call me exited, but...


Active Member
Shouldn't eat your ice cream so fast...that will give you a headache every time :joy:
So, we had a very busy tank maintenance day today. Beth's tank is having a slight outbreak of a couple of different kinds of algea. A little bit of green hair and some red something or other. We did all kinds of tests and were very pleased that her calcium is coming up nicely after switching to Oceanic salt. Her phosphates were at .5...which isn't terrible, but we put some phosphate pads in her filter to hopefully help out with that. We also placed another small powerhead directed more to the bottom and across the front, where the algea seems to be concentrated. Again, it's not a huge breakout, but we don't want it to get to that point. Her xenias and zoas are also looking quite sad, and it's my hope that the added flow will help those out as well. We also set up water for a wc and have that heating and aerating.
After we tinkered around with her tank, we came here where I did a nice big water change on my reef. Fastest change I think I've ever done, mostly because I've been doing periodic cleaning of my equipment during the week rather than doing it all at once...worked out great.
I have to get used to having the canopy back on my sh tank, because it's harder to see that I need to top it off...that needed to be topped off. Oh, and I also purchased some livestock for that tank...I acclimated and released.

That's it for now.
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Beth left for the hospital about 15 minutes ago...we'll have a brand new baby boy soon.
:jumping: :cheer:

Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Beth left for the hospital about 15 minutes ago...we'll have a brand new baby boy soon.
:jumping: :cheer:

Lisa :happyfish
Congrats!! well not just yet, but yanno when he comes. That was one of the best/worst times ever. Hospital beds suck. ;/ So does cafeteria food.
Jason :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Wow!!! congratulations!!! lets pick names!!!!!

He's already got a name, Jonah Michael (Michael after his grandpa).
Everything went great, Beth, baby and Tyler are doing great. I'm exhausted, I can imagine how they must be feeling!!
I got to stay and help...indescribable!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :joy:

You'll have to start a baby picture thread!!!!!!!!!!!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :joy:

You'll have to start a baby picture thread!!!!!!!!!!!! :happyfish
That would be fun...but I left my digital camera with all the pics at the hospital. Maybe tomorrow.
Jonah Michael was born at 2:26 today, 3/26/07. He's perfect and absolutely beautiful!! Beth amazes me with every day that I know her and see what she can do.
What an incredible day!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
CONGRATS!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
Thanks Bronco
Lisa :happpyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
CONGRATS!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
Thanks Bronco
Lisa :happpyfish


Active Member
We think he is too. Until she's on her feet again a little better, I'll be taking care of Beth's 55gal and my 2 tanks...I've got 2 weeks off to help her out and take care of business.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks Lauren,
He's definitely a keeper. So far he's also a very content little guy. Grampa's already talking about teaching him to SCUBA when he's older...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
What a cute little sweet pea!!!!! If you ever need a babysitter, Aria's been asking for a baby brother!!!!


Active Member
Boy ryk you've been trying to get flights everywhere havent you!!! fly to Indy, now to Wis! lol,, how are the tanks going lisa, probably a little preocuppied with the new arrival, just thought i'd ask


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
Boy ryk you've been trying to get flights everywhere havent you!!! fly to Indy, now to Wis! lol,, how are the tanks going lisa, probably a little preocuppied with the new arrival, just thought i'd ask

The reef is doing great, starting to get the coraline background going...yay. I noticed this morning that Bozo found the featherduster and he is being hosted by it...he's not picky, mushrooms, frogspawn, featherduster...where ever he hangs his hat, I guess.
I did a small top off in the sh tank and I'm waiting for that to mix in a little before doing testing. I noticed in there that the diatoms are definitely beginning and there are little bristleworms and some kind of little bugs going in and out of things. So that's moving along nicely as well.
Off to test.
I only tested ammonia and nitrites again.
ammonia - .50 (on the way down)
nitrites between 0 and .25 (on the way up, I imagine)
Lisa :happyfish