call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
yea, if you are feeding a ton, dependin on the size you might do a bit more, i wouldnt go excesive though....i think for mine, which are ALOT WORSE i do maybe 2.5-3gallons so i do about 15%
My thought has been that in the 37gal I'd do maybe 4-4.5 gal/week...just to be on the safe side. You have your horses in a 12gal? Sorry, I'm totally NOT a math wiz. LOL.
What would you consider excessive?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
ok well be that way lisa...i meant AROUND 15% since they are in a 10gallon...2.5 being the 15%

Got it. Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Wow. I've been pretty MIA today trying to chime in when I can. It's been a busy day. Took family easter photos. Laugh all you want. :p Had to have pictures of the baby in her easter dress.
On the saltwater side, I'm glad to hear the tank is doing well. Ever since I added my chaeto ball it's taken a really nice green hue, it was a little on the pale side when I first got it. I just grabbed another bag of live sand/rubble from the LFS and it had many more lovely critters in there and well i've now got about 10 micro stars living in the chaeto and the pod population is taking off in the fuge, so much fun watching the scurry about.
I'll be around more tomorrow i'm sure.


Active Member
Wow. I can't believe the life in my sh tank!! The glass is covered, and I mean covered with pods. The teeniest, tiniest bugs!! I think tomorrow I'll do the gammet of tests to see where I'm at. I'm sure 'trates will be up, so I'll set up water for a nice change. Nice...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Wow. I can't believe the life in my sh tank!! The glass is covered, and I mean covered with pods. The teeniest, tiniest bugs!! I think tomorrow I'll do the gammet of tests to see where I'm at. I'm sure 'trates will be up, so I'll set up water for a nice change. Nice...
Lisa :happyfish
Sounds good, darlin. I had a rough evening, I even wrote about it so check for the thread.


Active Member
My poor little Sister Mary came out to eat this evening, and I noticed that she's got a pretty nasty injury to her left eye!! She's eating normally and seems to be swimming about as normal. She doesn't seem to even notice it, IDK
. I'll need to watch her closely for a few days to make sure she's okay. Poor little thing.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
How's Grabrielle?
Lisa :happyfish
I'm sorry to hear about Sr. Mary. That's a bummer. I'm sure she'll bounce back! Gabby is doing just fine. Thank you for asking. She wakes up screaming when she's asleep and I think she either 1 has a bad dream or two just rubs on her stitches. It's pitiful. But when she's awake she's just as chipper as ever. :D And how are you this evening?


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
My poor little Sister Mary came out to eat this evening, and I noticed that she's got a pretty nasty injury to her left eye!! She's eating normally and seems to be swimming about as normal. She doesn't seem to even notice it, IDK
. I'll need to watch her closely for a few days to make sure she's okay. Poor little thing.
Lisa :happyfish
Sorry to hear this. My brothers damsel got it and all he did was feed a lot of food with garlic and now its better than ever. does it look like pop eye?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
Sorry to hear this. My brothers damsel got it and all he did was feed a lot of food with garlic and now its better than ever. does it look like pop eye?
Actually, that's the first thing I thought of, but no, it looks more like an injury. It looks like (please excuse the graphic description) her eye got hooked on something and got pulled out :scared: I wish I could think of something to do for her. Otherwise though, she's swimming around picking on the glass and rocks, pretty much as usual.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Update on the sh tank. I bet I looked into that tank 4-5 times today, trying to figure out what was different...hmmmm...holy smokes, the diatoms are gone!! I'm letting the tank sit for longer than I normally would, just to make sure everything is ready for the next step. I think it's ready.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Ok question. I'm thinking seriously of getting an RO unit. I've seen them at my LFS for about $99.00 (not sure how many gal/day those are. The thought is that having one would save me and Beth a lot of travel time and the long run.
Can anyone post here what it takes to set one of these things up? Do they come with pretty decent directions on how to set it up? How complicated is it to set one up?
Questions, questions...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I'm going to stop worrying about Sr. Mary and her eye injury. She obviously can't see out of that eye, but she sure is able to get enough to eat, and she's out and about grazing on the rocks and glass quite a bit.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
"Happy birthday Elton John" is, I'm distracted, but
anybody out there?
***) ***)

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Well, it took him a while, but Prince William (royal gramma) is now out and about with everyone else. ***)
I'm still wondering about the amount of flow that I have going in this tank. It seems as if the clowns are either playing in it or fighting it, IDK...

Previous posters were correct in saying that the clowns wouldn't find their shrooms in the new tank. That's sad, but hopefully before too long they'll decide to make their home there again.
Thanks to all who advised, encouraged, and cheered me on during this project.
Now, on to cleaning up the 37 gal for a seahorse tank...more to come.
Lisa :happyfish
Oh yeah, the seahorse nut is always around!!!! Sorry to hear about you're fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Oh yeah, the seahorse nut is always around!!!! Sorry to hear about you're fish.

Huh?? Oh, you just read through my whole are so funny!! Glad to hear from you Ryk!! My sh tank is pretty much full cycled at this point. My plan is to put in a clean up crew and then my little clown gobies to help boost the bio a little. I can't WAIT to get horses...but wait I will...sheesh...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
If you want the ULITIMATE flow for you clown tank, the WAVE2K is the way to go. After I bought mine I threw out all my powerheads. Coolest invention ever.

If the flow is to high the fish will blow all over and not be able to right themselves. Vaiant plays in the flow all the time! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Then he'll go back and do it all over again!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :happyfish
Do you have any new pics of the horse tank???? How much longer until you can get your seahorse????. I measured Valiant today. I took a ruler over to the side of the tank. He came right over and started investigating the ruler. He turned from side to sdie, eyeing it. Then he looks directly at me as if to say"what the heck is this???"
Valiant measure a little over 4 inches from top of head to the end of the tail curled. So when he stretches out straight I think he's about 4 and a half inches long! He's grown about an inch since I got him at the beggining of March.
Rykna :happyfish