call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Nope, no updated pics, they'll just look the same as the first pics. Just got back from visiting family for Easter. It was to show Jonah off a bit.
Lisa :happyfish
Neato! Sounds like things are heating up!!! How long has the tank been cycling now? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Neato! Sounds like things are heating up!!! How long has the tank been cycling now? :happyfish
Tank's been cycling for about 3 weeks now. Did you see the pictures I posted of the pods all over the glass? That only scratches the surface of the life in that little tank!! I've already had a diatom bloom...and it suddenly just disappeared. Also, I'm planning on getting more LR to put in there this coming weekend. It'll be cured LR from only 3 minutes away from home, so I'm not too worried about it causing a new spike, but we'll see.
How's Valient doing? Any new friends lately?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Tank's been cycling for about 3 weeks now. Did you see the pictures I posted of the pods all over the glass? That only scratches the surface of the life in that little tank!! I've already had a diatom bloom...and it suddenly just disappeared. Also, I'm planning on getting more LR to put in there this coming weekend. It'll be cured LR from only 3 minutes away from home, so I'm not too worried about it causing a new spike, but we'll see.
How's Valient doing? Any new friends lately?
Lisa :happyfish
Awesome!! Keep the pod collony growing! They all better swim for cover when you get your horse! Valiant is always on the look out for the next tastey treat! The new LR sounds great too! 3 minutes away, you'll be the envy of all the forum!!!!

Valiant is doing great. He's growing like a weed. He's a little over 4 months old now. When I first brought him home he measured aprox. 3.5 inches long. I measured him a few days ago, from what I could tell he is now a little over 4 inches snout to tail. I put a ruler on the front of the tank. Valiant swam right over to investigate this new object. It was really cute, he kept eyeing from different angles. Finally he looks straight at me as if to say "what the heck is this??"
Until I get the intake filter covers finished I won't be adding any more horses. Although I have narrowed the choices to a yellow Kuda or a Reidi. I emailed one of the breeders regarding housing different species together. The response was rather vague. Since the yellow Kuda sight offers gender choices, I think I'm going to get a male yellow Kuda.
Setting up new tanks is so much fun! Keep the pics coming! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Awesome!! Keep the pod collony growing! They all better swim for cover when you get your horse! Valiant is always on the look out for the next tastey treat! The new LR sounds great too! 3 minutes away, you'll be the envy of all the forum!!!!

Valiant is doing great. He's growing like a weed. He's a little over 4 months old now. When I first brought him home he measured aprox. 3.5 inches long. I measured him a few days ago, from what I could tell he is now a little over 4 inches snout to tail. I put a ruler on the front of the tank. Valiant swam right over to investigate this new object. It was really cute, he kept eyeing from different angles. Finally he looks straight at me as if to say "what the heck is this??"
Until I get the intake filter covers finished I won't be adding any more horses. Although I have narrowed the choices to a yellow Kuda or a Reidi. I emailed one of the breeders regarding housing different species together. The response was rather vague. Since the yellow Kuda sight offers gender choices, I think I'm going to get a male yellow Kuda.
Setting up new tanks is so much fun! Keep the pics coming! :happyfish
Awwe, that's so cool about sure sounds like he's doing great. I hope I have really good luck with my horses when I get them. I'm still trying to come up with a plan to cover the heater and the intakes/siphon of the powerhead and filter. Would sponge covers work for the powerheads and filter? I don't want to compromise the effectiveness of this equipment though, so IDK. I'll have to check out the "big horsey" site for some ideas.
The pod population in my sh tank is thriving. I got some good advice from Jason (Anubixero) to feed some phyto...I don't know if that helped, but it sure didn't hurt and I'll probably continue to do that. Ugh...I can't wait to get SOMETHING in that tank!! Soon, very soon...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Here's something that's got me puzzled. My reef tank has a "growth" that is shall we say progressing. I THINK it's some kind of sponge, at least I HOPE it is. It's on a lot of my LR and seems to slowly spread. The "sponge" is kind of a yellow-green color. Anyone with info...please respond and let me know what this is!! Hope you can make it out in the's under actinics (again)...I work a lot

Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It's very simple type of harmless tubular calcareous sponge. They are usually hitch hickers and comes in several types of colors. They're filter feeders and a sign that you tank is healthy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
It's very simple type of harmless tubular calcareous sponge. They are usually hitch hickers and comes in several types of colors. They're filter feeders and a sign that you tank is healthy.

