call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
OOps. Most definitely I will get some new pictures tomorrow. This reminds me to charge the camera. I have no pictures of the entire tank. Just of the various inhabitants. The fish. The anemone. Corals. etc. I've been wanting to take a full shot but was battling the cyano and well I just couldn't have a picture of that.
Whoa...just did the flashlight dance in front of the sh tank...HUGE pod explosion going on in there. I'll take tests post pics!! Actually, pictures of the cyano in a full tank pic says lot about what you can do about it.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Whoa...just did the flashlight dance in front of the sh tank...HUGE pod explosion going on in there. I'll take tests post pics!! Actually, pictures of the cyano in a full tank pic says lot about what you can do about it.
Lisa :happyfish
I'll piece what I can together for ya.
new frags.



Active Member
Are those pictures from tonight? I don't see any cyano in there. Those pics are really pretty awesome...what gives? Let's see a full tank picture. Good job, everything looks very happy!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Are those pictures from tonight? I don't see any cyano in there. Those pics are really pretty awesome...what gives? Let's see a full tank picture. Good job, everything looks very happy!!
Lisa :happyfish
The last three were from last night. I'll take a set of full tanks tomorrow afternoon. There's no cyano any longer. I recently got rid of it, but it was the lone reason I hadn't taken an full tank shots. I hated the way the tank looked. I promise i'll get em for ya!


Originally Posted by PettyHoe
sorry to barge in, but how do you get such large pictures to post, mine will only post 500x500. great shots!
oh well the camera takes them large enough and I upload them to photobucket and just hotlink from photobucket. Versus attaching them and having to spend time making them 500x500.
Just upload your photos to photobucket and copy the one you want to put on here and click the button on here with the little moutains and sun or whatever that is, it'll allow you to put the address the picture is saved at. :)
Hope that helps.


Active Member
Well, nothing but diatoms, bristle worms, and a pod explosion going on in the sh tank. I thought I'd just post a pic of my reef with the lights on (for once). I guess I didn't realize the only full tank pic I had was with the blue actinics.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Well, nothing but diatoms, bristle worms, and a pod explosion going on in the sh tank. I thought I'd just post a pic of my reef with the lights on (for once). I guess I didn't realize the only full tank pic I had was with the blue actinics.
Lisa :happyfish
beautiful, miss! I have those pictures for you. I'll upload them. Hopefully they turned out okay.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
beautiful, miss! I have those pictures for you. I'll upload them. Hopefully they turned out okay.
***) ***) ***) ***) ***)
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Whoa!!! Awesome pictures!! Everything looks great, happy, healthy. Rockwork is VERY cool!! Yay. What kind of camera did you take them with? The pics are really nice and clear, colors great. You should really post more pics!!

Lisa :happyfish