call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I second this motion. That's why I really happy that we moved my perc clowns to the 45 gallon. That way if anythign I get for the horse tank doesn't work out I can put it into the clown tank.

I found several diffent kinds of clown gobies..they're awesome!!!!!!!! Email me if you'd like the links. The one you were talking about only gets about 1.5"!!!!!
Awesome fish!!!!!!
This is the Green clown Goby



Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i think those are supposed to be pretty simple/peaceful....i would always worry about adding a fish with seahorses...but if for some reason he wouldnt work out or harrass could you put him in your other tank?
Yeah, Bronco, that's what I thought, and those gobies are super dinky. I really hope they'll do fine in my sh tank though. We'll see.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I found several diffent kinds of clown gobies..they're awesome!!!!!!!! Email me if you'd like the links. The one you were talking about only gets about 1.5"!!!!!
Awesome fish!!!!!!
This is the Green clown Goby

Yeah, that would be the ones. I like them because they have such HUGE heads...CUTE!! I'm undecided between the yellow and green, like you posted. But I have time.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Yeah, that would be the ones. I like them because they have such HUGE heads...CUTE!! I'm undecided between the yellow and green, like you posted. But I have time.
Lisa :happyfish
Hey there Lisa.
I've had the yellow clown goby and let me tell you, they are one of the most interesting fish you will ever own. I loved mine. Very curious and funny fish. So I think it'd be a good addition for you. I'd keep another except for some reason they don't like to stay away from the slots in my overflow and I'd always find him chillin in the back chamber. So I had to take him back. Have fun!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Yeah, that would be the ones. I like them because they have such HUGE heads...CUTE!! I'm undecided between the yellow and green, like you posted. But I have time.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Hey there Lisa.
I've had the yellow clown goby and let me tell you, they are one of the most interesting fish you will ever own. I loved mine. Very curious and funny fish. So I think it'd be a good addition for you. I'd keep another except for some reason they don't like to stay away from the slots in my overflow and I'd always find him chillin in the back chamber. So I had to take him back. Have fun!
Something like that shouldn't be a problem in the sh tank, since I'll be covering all of the intakes one way or another, and the heater. Hopefully I figure out how to do that before the end of the cycle.
Water parameters today: I only did ammonia and nitrites,
Ammonia 1.0-1.5
Nitrites 0
The shrimp got somehow blown into the coral piece, it's going to be interesting seeing how I get that little number out of there tomorrow. Hmmmm....sounds like

fishing to me.

Thanks for the info Jason!! That's it for now.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
They are sweet. I've seen them both in person and they're both pretty much the same, save for the color...very docile, very peaceful. I think they'll be great practice for me to have some really mellow fish.
and like I stated before, their HUGE heads just make them look so goofy...gotta love that!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Something like that shouldn't be a problem in the sh tank, since I'll be covering all of the intakes one way or another, and the heater. Hopefully I figure out how to do that before the end of the cycle.
Water parameters today: I only did ammonia and nitrites,
Ammonia 1.0-1.5
Nitrites 0
The shrimp got somehow blown into the coral piece, it's going to be interesting seeing how I get that little number out of there tomorrow. Hmmmm....sounds like

fishing to me.

Thanks for the info Jason!! That's it for now.
Lisa :happyfish
I'm sure you'll cover all the bases, well and intakes as well!

Sucks about the shrimp, just make sure you're careful and it doesn't crumble to pieces before you get it outta there. It's all coming along nicely! And you're welcome for the info, you know i'm always willing to help so if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask!


Active Member
Well, nothing really cool or exciting or beautiful to post today, so I thought I'd post a pic of my broken rock...see the split? I don't know how that happened. After I put it into the tank, it spewed little bubbles for a long while (looked like there was a little SCUBA diver behind it). When I got home from work the following day, this is what I found...
Lisa :happyfish



CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have just successfully spilt a rock in captivity. The news press will be all over this topic in no time.
looking great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have just successfully spilt a rock in captivity. The news press will be all over this topic in no time.
looking great.
LOL...oh please, keep the paparazzi at bay!!

