call me exited, but...


Active Member
Really??? :thinking: What kind of water conditioner do you have?? I use rocks when it come to clearing up water. Plus is the aquaclear on high?? That's another reason I keep multi units on my tank. If you ever need to clear the water in your tank... and some carbon packs and new filter floss and turn the aquaclears on high. My 2 110's can clear my 90 gallon in an hour. ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
No problem

To make the shield fit correctly I need to know the exact measurements of your tank. Correct the numbers I added if needed.
The length: 30"
(from the glass bottom, to the top of the trim on the tank, the shield goes all the way from the very bottom of the tank to the top)
The length of the trim on the inside top of the tank:
(so the shield will fit under the lip of the tank)
The width: 12"
(I'm thinking 2.5" for the shield and 9.5 inches for horses)
The thickness of the glass:
(mine is 3/8th of an inch thick~the thickness takes away from the ******** measurements)
I hope this pic helps

Ryk the Inventor
Yay!!! I'm excited about that!! I'm not opposed to moving rocks and corals around by any means!! The measurement from the bottom of the trim to the top of the sand bed is 19", to the bottom of the sand bed is 20". Does that help? Let me know if you need a picture.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Really??? :thinking: What kind of water conditioner do you have?? I use rocks when it come to clearing up water. Plus is the aquaclear on high?? That's another reason I keep multi units on my tank. If you ever need to clear the water in your tank... and some carbon packs and new filter floss and turn the aquaclears on high. My 2 110's can clear my 90 gallon in an hour. ***)
Nope, no water conditioners...just doing it the old fashioned way, I guess...water changes, water changes, water changes. I don't have the Aquaclear on my sh tank, it's on my reef. I think that I might just get an Aquaclear on there as well though...I may just buy it from Beth...we'll see.
I heard it through the grapvine that I'm getting an RO unit for Mother's Day :cheer:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Nope, no water conditioners...just doing it the old fashioned way, I guess...water changes, water changes, water changes. I don't have the Aquaclear on my sh tank, it's on my reef. I think that I might just get an Aquaclear on there as well though...I may just buy it from Beth...we'll see.
I heard it through the grapvine that I'm getting an RO unit for Mother's Day :cheer:
Lisa :happyfish
:cheer: :cheer: :happyfish :happyfish

Happy Mother's day!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Yay!!! I'm excited about that!! I'm not apposed to moving rocks and corals around by any means!! The measurement from the bottom of the trim to the top of the sand bed is 19", to the bottom of the sand bed is 20". Does that help? Let me know if you need a picture.
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah...a picture would be great :happyfish That way I can see the filtration system you're using, and where it is placed in the tank.
So your tank measures 30x20x12 right?
The glass thickness should be 3/8


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Lisa, my favorite SWFer. Happy early Mother's Day!!

Hey Jason!! It's about time you checked in

Thanks for the early greeting. I did indeed get an RO maker for Mother's Day...I'm making water as I speak (type). It's a really slow one, but it's certainly going to suit mine and Beth's needs very nicely.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Yeah...a picture would be great :happyfish That way I can see the filtration system you're using, and where it is placed in the tank.
So your tank measures 30x20x12 right?
The glass thickness should be 3/8

Correcto on the dimensions of the tank. I'm attaching 2 pictures I just took...unfortunately it's under actinics only, so not very good. Let me know if you'll need a better view. Don't count the powerhead in with your figuring, that can be moved anywhere.
I also thought I would post a picture of my cute little buddy...
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
:cheer: :cheer: :happyfish :happyfish

Happy Mother's day!!!!!!!!!!!
And a very Happy Mother's Day to you too Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hey Jason!! It's about time you checked in

Thanks for the early greeting. I did indeed get an RO maker for Mother's Day...I'm making water as I speak (type). It's a really slow one, but it's certainly going to suit mine and Beth's needs very nicely.

Lisa :happyfish
Hey Lisa, I know i've been horrible about posting but i'm here. And you're very welcome! I need an RO/DI unit badly. I think i'll ask for one for fathers day or birthday both are pretty soon i guess. The little one is cute!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
And a very Happy Mother's Day to you too Ryk!!
Lisa :happyfish
That's the cutest little fish I've seen on this forum!!! Where did you get em???? Mail order, LFS???? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Hey Lisa, I know i've been horrible about posting but i'm here. And you're very welcome! I need an RO/DI unit badly. I think i'll ask for one for fathers day or birthday both are pretty soon i guess. The little one is cute!!!
Thanks Jason,
Jonah is an absolute joy...that's all I can say. He's starting to smile, recognize voices, and he actually tries to talk to us...well, ya know...very cute.
As I posted earlier, my sh tank is definitely coming along. I've not gotten any gobies in there yet because I'm kind of back and forth about putting them in. I really don't want to put something in that's going to compete with my horses for pods...and PODS I've got!!
I just did another 5 gallon change in that tank, and shortly after I looked into the tank after the change, it looks like I've got a pod population explosion (again)...not complaning at all, just stating. That makes me very happy. Now on to keeping them there and happy!! Thinking...thinking...thinking... :thinking:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
That's the cutest little fish I've seen on this forum!!! Where did you get em???? Mail order, LFS???? :happyfish
Huh?? which fish are you talking little buddy-fish? If so, I have to totally and heartfeltly agree. He's such a blessing!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
uhoh, are you falling prey to rykna's plans?!?!? RUN!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

...what can I say, sounds good to me!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
just out of curiosity lisa and ryk, why shield over sponge around intake?
My thinking is one or the other. Ryk's shield design makes a lot of sense to me, and hopefully will be safer and more effective with keeping my water parameters in check in such a small it offers a great little haven for pods. With that, it's definitely something I would love to give a go to.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
haha, indeed....i'm not in any way knocking ryk's plans, t hey are good....a spoinge will be a safehaven for pods as well....just as long as the shield goes all the way up, and doesn't happen to allow for your seahorses to at all slip over top and get themselves in even more trouble than without an escape is my only concern....and to make sure all those holes if thats the plan wont get clogged to restrict the flow too much


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, indeed....i'm not in any way knocking ryk's plans, t hey are good....a spoinge will be a safehaven for pods as well....just as long as the shield goes all the way up, and doesn't happen to allow for your seahorses to at all slip over top and get themselves in even more trouble than without an escape is my only concern....and to make sure all those holes if thats the plan wont get clogged to restrict the flow too much
True, true...but I know that I keep too close any eye on what's going on in my tanks to let something like that get too far advanced. Plus...when installing said shields, I will definitely be looking for any problem areas...I'm thinking that they'll go in before I add livestock and hopefully dodge any problems that way...I said hopefully...

I'm new here....
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
haha, i'm not trying to come down at all lisa, its really is a good idea...just hope all areas are covered...when you go grocery shopping for a couple hours and he slips over somehow, those couple hours would be pretty devastating for a seahorse trapped by a filter if it goes above the water level at all times then that would take away that concern, i just know that it happened to ryk not long ago, but she was there to catch him right away...but just as long as it is above the water level i see no harm, unless the holes are too big for babies...then a fine sponge would be necessary