call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
stop that ryk! maxijets are great, and cheap! the mini jet is what i was talking about...but i'd rather just do a spray bar
Hmmmm... :notsure: Right now I have 2 Whisper 30s on the tank. I'm looking to find the best way to get some current without making it too overwhelming for the horses to handle. I'm thinking that adding 2 of the minijets would do the trick...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
stop that ryk! maxijets are great, and cheap! the mini jet is what i was talking about...but i'd rather just do a spray bar
Step aside...I'm working here.....
He's gonaa cream me for this I was saying mini jets are much better than the maxi jets, both are a lovely substituion to the aquaclear, and I think that if you added a spray bar to that Lisa it would be just right for your tank! I prefer the aquaclear's cause they come with a biofilter.



Active Member
Oh man, I'm getting just a little overwhelmed...I think I'll do this the way that I think will work, cross my fingers and say a little prayer.
You guys are too much!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Oh man, I'm getting just a little overwhelmed...I think I'll do this the way that I think will work, cross my fingers and say a little prayer.
You guys are too much!!
Lisa :happyfish
What are friends for :happyfish
I know what you mean.....when I first brought Valiant home I was beyond nervous. I felt like a first time mother, jumping at everything that I thought might be a problem. I've had Valiant for 2 months now, and I think horse tanks are a lot easier than reef tanks. No chemical battles to muck up the water anemones getting sucked into the intake filters....not to mention all the different food types. Heck...feeding Valiant is a breeze. Before I was thawing at least 3 types of food plus feeding DTS for the goniporas and other filter feeders.
The only problem I had was the intake flow that trapped Valiant the first week. I think it was due to his size, 3.25 inches(now 4.5), and the fact that he was very weak from poor nutrition at the LFS.
With that experience filed away, my next horse is going to do at least 2-3 weeks in QT.
How's the tank going??? Any new pics?? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Oh man, I'm getting just a little overwhelmed...I think I'll do this the way that I think will work, cross my fingers and say a little prayer.
You guys are too much!!
Lisa :happyfish
you are correct, be just fine! just mentioning my opinion and hoping my "expertise" will get my scuba certified,hahaha....

dont forget to get zoos in time!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
you are correct, be just fine! just mentioning my opinion and hoping my "expertise" will get my scuba certified,hahaha....

dont forget to get zoos in time!
Yeah!!! :cheer: Scuba certfication!!!!wooooooohooooooooo


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
you are correct, be just fine! just mentioning my opinion and hoping my "expertise" will get my scuba certified,hahaha....