Time to hire a body guard...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
That's crazy! Do you have any idea of what the rock is made from? really intriguing.
I have no idea what made that happen. Like I said, it as spewing bubbles for the longest time (I'm assuming it was taking in sw???). Pressure from the inside of the rock...IDK. Maybe someone will post here what could've happened.
I'm thinking that I may try to get some credit for that rock though, since I paid $15.00 for the darn thing. Hoping they'll just let me keep it and use it anyway, we'll see.
Suggestions welcomed!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I have no idea what made that happen. Like I said, it as spewing bubbles for the longest time (I'm assuming it was taking in sw???). Pressure from the inside of the rock...IDK. Maybe someone will post here what could've happened.
I'm thinking that I may try to get some credit for that rock though, since I paid $15.00 for the darn thing. Hoping they'll just let me keep it and use it anyway, we'll see.
Suggestions welcomed!!
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah no kidding. If they know what they're doing they'll let you keep it and replace it for you or give you credit. At least that's what my guy would do.
On a side note, I don't know if you know, but i've been looking to re-seed my system and especially my fuge..anyway, I was looking at the bottom of my LFS's LR tank and mind you, they don't sell live sand, but anyhow, the bottom of this tank is full of like, broken bits and pieces of rock and i looked closely and it's full of pods, microstars, and spaghetti worms. So I talked to him and he's having me come by tomorrow and he's gonna hook me up with a big bag of whatever he can for me out of there. I'm stoked.
Anyway, hope that goes well for ya. Was a pretty snazzy rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Yeah no kidding. If they know what they're doing they'll let you keep it and replace it for you or give you credit. At least that's what my guy would do.
On a side note, I don't know if you know, but i've been looking to re-seed my system and especially my fuge..anyway, I was looking at the bottom of my LFS's LR tank and mind you, they don't sell live sand, but anyhow, the bottom of this tank is full of like, broken bits and pieces of rock and i looked closely and it's full of pods, microstars, and spaghetti worms. So I talked to him and he's having me come by tomorrow and he's gonna hook me up with a big bag of whatever he can for me out of there. I'm stoked.
Anyway, hope that goes well for ya. Was a pretty snazzy rock.
Whoa...I would be too!! What a find!!
I was looking into the soon to be seahorse tank tonight and found my first actually bristle worm...very small, but very much alive and moving around. I know...not much, but something. Oh, and last night while doing the flashlight dance, I saw a pod scamper across the rock. There is life.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Whoa...I would be too!! What a find!!
I was looking into the soon to be seahorse tank tonight and found my first actually bristle worm...very small, but very much alive and moving around. I know...not much, but something. Oh, and last night while doing the flashlight dance, I saw a pod scamper across the rock. There is life.
Lisa :happyfish
I know right!? I was sooo happy. It's been so annoying looking for anything reputable to go through. But i'd much rather see it face to...pods, versus buy online and get what i get. Always scares me. I did the same thing last night. I saw a few amphipods on my new rock with the anemone and some worms that weren't bristleworms. They moved like little tiny centipedes over the rock. And also this like..clam looking shell. except it turned upside down and kind of pulled itself along the rock. It was trippy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
I know right!? I was sooo happy. It's been so annoying looking for anything reputable to go through. But i'd much rather see it face to...pods, versus buy online and get what i get. Always scares me. I did the same thing last night. I saw a few amphipods on my new rock with the anemone and some worms that weren't bristleworms. They moved like little tiny centipedes over the rock. And also this like..clam looking shell. except it turned upside down and kind of pulled itself along the rock. It was trippy.
My daughter had a little clam or oyster looking shell in some of her LR when she first set it up, she said too that you could see it move...pretty cool hitch hiker, but I don't think they hang around very long.
Again, nothing new in the sh tank, but Beth took a great picture of Cookie, my female clown. I think it's really a cool picture...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
My daughter had a little clam or oyster looking shell in some of her LR when she first set it up, she said too that you could see it move...pretty cool hitch hiker, but I don't think they hang around very long.
Again, nothing new in the sh tank, but Beth took a great picture of Cookie, my female clown. I think it's really a cool picture...
Lisa :happyfish
awesome! yeah its a weird lookin thing. that picture is great! really cute. sorry for the lack of punctuation but im typing whilst eating ice cream.


Originally Posted by MonaLisa creammmm!! LOL
Nothing much more to report today, how 'bout you?
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah, Rocky Road! I couldn't help myself. Well earlier today, I went to the LFS and got my bag of bottom of the tank sludge and gunk and critters that I was promised and boy did he deliver. Pods galore and a few bristleworms and like 7 or 8 micro stars. I was soooo happy to see them..So they all went to the new fuge. And I had some credit left over so I had him give me the 20 dollars worth of credit in hermit crabs. Needless to say I was happy with what I got. Then this evening was the first indoor football game of the season and we have season tickets. So my wife my daughter and my wife's parents(they have season tickets behind us) all went. Sadly the Raptors lost, but it was my first arena game. Very fun. 5.50 for a bottle of beer. Insane.
now i have a headache.
