call me exited, but...


Active Member
Oh, and I would also like to add that the diatoms have gone away on their own in my sh tank...glad to see that.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Actually, I can add my clean up crew any time now...just trying to get the right timing. I'm excited...and a little nervous...I just want the best for my ponies!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Sounds awesome!!!!! :happyfish Have any updated pics???
Nope, no updated pics, they'll just look the same as the first pics. Just got back from visiting family for Easter. It was to show Jonah off a bit.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I do have something that's a little puzzling...I have a whisper filter that seems to be "clogging" and emptying out where the syphon tube is inserted. Usually when I change the media, it's fine, but I just changed it out yesterday and I get home tonight and it's doing that. IDK...
Would it be bad to turn the filter off? Even for just overnight?
Kinda puzzling.
Lisa :happyfish


it will probably be ok. im sure your whole tank doesn't depend on that one filter for all the filtration....... well, lets hope not. lol


Active Member
Hmmm, I just took the filter apart and cleaned it, took the intake siphon and sponge off of the skimmer and cleaned those, and I took the carbon cartridges out of the filter. We'll see. I'll put carbon back in again on Sunday when I do my water change...I just can't figure out why the filter is constantly overflowing.
Lisa :happyfish


Hi Lisa!
Haven't been around posting too much since Monday but I have been reading! Hope all goes well with fixing that silly little filter. They do the weirdest things. Well, my stupid chaeto is dying and it's ticking me off because I can't figure out why and very few people on here are either knowledgeable in the field or don't feel like commenting. So who knows. I found out today that wife and the baby and myself are going to be able to take a trip to my californiaaaa to see my family. I'm excited. We're going over memorial day weekend. And a scheduled Deep Sea Fishing trip south of the border too! I haven't been home in almost 3 years. I'm like a kid on Christmas Morning. :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Hi Lisa!
Haven't been around posting too much since Monday but I have been reading! Hope all goes well with fixing that silly little filter. They do the weirdest things. Well, my stupid chaeto is dying and it's ticking me off because I can't figure out why and very few people on here are either knowledgeable in the field or don't feel like commenting. So who knows. I found out today that wife and the baby and myself are going to be able to take a trip to my californiaaaa to see my family. I'm excited. We're going over memorial day weekend. And a scheduled Deep Sea Fishing trip south of the border too! I haven't been home in almost 3 years. I'm like a kid on Christmas Morning. :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
Hey Jason,
Sounds like a fun should get your scuba cert while you're there, heh heh.
I don't think I can help with the chaeto prob, it didn't fare too well in my 37gal either and ended up making a huge mess. I still haven't gotten my soap dish dealy going for chaeto, but I do still plan on giving it a go.
Have a good day.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I'm looking into purchasing an Aqua Wizard RO unit. Anyone have any experience with these units. From what I've read, it seems like it'll work out great for my purpose.
Well, it looks like there's really no one checking out my thread at this time, but here's the link to the RO unit that I'm considering.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Back to work again tomorrow after having 2 weeks off after the baby was born. What a whirlwind 2 weeks this has been...I'm really glad my Mexico vacations go a l.o.t s.l.o.w.e.r!!
Tank-wise, would it be prudent to put some flake food into the sh tank to help feed the pods...would they eat that? If not, what can I put in to make sure they stick around?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member was crazy busy. I got a lot done, but I'm buried under a whole lot more. This was a FAST day.
Waiting to hear if anyone has any ideas on feeding the sh tank, or other ideas to keep the pods coming.
Lisa :happyfish


Hey you. From what i've read on the pods and feeding, phytoplankton is what they eat or what people feed them when they need to. I'm gonna shoot you an email because i'm such an oh-so-great friend, but it's got some great info on pods and pod culturing. So be on the lookout. I've also been looking into RO/DI units. I'm not sure about the one you posted, most I see are the 3+ stage ones that you find just about anywhere. But from what I hear the Deionization is the process you most surely want because that's what weeds out your silicates and metals and such. So keep that in mind. If you are more curious about these I have another link for you to visit, unless you already know about it. Wetwebmedia. I can't remember if we've ever talked about it but it's an amazing site for information. Check out there stuff on RO units. Alright, well, feeding the pods can't be a bad thing, more than likely you'll see the population really explode if you do, i think i'm going to do this myself in hopes of bolstering my already growing population. Again, sorry i've been absent as of late but you know how busy-ness goes! Take care, Lisa!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Hey you. From what i've read on the pods and feeding, phytoplankton is what they eat or what people feed them when they need to. I'm gonna shoot you an email because i'm such an oh-so-great friend, but it's got some great info on pods and pod culturing. So be on the lookout. I've also been looking into RO/DI units. I'm not sure about the one you posted, most I see are the 3+ stage ones that you find just about anywhere. But from what I hear the Deionization is the process you most surely want because that's what weeds out your silicates and metals and such. So keep that in mind. If you are more curious about these I have another link for you to visit, unless you already know about it. Wetwebmedia. I can't remember if we've ever talked about it but it's an amazing site for information. Check out there stuff on RO units. Alright, well, feeding the pods can't be a bad thing, more than likely you'll see the population really explode if you do, i think i'm going to do this myself in hopes of bolstering my already growing population. Again, sorry i've been absent as of late but you know how busy-ness goes! Take care, Lisa!!

