call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Well it was a hamburger bun bag, so.......Zoo hamburgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooo, zooburgers...with a side of mushrooms??

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Oh, Jason, I forgot to comment on your getting a cb shrimp. I've had one in my tank since I added my first clean up crew to the 37 way back when. His name is Scampi, and he's a real character. Mostly he hides all day behind the rocks, but I can check on him by locating his antennae. About 2-3 times/week the lucky guy gets a piece of freeze dried krill or a bit of frozen reef...he loves it. And he's about 3x larger now than he was when I got him. He's been a great addition, but bear in mind they won't do well with other shrimp...they fight with them.
I'm thinking that in my sh tank if it looks like it'll work, I'll be adding some sexy shrimp...I think they're just awesome and SO cute!!
Good luck with your cb. Don't be surprised if he molts in the next couple of weeks.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Ooooo, zooburgers...with a side of mushrooms??

Lisa :happyfish

sure! Red, Blue Green, or Striated?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
zooburgers huh? good luck eating that! see ya in heaven

I'm sure they'd taste great, just like chicken! Just make sure you cook them all the way through!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I'm sure they'd taste great, just like chicken! Just make sure you cook them all the way through!



Active Member
Nothing much going on in my tanks today. I didn't do my planned water change in the sh tank, which is okay, it'll get done tomorrow after work. I had to drop my dog (Leo) off to get groomed...he looks handsome again...and from there I went to watch a soccer game at the school that HB and Beth teach at. Got home and still had to have supper...just lost all steam mostly.
Beth's new coral beauty is doing great in her tank despite the dramatic release she experienced yesterday. I can't wait to see her out and about.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Nothing much going on in my tanks today.
Beth's new coral beauty is doing great in her tank despite the dramatic release she experienced yesterday. I can't wait to see her out and about.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish
Nothing going on in a tank is usually a good thing
no spikes, no spills, no worries!!!

I've been tempted to buy a coral beauty for my clown tank. But have managed to resist so far.
What's the count down now until horse day?
I have been reading more and more about horses and their habitats. From what I've read.....they prefer seagrasses and thick algae. After having a reef tank it's hard accepting a little more growth of green. But Valiant has convinced me even more that plant life is important part of their habitat. You know how he used to swim everywhere? I have let the maiden hair algae cover several areas in the 90 gallon, including the thermometer cord. There is an especially lush green growth on the top 3 inches. He has been hanging out there for almost 2 days now. He still swims around, but not as much as before, and seems very content. He's always happy to swim over when I come by, hoping for a mysis hand out. I have also been thinking that the greenery would help increase the pod population. Which would be another reason why Valiant made the back corner his new haven.
Have you come across any more specific information about how much food seahorses need per day?
I have found all sorts of things except for how much. I tried a test yesterday to see if Valiant would loose interest in eating. It didn't work very well. He consumed a cube and a half of mysis. I have always gone by the rule of thumb, "a hungry fish is a healthy fish". But because the seahorses' digestive tract is so can't really go by that. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Nothing going on in a tank is usually a good thing
no spikes, no spills, no worries!!!

I've been tempted to buy a coral beauty for my clown tank. But have managed to resist so far.
What's the count down now until horse day?
I definitely have to agree with no worries...always looming though, eh? You should see the beauty that Beth got!! I've NEVER seen a more colorful and beautiful cb angel. I'm hoping we'll be able to get pics that do her justice!!
Horses won't be going in for a while yet...I'll do my testing and water change tomorrow and if everything is in check, my LFS has a cute little pair of clown gobies with my name on them. I'm hoping they can go in by the end of this week.
Originally Posted by Rykna
I have been reading more and more about horses and their habitats. From what I've read.....they prefer seagrasses and thick algae. After having a reef tank it's hard accepting a little more growth of green. But Valiant has convinced me even more that plant life is important part of their habitat. You know how he used to swim everywhere? I have let the maiden hair algae cover several areas in the 90 gallon, including the thermometer cord. There is an especially lush green growth on the top 3 inches. He has been hanging out there for almost 2 days now. He still swims around, but not as much as before, and seems very content. He's always happy to swim over when I come by, hoping for a mysis hand out. I have also been thinking that the greenery would help increase the pod population. Which would be another reason why Valiant made the back corner his new haven.
Being a reefer myself, I would be hard pressed to let the algae just take over one of my tanks. I'm planning on setting something (if I can do it discreetly) with a soap dish, suction cups and some chaeto. We'll see if that the looks of it, this tank can certainly produce the pods if I can provide a place for them to procreate. I'm also going to see about planting a macroalgea garden for my horses...good hitching, great place for pods to hang out in. Every day there seems to be a nice increase in the pod population.
Originally Posted by Rykna