dont forget to get zoos in time!
I told you Bronco...I can hook you up anytime for scuba cert, just let met know when.
I'm really feeling optimistic about what's been going on with my skimmer as well. I was doing some general maintenance on my reef tank after work today, and noticed that the skimmer had somehow gotten knocked back so that it was sitting crooked (probably by my putting the light fixture back on previously, and inadvertently bumping it). Well, I noticed this evening that the skimmer was NOT sitting correctly, and I pulled it forward. It actually kinda "clicked" into place. I did some adjusting and readjusting, setting and resetting, and the skimmer is at this point pulling junk...I hope this will save me from having to replace carbon cartridges in my filter every or every other day.
I know that my skimmer is a POJ, but keep your fingers crossed that this is what the problem has been!!
Oh, and Bronco...I have the address for the zoas saved and have received several newletters from them. Unfortunately the pics don't show up at work, but I'm definitely going to check it out after the dust settles a bit here...I'm excited.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
What are friends for :happyfish
I know what you mean.....when I first brought Valiant home I was beyond nervous. I felt like a first time mother, jumping at everything that I thought might be a problem. I've had Valiant for 2 months now, and I think horse tanks are a lot easier than reef tanks. No chemical battles to muck up the water anemones getting sucked into the intake filters....not to mention all the different food types. Heck...feeding Valiant is a breeze. Before I was thawing at least 3 types of food plus feeding DTS for the goniporas and other filter feeders.
The only problem I had was the intake flow that trapped Valiant the first week. I think it was due to his size, 3.25 inches(now 4.5), and the fact that he was very weak from poor nutrition at the LFS.
With that experience filed away, my next horse is going to do at least 2-3 weeks in QT.
How's the tank going??? Any new pics?? :happyfish
Hey Ryk,
I'm so glad that things are going so great with Valiant!! It really gives me some hope that I may just be able to do this...
I'm also planning on a QT, probably a 20gal in the basement, where it's nice and cool (still need to get the temp regulated to a lower one in the sh tank). I do have a plan for the temp in the sh tank...hope it works.
I posted the most recent pics of my sh tank in post...let me check...#482. I just got a cool little coral skeleton again. Now I want to add some macroalgea (or garden area, as I like to think of it). I will probably be adding a clown goby or 2 this coming weekend...yay!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Sounds Awesome!!!!
I'm starting to think that seahorses are as hard as they're made out to be.(not that they aren't more complex) I think the hardest part is preparing the tank and the state of health that your horse has when you first get them.
I've spent hours rethinking the water flow, temps, positioning the hitching posts.....
The biggest part I've noticed is the change in Valiant. He was very thin when I first brought him home, like a thin dog when you can start to see the ribs. Seahorse's have a lean physique as is, but he has really filled out. His coloration has changed too. He has a lot of golden highlighting....which changes with his moods, especially at dinner time. Kinda like what an octopus does when it gets excited.
Now that he has really settled in, I look froward to getting him a tank mate.
Plus..if you ever need we are! Bronco spent 2 hours online helping me when Romeo became sick. We were up until almost 2am.

I can't wait to send you the corky frags!!!! The bigger one has 2 branches now and is about 3 inches tall. The little one still has one branch~which should bud another when it's a bit bigger and it's about 2 inches tall.

By the way, I'm sure you have posted this somewhere in here...but what kind of horse did you decide to get?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Sounds Awesome!!!!
I'm starting to think that seahorses are as hard as they're made out to be.(not that they aren't more complex) I think the hardest part is preparing the tank and the state of health that your horse has when you first get them.
I've spent hours rethinking the water flow, temps, positioning the hitching posts.....
The biggest part I've noticed is the change in Valiant. He was very thin when I first brought him home, like a thin dog when you can start to see the ribs. Seahorse's have a lean physique as is, but he has really filled out. His coloration has changed too. He has a lot of golden highlighting....which changes with his moods, especially at dinner time. Kinda like what an octopus does when it gets excited.
Now that he has really settled in, I look froward to getting him a tank mate.
Plus..if you ever need we are! Bronco spent 2 hours online helping me when Romeo became sick. We were up until almost 2am.

I can't wait to send you the corky frags!!!! The bigger one has 2 branches now and is about 3 inches tall. The little one still has one branch~which should bud another when it's a bit bigger and it's about 2 inches tall.

By the way, I'm sure you have posted this somewhere in here...but what kind of horse did you decide to get?
I can't wait to get the corky frags either, and get some of the xenias into new homes (they should do ok in the sh tank, as well, eh?... :thinking: ). I think that when I receive your frags, I'll also place my gorgo into the tank and keep an eye on how they all do in that environment. If nothing else, the reef is always there to support them. Oh, man...this is getting SO close to really happening...

My plan for the horses is to start out with a purchase of 2 female h-erectus. From what I've read, they're the best for first time sh-keepers. My tank is large enough for 2 pairs, so if I decide sometime down the line, I can always add another 2 horses...we'll see about that though.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I told you Bronco...I can hook you up anytime for scuba cert, just let met know when.
I'm really feeling optimistic about what's been going on with my skimmer as well. I was doing some general maintenance on my reef tank after work today, and noticed that the skimmer had somehow gotten knocked back so that it was sitting crooked (probably by my putting the light fixture back on previously, and inadvertently bumping it). Well, I noticed this evening that the skimmer was NOT sitting correctly, and I pulled it forward. It actually kinda "clicked" into place. I did some adjusting and readjusting, setting and resetting, and the skimmer is at this point pulling junk...I hope this will save me from having to replace carbon cartridges in my filter every or every other day.
I know that my skimmer is a POJ, but keep your fingers crossed that this is what the problem has been!!
Oh, and Bronco...I have the address for the zoas saved and have received several newletters from them. Unfortunately the pics don't show up at work, but I'm definitely going to check it out after the dust settles a bit here...I'm excited.
Lisa :happyfish

good to hear lisa!
next time i visit family in wisconsin i'll bring my goggles and scuba gear i dont have,lol