Got the email...awesome info!! I just fed my sh tank a little bit of phyto (just so happen to have some on hand).
I think I'll continue to look at what kind of water unit I want to get. It's been in the back of my mind to get an RO/DI, but I was also thinking that at this point, both of my tanks are getting strictly RO and they seem to be doing great (should never, never say that...I know...**jinx**). The unit that I'm looking at doesn't make a huge amount of water/day, but enough to keep Beth and I in RO very comfortably, I think. Again, I will do more research.
Actually I put the Wetwebmedia in my favorites after I saw another post that you had with it. I checked it out and have it handy as well...great site.
Are you going to be under a winter storm warning tomorrow night and Wednesday? We are...ugh...WHERE'S SPRING????
Thanks again Jason!!


Active Member
I was wondering if this would work. I wanted to get pics of the pods on the glass in the sh tank...I think you'll be able to see them.
Yep worked, how cool is that?

Lisa :happyfish



heyyy, i'm glad you found the sites handy! I swear by wetweb. it's my aquatic bible so to speak. Wow those pictures of the SH tank are amazing, my pods are in no way as prolific as yours, I only have them in spotty areas. Amazing. Well i'm off to the store. Need food and baby has a yeast infection so she needs womanly cream :(( I'll be back around later! Thanks for sharing and i'm always obliged to do the same!
Take care


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
heyyy, i'm glad you found the sites handy! I swear by wetweb. it's my aquatic bible so to speak. Wow those pictures of the SH tank are amazing, my pods are in no way as prolific as yours, I only have them in spotty areas. Amazing. Well i'm off to the store. Need food and baby has a yeast infection so she needs womanly cream :(( I'll be back around later! Thanks for sharing and i'm always obliged to do the same!
Take care
Ugh...poor baby, hope she feels better real soon!!
Yeah, I don't much remember my tanks taking off like this one as far as pods are concerned...that's kinda why I was hoping to figure out a way to feed them and keep them around. I think this weekend I'm going to try to get out (in the 6" of snow we're expecting) to get one of those soap dishes and some chaeto. I'm also going to get some more LR, since pay day is coming up

I'm certainly ready for a clean up crew in there as well...well, after a water change, nitrates are high I'm sure (haven't checked, but I will). Once I get everything stabilized, I'll add the clean up crew and couple of weeks later, I'll add my clown gobies (can't wait).
Still a couple (few) months till the horses go in...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Ugh...poor baby, hope she feels better real soon!!
Yeah, I don't much remember my tanks taking off like this one as far as pods are concerned...that's kinda why I was hoping to figure out a way to feed them and keep them around. I think this weekend I'm going to try to get out (in the 6" of snow we're expecting) to get one of those soap dishes and some chaeto. I'm also going to get some more LR, since pay day is coming up

I'm certainly ready for a clean up crew in there as well...well, after a water change, nitrates are high I'm sure (haven't checked, but I will). Once I get everything stabilized, I'll add the clean up crew and couple of weeks later, I'll add my clown gobies (can't wait).
Still a couple (few) months till the horses go in...
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah, she's just beside herself. She'll be alright. I found out some new info on chaeto. I've been keeping it lit 24/7 and what I found was that chaeto doesn't like 24 hour a day lighting. It needs a light/dark phase unlike caulerpa which should be light around the clock to keep it from going sexual on you. So i think my constant lighting was killing the macro. You'll love the clown gobies they're so much fun. Just make sure they have plenty of places to hide if you're going to have more than one, they'll get vicious if they feel there's too little space. :)


Active Member
Yikes!! Now I'm not so sure they'll be suitable for my sh tank!! I guess, they can always go into my reef if things don't work out there. Hmmmm...
Lisa :happyfish