call me exited, but...


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Whoa!!! Awesome pictures!! Everything looks great, happy, healthy. Rockwork is VERY cool!! Yay. What kind of camera did you take them with? The pics are really nice and clear, colors great. You should really post more pics!!

Lisa :happyfish
Great! I'm glad you like them. It used to have 60lbs more of live rock but with all the hair algae I got pissed off and pulled it all out. So now it sits in the garage until I can cure it again. The camera is an old Sony Cybershot 3.3 mega pixels. I love this camera. haha i will post more from now on.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Great! I'm glad you like them. It used to have 60lbs more of live rock but with all the hair algae I got pissed off and pulled it all out. So now it sits in the garage until I can cure it again. The camera is an old Sony Cybershot 3.3 mega pixels. I love this camera. haha i will post more from now on.

Nothing wrong with those pictures...those are GREAT shots and very clear!! Did it take a lot of tries to get the pics you wanted? I know when I try for pictures of my tank (especially of the fish), sometimes it takes like 5, 10, maybe 15 shots before I get a shot that I feel like I want to post. That's the frustrating part...well, for me anyway.
Hope you're still up.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Ok, just checked out the sh tank (yet again) with the flashlight. There are LOTS of little worms, LOTS of little bugs all over everything, not to mention the pods all over the glass!!! Testing tomorrow...this is gonna happen...geez, I've forgotten how exciting this can be!! WaaaHoooo!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Nothing wrong with those pictures...those are GREAT shots and very clear!! Did it take a lot of tries to get the pics you wanted? I know when I try for pictures of my tank (especially of the fish), sometimes it takes like 5, 10, maybe 15 shots before I get a shot that I feel like I want to post. That's the frustrating part...well, for me anyway.
Hope you're still up.
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah still up and tinkering with the fuge. It's a work in progress. Always making it better. At least trying to anyway. I am a perfectionist with pictures. It generally takes me a few to get what I want however, this camera is very forgiving and great at focusing. So I snap a few and get in the zone. Hardest to get are the fish, but if I stay still for a bit they present to me and I can generally snap some nice shots. I'm glad to hear about the SH tank. I love watching worms and micro stars and pods. I watch that more than the display lately. ha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Well, nothing but diatoms, bristle worms, and a pod explosion going on in the sh tank. I thought I'd just post a pic of my reef with the lights on (for once). I guess I didn't realize the only full tank pic I had was with the blue actinics.
Lisa :happyfish
looks great lisa, think it could use some zoos coverin the vase,lol


Originally Posted by Bronco300
looks great lisa, think it could use some zoos coverin the case,lol

I second that notion!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
looks great lisa, think it could use some zoos coverin the vase,lol

I agree with you there, for sure. I just so happen to know where I can get some too!! Hopefully I'll be able to get some ordered this week sometime.
Thanks again!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I agree with you there, for sure. I just so happen to know where I can get some too!! Hopefully I'll be able to get some ordered this week sometime.
Thanks again!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I may have to retract that last statement. Tests in the sh tank today...ammonia and nitrite only were both at zero. I haven't done the rest of the tests yet since I've been mostly interested in where those were. I'll check out what the pH and 'trates are tomorrow...then probably set up water for a nice change, as I'm sure the nitrates are going to be right up there.
Anywho, I'm in serious need of a clean up crew in that little tank. I think that's going to HAVE to be the next investment. Tomorrow, first stop will be for clean up crew. Yay!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
boooo hissssssssss...booooooo......haha, just kidding! always good when you can choose what you need over what you want, even though zoos are absolutely necessary.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
boooo hissssssssss...booooooo......haha, just kidding! always good when you can choose what you need over what you want, even though zoos are absolutely necessary.

Zoo's are always a necessity! I must concur.


Then again so are snails and herms. I just picked up about 20 hermits and man i forgot how great a job they do at cleaning algae of rocks. like completely bare. Wonderful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
boooo hissssssssss...booooooo......haha, just kidding! always good when you can choose what you need over what you want, even though zoos are absolutely necessary.

:hilarious You're such a booger!! Ha ha. I'm actually really excited about getting things rolling in there. Beth needs some added crew for her tank, so we'll probably split an order. Hopefully we can get them in while I'm still off this week. If we order tomorrow, what are the chances of that happening? Any idea?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Then again so are snails and herms. I just picked up about 20 hermits and man i forgot how great a job they do at cleaning algae of rocks. like completely bare. Wonderful.
I'm thinking that for this tank though, I'll be going with a nice variety of snails, couple of emeralds, that kind of thing. I'm hoping to get by without putting any hermits in...we'll see. I guess I have to really look at what's available and what will do the job.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
:hilarious You're such a booger!! Ha ha. I'm actually really excited about getting things rolling in there. Beth needs some added crew for her tank, so we'll probably split an order. Hopefully we can get them in while I'm still off this week. If we order tomorrow, what are the chances of that happening? Any idea?
Lisa :happyfish
no idea, never ordered here, sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
no idea, never ordered here, sorry
This'll be my third order from here (always for the clean up crews), once when I first started the 37, again when Beth needed some for her tank and we split, and now again as I need for the sh tank. It seems to me that they arrive pretty quickly...oh I hope so. It would just be really nice to have them come while I'm still off of work.
Thanks Bronco!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Oh, I forgot to post here about this. I did my weekly water change in the reef today, and boy, all of us noticed how incredibly crystal clear the water has gotten. That makes me very happy. I've grown to completely love doing that task...don't ask why, but it's just one of those things that is so gratifying. Love doing water changes. Anyone else feel that way?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
what type of water changes are you doing? percentage wise, etc?
I do a 10% water change weekly. I've been able to do them relatively quickly because the equipment hasn't needed to be cleaned as badly as they had been (that's really where the time came in). I started my 37gal with tap water
and reaped the benefit of that quite a while down the road after it was set up. Won't do THAT again!!
With the sh tank, is it recommended to do a higher percentage change weekly since the horses are a bit messier when they eat? Advice appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
yea, if you are feeding a ton, dependin on the size you might do a bit more, i wouldnt go excesive though....i think for mine, which are ALOT WORSE i do maybe 2.5-3gallons so i do about 15%