Nope....Aqua clear
The patented flow control feature allows for customized filter performance. The media basket prevents water by-pass around the filter media maximizing filtration efficiency. The filter preserves beneficial bacterial creating a stress free environment for aquarium inhabitants and maintains clear aquarium water. Installation and maintenance are quick, easy and convenience. The filter comes equipped with AquaClear Foam, Activated Carbon and BioMax. In addition, AquaClear delivers an entire line of media including Zeo-Carb and Ammonia Remover exclusively designed for the AquaClear Power Filter. Sizes:
The bold part is what I like most about them. It's a mini canister bio filter hanging of the back of your tank.
Mini/20 Filter: for 5-20 gallong tanks. Maximum Output: 378 L per hour. Maximum Output: 100 U.S. gal per hour. Full Flow Control: 124 L per hour. Full Flow Control: 33 U.S. gal per hour. Power Consumption: 6 W. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 75 L. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 20 U.S. gal.
150/30 Filter: for 10-30 gallong tanks. Maximum Output: 567 L/h (150 U.S. Gal./h). Full Flow Control: 189 L/h (50 U.S. Gal./h). Power Consumption: 6 W. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 113 L (30 U.S. Gal.).
200/50 Filter: for 20-50 gallon tanks. Maximum Output: 757 L/h (200 U.S. Gal./h). Full Flow Control: 250 L/h (66 U.S. Gal./h). Power Consumption: 6 W. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 189 L (50 U.S. Gal.).
300/70 Filter: for 30-70 gallong tanks. For aquariums of 30 - 70 U.S. Gal. Maximum Output: 1135 L/h (300 U.S. Gal./h). Full Flow Control: 378 L/h (100 U.S. Gal./h). Power Consumption: 6 W. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 265 L (70 U.S. Gal.).
500/110 Filter: for 60-110 gallon tanks. Maximum Output: 1892 L/h (500 U.S. Gal./h). Full Flow Control: 630 L/h (166 U.S. Gal./h). Power Consumption: 14 W. Maximum Aquarium Capacity: 110 U.S. Gal. (415 L).
You see the filters hanging of the back? Thoses are my 110 aquaclear filters