Really!! Awesome!! I was getting concerned because I was seeing it spreading on the rocks. Thanks a lot Ryk!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Awwe, that's so cool about sure sounds like he's doing great. I hope I have really good luck with my horses when I get them. I'm still trying to come up with a plan to cover the heater and the intakes/siphon of the powerhead and filter. Would sponge covers work for the powerheads and filter? I don't want to compromise the effectiveness of this equipment though, so IDK. I'll have to check out the "big horsey" site for some ideas.
The pod population in my sh tank is thriving. I got some good advice from Jason (Anubixero) to feed some phyto...I don't know if that helped, but it sure didn't hurt and I'll probably continue to do that. Ugh...I can't wait to get SOMETHING in that tank!! Soon, very soon...
Lisa :happyfish
I have never liked or had much success in using filter sponge covers, although many other people have. This is the cover I am building for my intake flows. Bronco gave me the idea to add a refugium in between the intake flow shields. That way the pods have their personal aparment high rise.
I bought the plexi glass and just finished the measurements. This weekend, I'm taking the plexi to Ace Hardware to have it professionally cut(for smooth edges).

The back to the garage and pull out the C clamps and the Super Gel glue...24 hours latter and taaadah!!!
After I get the shield in place I'll fill the refugiums with sand and macro algae. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Really!! Awesome!! I was getting concerned because I was seeing it spreading on the rocks. Thanks a lot Ryk!!!
Lisa :happyfish
No problem :happyfish It does spread so you might have to weed it. I had 2 kinds in my reef tank. One that looked like yours and the other cream version. Once you get the tank more populated it should retreat a bit. Oh say!!!! Would you like a frag of my Corky finger gorgonian?? Valiant loves mine, but it's growing like a weed. I have 2 cuttings and will have to make more soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Really!! Awesome!! I was getting concerned because I was seeing it spreading on the rocks. Thanks a lot Ryk!!!
Lisa :happyfish
I'm 99.9% sure that the sponge is a tubular calcareous sponge :happyfish , which are harmless. This organism comes in 2 shapes, a single cylindar or a stiff honeycomb tissue substance like yours. But being this is your horse tank, I keep an eye on it.There are some demosponges that come from the same region that look similar, but have sharp prickly ends, they're called frilly sponges. They can be toxic.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
No problem :happyfish It does spread so you might have to weed it. I had 2 kinds in my reef tank. One that looked like yours and the other cream version. Once you get the tank more populated it should retreat a bit. Oh say!!!! Would you like a frag of my Corky finger gorgonian?? Valiant loves mine, but it's growing like a weed. I have 2 cuttings and will have to make more soon.

Hey Ryk, if you've got the frags, I'll definitely be happy to add them to my tank. I've got some nice xenias if you would like to trade...gotta figure out how to ship though. That'll be 2 of my xenia frags that will be shipped, when I figure out how to do it safely. I'll be stopping a the LFS tomorrow after work, and while I'm there I'll ask what their recommendations are or if they have any tips. I'll figure something out though.
Thanks a lot!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hey Ryk, if you've got the frags, I'll definitely be happy to add them to my tank. I've got some nice xenias if you would like to trade...gotta figure out how to ship though. That'll be 2 of my xenia frags that will be shipped, when I figure out how to do it safely. I'll be stopping a the LFS tomorrow after work, and while I'm there I'll ask what their recommendations are or if they have any tips. I'll figure something out though.
Thanks a lot!!
Lisa :happyfish
I have 2 of them currently. When I shipped the zoos to Bronco I packed them in a styrafoam box, and shipped over night. If you like, I'd be happy to send the corkies and then you can use the box to ship the xenias back! Do you have any other soft corals you'd like to trade? Xenias are just fine, I was just curious

I'll post so pics of them here in your thread in an hour or so. :happyfish
Hmmmmm......maybe I should throw some zoos in too! Bronco would have a fit!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I have 2 of them currently. When I shipped the zoos to Bronco I packed them in a styrafoam box, and shipped over night. If you like, I'd be happy to send the corkies and then you can use the box to ship the xenias back! Do you have any other soft corals you'd like to trade? Xenias are just fine, I was just curious

I'll post so pics of them here in your thread in an hour or so. :happyfish
Hmmmmm......maybe I should throw some zoos in too! Bronco would have a fit!!!!!

Sounds very cool!! Let me know how I can get my info to you. I do have a nice size mushroom of some kind. My xenias are very nice, pulse like crazy in my tank. I'm also sure that my xenia frag will probably have some pink zoas on hitch hike along...they're everywhere. Hmmm...I also have some nice branching zoas (dark brown with orange centers), no frags of those yet, but that wouldn't be hard and I have a ton of those too.
Can't wait to see pics!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member are the corkys.
The xenias sound fine, what colors are your mushrooms? Any zoos would be welcome too!



Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Sounds very cool!! Let me know how I can get my info to you. I do have a nice size mushroom of some kind. My xenias are very nice, pulse like crazy in my tank. I'm also sure that my xenia frag will probably have some pink zoas on hitch hike along...they're everywhere. Hmmm...I also have some nice branching zoas (dark brown with orange centers), no frags of those yet, but that wouldn't be hard and I have a ton of those too.
Can't wait to see pics!!
Lisa :happyfish

B E CAREFUL TO ASK FOR YOUR PACKAGE without a hamburger bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahha


Active Member
I was ah....trying to recycle..ya!
okay...I ran out of plastic one gallon bags.....the little zoos made it!


finally i found your thread, lisa! somehow it escaped me yesterday.

yesterday almost was disasterous. It was around 6pm and I had to be at a Arena football game at 7:05pm and I noticed the tank sounded funny or should I say didn't sound funny and I noticed the overflow wasn't making its water falling noise I looked and the stupid syphon developed a bubble and I just happened to notice the tank filling up!!! so i should everything off and tried correcting the problem and getting the syphon going again. And I couldn't before we had to leave, we ended up being late even. but I turned the powerheads toward the surface the get some surface agitation going to help with the oxygen. Came back home about 10:30 and got the syphon started and everyone was happy still. So needless to say, disaster averted but it was bugging me all night!
How's everything coming along with you?? I just bought a coral banded shrimp! he's been pretty shy since I bought him thursday, he's sharing a cave with my yellowhead sleeper. They became friends almost instantaneously.
Well, hope all is well, I should be around for the most part today, I have to find time to run a mile and a half, and I have a hockey playoff game to go to at 5pm though. NO REST FOR THE WEARY!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Ummmm...what kind of hamburgers?

Lisa :happyfish
Well it was a hamburger bun bag, so.......Zoo hamburgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
finally i found your thread, lisa! somehow it escaped me yesterday.

yesterday almost was disasterous. It was around 6pm and I had to be at a Arena football game at 7:05pm and I noticed the tank sounded funny or should I say didn't sound funny and I noticed the overflow wasn't making its water falling noise I looked and the stupid syphon developed a bubble and I just happened to notice the tank filling up!!! so i should everything off and tried correcting the problem and getting the syphon going again. And I couldn't before we had to leave, we ended up being late even. but I turned the powerheads toward the surface the get some surface agitation going to help with the oxygen. Came back home about 10:30 and got the syphon started and everyone was happy still. So needless to say, disaster averted but it was bugging me all night!
How's everything coming along with you?? I just bought a coral banded shrimp! he's been pretty shy since I bought him thursday, he's sharing a cave with my yellowhead sleeper. They became friends almost instantaneously.
Well, hope all is well, I should be around for the most part today, I have to find time to run a mile and a half, and I have a hockey playoff game to go to at 5pm though. NO REST FOR THE WEARY!!
Hi Jason,
Yikes!! I hate it when something is going awry in one of my tanks and I have to be somewhere else...but then again, are there any other times that things go awry in my tanks?? No.
I've gotten to the point where I can actually just walk into the house and note by sound if something isn't right. I walked into the house yesterday after running some errands, and immediately heard that the fan on my MH lighting unit wasn't running...probably because the MH hadn't gone on yet
and it was an hour after they were usually on. Just turned out to be a timer problem...thank goodness.
I've got water set up and heating for my first water change in my sh tank. I'm going to do a pretty sizeable one to start off with, 5 gals...(you guys with mega-tanks, quit laughing at what I call sizeable, it's only a 37gal tank). So, I'll do testing and get that done. Hopefully if everything checks out in there, I'll have a pair of the cutest little yellow clown gobies in there by the end of the week...OH, and I added a little more LR today. It's really starting to look great, I think.
We added a gorgeous, and I mean GORGEOUS coral beauty angel to Beth's tank today. Her release was quite an ordeal. Beth netted her and placed in her in the tank, but she got really hooked on the net to the point where we just weren't able to get her out, and she wasn't able to get free. As a last resort, I actually gently held her and was able to free her that way...I was amazed that she just let me hold her like that. Once in the tank though, she just swam behind the rocks, which was expected. We watched her for about 10 minutes or so, and she seemed to do great...not really too freaked out at all. I was amazed.
So, that's it for now.
Lisa :happyfish