Active Member
I have bad news. Valiant has fallen ill
do to some type of external bug/disease. He has some white fillm over his right gill and a tiny worm attached to his side.
As of 5 pm today he's doing okay...he's eaten..and his breathing is ok.
Because of the illness I will not be sending you any coral from my tank for at least 6 months.
I hope I can send you something for christmas :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I have bad news. Valiant has fallen ill
do to some type of external bug/disease. He has some white fillm over his right gill and a tiny worm attached to his side.
As of 5 pm today he's doing okay...he's eaten..and his breathing is ok.
Because of the illness I will not be sending you any coral from my tank for at least 6 months.
I hope I can send you something for christmas :happyfish
OMG Ryk, don't worry about the corals!! I just hope Valiant gets better soon!! Poor little guy...keep me posted on what you find out about his illness and what you need to do to treat him.
Good luck!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
good to hear lisa!
next time i visit family in wisconsin i'll bring my goggles and scuba gear i dont have,lol
Bronco, we can hook you up with all the equipment as well.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Valiant is up and swimming :joy: ....still a little itchy, but much better!!!! :happyfish
Lisa, would you be willing to include me in the scuba lessons? I took a class in college, but never got certified.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Valiant is up and swimming :joy: ....still a little itchy, but much better!!!! :happyfish
Lisa, would you be willing to include me in the scuba lessons? I took a class in college, but never got certified.
Awesome...I was worried for you (both)!!
I can't teach scuba myself, but as I've said before, I can certainly hook you up with an instructor who will certify you...and for MUCH more reasonably than you'll find anywhere else!! Just let me know when, and I'll let you know where.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks Lisa :joy:
Thanks for bringing me on board with the scuba class. On my list of things to do in my life is to go scuba diving in the carribean and the great barrier reef. :joy:
When I looked at your address I relized you only live about 4 hours from my Mom and Dad!! They live out in the country by La Crosse. Have you been to the Reef Convention in Wisconsin? I forget the name of the town, Rilander??, but it's about an hour north of Wasua.
Thanks, I really appreciate your support. Of all the fish I have had seahorses are the most extrodinary little creatures I have ever seen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Thanks Lisa :joy:
Thanks for bringing me on board with the scuba class. On my list of things to do in my life is to go scuba diving in the carribean and the great barrier reef. :joy:
When I looked at your address I relized you only live about 4 hours from my Mom and Dad!! They live out in the country by La Crosse. Have you been to the Reef Convention in Wisconsin? I forget the name of the town, Rilander??, but it's about an hour north of Wasua.
Thanks, I really appreciate your support. Of all the fish I have had seahorses are the most extrodinary little creatures I have ever seen.
I've been diving in the Carribbean a few times, done cavern diving in Mexico, and of course all of the fresh water diving that we do here.
LaCrosse, what a PARTY town!! At least it used to be. I've not heard of the Reef Convention in there a web site on it?
I was really worried when you posted here that Valiant was ill...I hope he continues to recover. Good for you for taking the reigns and doing what needed to be done for him...oh, that reminds me (again), I need to set up my QT before I get my horses.

Good luck Ryk!! Keep me posted on Valiant's progress.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Yep!! The first reef farm in the midwest!!! I'll send you the link with the list of meds. :joy:
I'm going to spending the next week cleaning the 90 gallon. Luke said to boil my LR to get rid of any aiptasia, cause the anemone's sting can cause the same wild swimming reaction. I got about 15lbs. done I thought liquid manure smelled bad

I definately keep you posted on how Valiant's doing
