call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Heck- if you can give me another week I can send a homemade one with the corkys :happyfish
If you really go all out you can by a valve add on at menards that will alow you to control the flow to meet the needs for the seahorses!!! :happyfish
Great, let's do it. Can you also send specific instructions on what I'm doing with it? Not a clue here. That would be great. Thanks Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Great, let's do it. Can you also send specific instructions on what I'm doing with it? Not a clue here. That would be great. Thanks Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish
Absolutely!!! Just sign here on the dotted line please .........................I'll get back to you about labor and material fees ***) jk

Give me 20 min...and I'll post a sketch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Absolutely!!! Just sign here on the dotted line please .........................I'll get back to you about labor and material fees ***) jk

Give me 20 min...and I'll post a sketch.

Not a problem, if it's something that'll work out in my sh tank to make my ponies healthy and happy, I'm all over it.
Waiting to see what it looks like...***) oh, AND how it works!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member that was a little more than 20 mnutes....but here it is!!!
This is my current set up. I have not completed building the plexi glass shields for the themometer and intake flows yet, but I have temoprary test builds covering up the intake flow and the heater. I'm also adding a refugium in the mid section which Bronco suggested. It's really easy to build if you'd like instructions!
Having a high flow isn't really a problem. Valiant loves to play in the current. The major problem is the intake flow. Seahorses swim a lot like cheetahs run. Both use their tails for steering and both can only go fast for short bursts. So once a horse gets stuck to a intake flow-game over.

It took Valiant 2 months to find a comfy hitching post. Valiant's favorite place in the tank is the return flow areas, especially the spray bar. He has choosen the temp cord, which is right in the mid section of the return flow as his preferred hitchingpost.!!! Hangs on it most of the day now. Takes a leisurely stroll every hour or so. Go figure!!! I buy a gorgonian and some fancy SPS bone for hitching posts.....
What kind of pumps to you have for the 37 right now? Know the flow rate and tube size would be helpful for making add on adjustments.


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Nice tank maintenance evening since I got home from work. One of Beth's powerheads blew the goose on her, so I stopped after work to pick up 2 nice Maxijet 1200s. Hopefully that'll be plenty of flow for her 55gal...opinions on this welcome...she's battling a bit of red algae at this point.
Then I came home and did a 5gal water change in my soon to be sh tank, changed filter pads, and cleaned the glass there...looks pretty spiffy now. I also changed the filter pads in my reef filter and checked on the skimmer.
I've come to the conclusion that I do NOT like running my reef without carbon...I tried to do that all last week, and it seems to me that the water began to look, I don't know, dusty or something. Running the carbon just polishes the water so nicely, and my fish look proud to be there.

The coraline is really starting to pop on the back glass of my reef tank. Yay!!
Oh, and Ryk, if you read this. What exactly is a "spray bar"? Is it used for more water movement? Is it something that I can ask for at my LFS? Thanks.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish

heyhey. good to hear your waterchange went well and sorry to hear about beth's powerhead. I like my maxi's however I think 2 - 1200's and 1 - 900 is too much flow for a 37gal. At least I think too tough of flow to keep from blowing everything to death and sand all over the place. Which, is why sometime this week i'm looking to get those hydor rotating flow directors. I know they give and nice wavy motion as opposed to just straight pressure. That and apparently they cut back the flow a bit, which is good enough for me. :) So here's hoping!
Beyond that, the shrimp molted last night. Which I was expecting didn't lose any limbs in the process which made me happy. Those gobies will look good in your sh tank. they're cute little buggers.
Alright! Until next time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
heyhey. good to hear your waterchange went well and sorry to hear about beth's powerhead. I like my maxi's however I think 2 - 1200's and 1 - 900 is too much flow for a 37gal. At least I think too tough of flow to keep from blowing everything to death and sand all over the place. Which, is why sometime this week i'm looking to get those hydor rotating flow directors. I know they give and nice wavy motion as opposed to just straight pressure. That and apparently they cut back the flow a bit, which is good enough for me. :) So here's hoping!
Beyond that, the shrimp molted last night. Which I was expecting didn't lose any limbs in the process which made me happy. Those gobies will look good in your sh tank. they're cute little buggers.
Alright! Until next time.
Hi Jason,
Yeah, my sh tank is looking pretty nice...'specially since I just put the first shift of clean up crew in today!! I got 6 astreas and 10 nassarius snails (one of which didn't make it). I also ordered 3 emerald crabs to put in, but for some reason they didn't make into the order, they'll be in next week. It's really nice to see some life in there again, even slow moving life...well, besides the pods which are really multiplying like crazy. I swear if that keeps up, I won't have to feed my new ponies for a month, LOL.
Ooooo, shrimp
I hope you have better luck with those hydor wave makers than I did. I put one in my 37gal when it was still a reef, and that thing blew all of my sand out of the corner of the tank...right down to the glass!! And I had it at the top of the water surface for agitation. I still have it, but I'm a little afraid to put into the 46, it's not even as high as the 37...IDK.
Wow, have you been running 2 1200s and a 900 in your 37? When I did my tank switch, I was worried that the 2 1200s would be too much in there!! What do you think about running 2 1200s and maybe, just maybe a 600 mj in a 55? Or just the 1200s? Trying to figure out the best flow for Beth's tank.
That's it.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Ohh, I forgot to mention that Beth's coral beauty angel is doing just great!! She had to have had the absolute WORST release into a tank...very scary. But she's out and about and very relaxed and enjoying her new home. We're extremely pleased about that!!
She's got to be the most beautiful cb angel I've ever seen...WOW...very colorful!! Beth named her Sushi, LOL.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Beth called today and told me that her colonies of xenias are having a bit of a hard time after changing the current in her tank yesterday. She said they're pulsing yet, but they've "shrunk down". All I can think of is that they need to acclimate to the new current in the tank from having placed the powerheads. Anyone else have anything like this? It seems to me that when I did my tank switch and put in my 2 mj1200s, my corals all needed some break in time...hope that's all it is.
My sh tank is doing great...the snails are having a hay-day in there...well, as much of hay-day that snails can have...
I want to get some new corals for my reef...bubble coral, brain, and...oh, I don't know, some more...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I've got another question...hope someone chimes in to help out with these things. I just read that clown gobies eat live brine and phyto. Does that mean that they will compete with my ponies for the pods in my tank? If so, I don't see putting them in there. Maybe I can put one into my reef.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I would think the safe answer would be yes, but my fire goby and Valiant get along fine. It was my 2 false percs that had to be kicked out of the 90.If the clown goby doesn't work out could you put it into Beth's tank?
I hope my rambling about the tank spray bar and such was helpful. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I would think the safe answer would be yes, but my fire goby and Valiant get along fine. It was my 2 false percs that had to be kicked out of the 90.If the clown goby doesn't work out could you put it into Beth's tank?
I hope my rambling about the tank spray bar and such was helpful. :happyfish
Actually, if the goby doesn't work out in my sh tank, he can easily be put into my reef...not a problem there.
Your help with the spray bar was really very good. I'm still confused as to how it works and how to set it up (totally techno-deficient in some areas). Plus, the pic you posted in post #439 for some reason is not loading for me (stoopid computer). You stated that I wouldn't have to get a whole new filter set it will work on my HOB what?
Thanks for helping me out with all this stuff. Launch day is slowly approaching, and I want to have all my ducks in a row.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I did a little test run with my frogspawn in the reef. I had been thinking that perhaps it was placed just a little too close to the clowns' mushrooms, so I moved it over to another rock. Well, of course the light was taken off to do this, and when I came home from work the next day, the fs was directly in the shadow being cast by the support brace at the top of the tank...poor guy looked really sad. Today I moved him back to where he was, but a little higher and away from the 'shrooms in much better light. He's looking happier already.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
My frogspawn is doing MUCH better today back where he belongs.
I was on the big horse site tonight and came away with some very useful tidbits for my sh it turns out, Theresa keeps a clown goby in with her horses and it seems to be fine...that's good enough for me. I'm going to get one tomorrow, if my LFS still has them and they look healthy and happy. I've wanted a cg since I first set my tank up way back when...hope it works out.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
A corky you say!!! Did you get my email?? :cheer: I forgot to tell you..include a 2007 in the subject when you email me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
A corky you say!!! Did you get my email?? :cheer: I forgot to tell you..include a 2007 in the subject when you email me.
Hi...sorry Ryk, yeah I did get your email. I've been really super busy the last few days...getting on here very sporadically.
You will definitely have email tomorrow!! I saw the cutest little green clown goby today my LFS...I'm getting him!! Maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday, after I do a water change. Whoo...hoo!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
just wondering if you got my email ***)
Oops, you were typing while I was...

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Oops, you were typing while I was...

Lisa :happyfish
no problem!!! The goby sounds beautiful! Post pics once you get the little cutie settled.
oh-dont forget to put 2007 in the subject bar. I get so much darn spam I finally locked everything out that doesn't have that in the subject.
Hows Beth's cb doing? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
no problem!!! The goby sounds beautiful! Post pics once you get the little cutie settled.
oh-dont forget to put 2007 in the subject bar. I get so much darn spam I finally locked everything out that doesn't have that in the subject.
Hows Beth's cb doing? :happyfish
Will do with the 2007.
I'm really looking forward to getting a fish in my sh tank...OH, and they also had 3 of the most beautiful purple firefish in today...first time I've seen those, awwwe. Back and forth, back and forth...going with the green clown goby, cute as heck!! They have such HUGE heads!! hahaha
Actually me, Beth and Jonah spent the entire day together today. We took a long, long walk with the dogs, had a picnic lunch at a local park, went to do a water change on Beth's tank. Her coral beauty is doing great. We are SO pleased about that considering the traumatic release she had...YIKES!! Her corals were a bit worrisome as well after we put the 2 mj1200s in, but they're slowly coming around. All in all, her tank is finally coming into it's own, coraline is popping, bad algaes are diminishing (slowly). The pink finger leather that I got her for watching my tank while I was on vacation is minimally twice the size it was when it first went in!! Everything's fine there.
We came back here after taking care of Beth's tank, made supper (home made pizza). After that I took care of business for my own tanks...changed filter media, fixed my skimmer (again), and set up water for a change. That's just what I did today...
Lisa :happyfish