aren't they? Very nice. I'm completely jealous of your xenia! I want some soooo bad, but my place here doesn't ever get them in, and the next closets places to Rockford with saltwater stuff are both an hour away. Frustrating. I just can't bring myself to have it shipped. I've heard so many horror stories about shipping. Between that and sun polyps which I never see either those are my two most sought after pieces. Oh well. Like I said, wonderful video and setup and I'm jealous, i'll have to get something on here of the tank, I suppose. I ramble. okbye!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lolly1
Nice video! Looks like Sister Mary is doing really well!
Beth ***)
Yeah, she's doing great. She's eating really good, getting right in there with the "big fish". I've been feeding garlic laced foods, and everybody just seems to go nuts over it. I think that Sr. Mary is also getting a bit more color to her, more yellow. She's still seems a little twitchy, but she's beginning to recognize me as the "giver of the food" and is less a little less psyched with me standing by the tank. I also did some maintenance tonight...filters and skimmer...and that didn't seem to phase her at all. I really like her, and will really love her when she's fully acclimated...great choice, I think.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I'm the Health Information Management Coordinator for a county hospital, but I've also taken on the role of Information Technology Help Desk and various other I said, it keeps me on my toes. I need a vacation...
And...correcto...that politics crap goes on everywhere...just something ya gotta learn to deal with.
What kind of work do you do?
Video is posted, post #230. You'll probably have to pause again while it buffers...let me know what you think!!
Lisa :happyfish
Wow. Sounds like a tough job and like you're a busy busy woman! LOL@needing a vacation, Miss I just had a scuba trip :p I need a vacation and I don't even have a job, well not a work type job. I was in retail management for a couple years at one of the Gamestop's out here, but, my boss was a dinosaur and a royal...jerk...ha. I let him off easily saying that. Anyway, I had enough and It just so happened my wife had our baby girl, so when she went back to her job, I left mine and that was back in September. SO I'm a stay at home daddy until I get my Law Enforcement job. I've been applying at the Rockford Police Department and just reapplied so i'll be testing again shortly and hopefully the second time will be a charm. *crosses fingers* First time I passed everything, just was among the young and less qualified I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Hahaha, "I'm not feeding you again" Greedy little buggers aren't they? Very nice. I'm completely jealous of your xenia! I want some soooo bad, but my place here doesn't ever get them in, and the next closets places to Rockford with saltwater stuff are both an hour away. Frustrating. I just can't bring myself to have it shipped. I've heard so many horror stories about shipping. Between that and sun polyps which I never see either those are my two most sought after pieces. Oh well. Like I said, wonderful video and setup and I'm jealous, i'll have to get something on here of the tank, I suppose. I ramble. okbye!
They sure are...everytime I even look at the tank, it seems that my fish feel like they need to get fed!! I have to admit that it took some doing for me not to give them something...they're just SO cute!!
Oh man, my xenias...where do I begin. When I bought them I LOVED them, but they do so well in my tank that they migrate like crazy, and to places I don't want them to be. I've already sent 4 small frags to the lfs, and I have at least 5 more that can go, if I can get them to migrate onto the rocks I want them on. They are pretty cool though. I'll see what it would take to ship some to you. Lord knows I have xenias to spare.
Lisa :happyfish