you come across any more specific information about how much food seahorses need per day?
I have found all sorts of things except for how much. I tried a test yesterday to see if Valiant would loose interest in eating. It didn't work very well. He consumed a cube and a half of mysis. I have always gone by the rule of thumb, "a hungry fish is a healthy fish". But because the seahorses' digestive tract is so can't really go by that. :thinking:
This is one of the biggest questions that I have as well. I would like to say that I'll just feed until they're satisfied, but IDK. I really need to look into it further. I'll let you know what I find.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
This is one of the biggest questions that I have as well. I would like to say that I'll just feed until they're satisfied, but IDK. I really need to look into it further. I'll let you know what I find.
Lisa :happyfish
Thanks. I am thinking that fish are a lot like kids. They'll stuff themselves until they explode. Valiant just downed another cube today, with no signs of stopping. I got some pics I post latter tonight of his stomach. Even though horses are lean...their pouches protrude(at least I think it's his pouch/stomach area) a small bite, but noticable amount.
It is very rewarding to see your tank and occupants flourish. Do you have more updated pics of yours?
Oh-do you still want to trade for the corkys? If you want to hold off until a latter time thats fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Thanks. I am thinking that fish are a lot like kids. They'll stuff themselves until they explode. Valiant just downed another cube today, with no signs of stopping. I got some pics I post latter tonight of his stomach. Even though horses are lean...their pouches protrude(at least I think it's his pouch/stomach area) a small bite, but noticable amount.
It is very rewarding to see your tank and occupants flourish. Do you have more updated pics of yours?
Oh-do you still want to trade for the corkys? If you want to hold off until a latter time thats fine.
No updated pics of the sh tank. As I stated, I just added a couple pieces of LR yesterday, and I think they look pretty cool. I would really like to plant the "garden" before getting the gobies, but I think they'll be going in first. Oh well, they'll get used to me being in and out of their tank before too long.
Definitely, let's do that trade. I'm thinking the more hitching things I have for my ponies, the better. I'll wait for your styro box if that's ok so I can send the xenias and whatever else I can manage into the frag...mushroom, zoas...hopefully something else. Also please let me know what kind of environment the corkies will need as far as flow (mostly) and lighting. I have 196 watts of pc lighting (96 white, 96 blue, 4 watt lunars) on the sh tank...will that be enough?
email me:
Sounds like a deal.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
The horses that I'm planning on getting are guaranteed to be trained to eat frozen in addition to hunting for pods. Does anyone know if seahorses will like frozen cyclops and/or frozen oyster eggs? What about frozen Prime Reef? I have these things here, and I'm just trying to figure out if I'm going to need to have anything else.
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Nice tank maintenance evening since I got home from work. One of Beth's powerheads blew the goose on her, so I stopped after work to pick up 2 nice Maxijet 1200s. Hopefully that'll be plenty of flow for her 55gal...opinions on this welcome...she's battling a bit of red algae at this point.
Then I came home and did a 5gal water change in my soon to be sh tank, changed filter pads, and cleaned the glass there...looks pretty spiffy now. I also changed the filter pads in my reef filter and checked on the skimmer.
I've come to the conclusion that I do NOT like running my reef without carbon...I tried to do that all last week, and it seems to me that the water began to look, I don't know, dusty or something. Running the carbon just polishes the water so nicely, and my fish look proud to be there.

The coraline is really starting to pop on the back glass of my reef tank. Yay!!
Oh, and Ryk, if you read this. What exactly is a "spray bar"? Is it used for more water movement? Is it something that I can ask for at my LFS? Thanks.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Oh, and Ryk, if you read this. What exactly is a "spray bar"? Is it used for more water movement? Is it something that I can ask for at my LFS? Thanks.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish
It's usually used as a return for canister filters. I have the ehiem pro 2. I am using it in the horse tank.

I like it because you can aim it it about any direction for flow.


Active Member
Hmmm, so that's not really something that I can make use of without purchasing a new filter...hmmm.
I'm trying to come up with creative ways to get some movement in my 37gal tall without compromising the movement of my future horses. Back to the drawing board.
Thanks Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hmmm, so that's not really something that I can make use of without purchasing a new filter...hmmm.
I'm trying to come up with creative ways to get some movement in my 37gal tall without compromising the movement of my future horses. Back to the drawing board.
Thanks Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish
Oh noworries you dnt have to buy a whol;e new filter!!!! :happyfish


Active Member
You can buy cheap add on kits a petsmart. YOu can even make your on spray bar. Just go to menards and get a PVC pipe, drill holes into it and presto!. Just make sure it fits snuggly into the return tube, and use a left over heater holder to stablilize it.


Active Member
Heck- if you can give me another week I can send a homemade one with the corkys :happyfish
If you really go all out you can by a valve add on at menards that will alow you to control the flow to meet the needs for the seahorses!!! :happyfish