call me exited, but...


Try getting down the the Belieze area in the Caribbean to is simply amazing. Check out "The Blue Hole." Search it online


Active Member
Originally Posted by mweezy05
Try getting down the the Belieze area in the Caribbean to is simply amazing. Check out "The Blue Hole." Search it online
I know where I'm going for my 20th anniversary



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I know where I'm going for my 20th anniversary

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
I want to go there tomarrow!!!!
Been there, done that...and SO need to do it again!! Not in that location, but, that's just another addiction...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thanks Barry...
Your response helps a lot, as does everyone's...I'm REALLY, REALLY anxious about doing this, but I also know that it's going to be much better for my critters in the long run. I guess I'll chill a little about my clowns (they're just so much my favs...) and hope that eventually when they're in their new home, that they find something that appeals to them. What are your thoughts on scooping the fish out (after rocks and corals are removed) with a cup rather than a net? I've read that this will reduce stress on the fish (?)
I was actually hoping to do the switch this coming weekend, but when I think of the things that I need yet...egg crate for under the substrate, 2 more bags of sand, I've got to figure out how many bins I need with heat and aeration...I have to figure out the power for the new tank lights and equipment and how to get it best situated. I've got about 7 gallons of water heating and aerating from water changes to help out. anyway. These pictures show what I have so far with my new tank. My stand and lights came in. On a 46gal bow front, my lights will be giving off 442w of light, 250mh and 96x2pc (blue), plus the 4 lunars. It is not (obviously) in the place that it will be after the change...I think it's going to be pretty cool.
Lisa :happyfish
This looks like the exact tank we were given about a month ago. We were thrown right into this Is it s 72 Gallon? Even the stand looks exactly like ours. Our old tank was beautiful and I love how you have set this new one up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
yea, skimmners arent neccesary but you cant tell me it doesnt do anything
Yes it does!!!! It "skims" money off the top of you hobby budget!!!!!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
IDK, Ryk, but when someone first describes what they're selling as the "biggest piece of worthless junk I've every bought", I tend to shy away from that purchase...thanks though!!

Lisa :happyfish
:hilarious Dang...I knew there was a problem with my sales pitch. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyMama
This looks like the exact tank we were given about a month ago. We were thrown right into this Is it s 72 Gallon? Even the stand looks exactly like ours. Our old tank was beautiful and I love how you have set this new one up!
Hi Cassie,
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, hope you're still around to read my reply. My bowfront is a 46 gallon (I wish I could have a 72, but I have space limitations in my house...gotta go with what fits).
Thank you very much for the nice compliment. I really love it, and I can't wait to get back into purchasing more corals...probably once the sh tank is set up and going.
Thanks for reading.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
:hilarious Dang...I knew there was a problem with my sales pitch. :happyfish

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I forgot to mention that Beth's tank is coming along very nicely. The algae probs that she's been having are slowly but surely and very noticeably coming under control, thank goodness. Her corals are also looking very happy, and we're not sure if it's because of the change in salt with her water changes or the extra added flow.
comments on this definitely welcome for those reading and learning...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Did a five gallon change in the reef tonight...I'm always glad to have that done and my reef looking happy.
I also did a top off in the sh tank tonight. I've been feeding the nassarius snails a little snack of flake prime reef 2-3 times a week...there's only 5 out of the 9 live nassarius in there at this time (that I know of anyway).
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Well Ryk,
after I did the 5 gallon water change on my 46 gallon reef on Wednesday and came home from work on Thursday to my filter AGAIN overflowing through the siphon insert, I went out and bought an Aquaclear 70. To be perfectly honest, when I first put it on the tank, I hated it immediately!!! It sits up much higher than my other filter and was causing all kinds of bubbles and a really loud trickling sound in my tank (grrrrrrr).
When I got up this morning, I figured I would just turn it down a bit, but when I looked in the tank, everyone was sleeping and I didn't want to go messing with that.
This evening though, I took an SG reading and added water up to the bottom of the filter, and finally, FINALLY I think I'll keep it!! I'm really good about keeping my tanks topped off, but apparently this filter likes the water level a bit higher than what I've had it. It's doing great now, and incredibly quiet!! For now I have the media from my old filter running in it, and I'll switch that out next week (that was recommended to me by the guy at the LFS...sounds probable, IDK...
So, I just thought that I would post this here. I sure hope this will help me some of the things going on in my tanks (not that they're that serious...just annoying). Next step is finding a different that I can keep on my tank for more than just a couple of months.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Well Ryk,
after I did the 5 gallon water change on my 46 gallon reef on Wednesday and came home from work on Thursday to my filter AGAIN overflowing through the siphon insert, I went out and bought an Aquaclear 70. To be perfectly honest, when I first put it on the tank, I hated it immediately!!! It sits up much higher than my other filter and was causing all kinds of bubbles and a really loud trickling sound in my tank (grrrrrrr).
When I got up this morning, I figured I would just turn it down a bit, but when I looked in the tank, everyone was sleeping and I didn't want to go messing with that.
This evening though, I took an SG reading and added water up to the bottom of the filter, and finally, FINALLY I think I'll keep it!! I'm really good about keeping my tanks topped off, but apparently this filter likes the water level a bit higher than what I've had it. It's doing great now, and incredibly quiet!! For now I have the media from my old filter running in it, and I'll switch that out next week (that was recommended to me by the guy at the LFS...sounds probable, IDK...
So, I just thought that I would post this here. I sure hope this will help me some of the things going on in my tanks (not that they're that serious...just annoying). Next step is finding a different that I can keep on my tank for more than just a couple of months.
Lisa :happyfish

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Aquaclear!!!!! Yeah, ya gotta keep the tank topped off, especially if the trickle of the running water bothers you. The other thing to be aware of is make sure you keep the unit level. I use one or two extra suction cups to prop it up. It the unit tips back to far it will start spilling over the back. :mad:
Adding the cycled filter matter is perfect. I have reused many of the aqua clear sponges because the good bacteria is already established in the sponge. That's why I like to use multiple units on my tank. I use one as a clean-up crew factory(I rarely rinse out the bio sponge part)....the other unit I use for water clarity, carbon,and other filters types, plus adding calcium and coral foods. :happyfish
Then as a double back up I use my eheim pro2 canister filter. I use this mostly for water movement and a huge pod clean up crew factory. I pry only clean it every 4 months.
I'd like to add a sump tank to my system, but have not had any luck running one as of yet.
However, block off the intake flows. When I first got Valiant he was to little to swim away from the intake flow. I am in the process of building a plexi shield with a built in refugium.
This is the plan that I drew up. I just have to get it cut and glue it together.
If yo need more info, let me know



Active Member
I have plenty of Plexi left over now that I have taken down my 45. Give me the dimensions of you horse tank and I can get one cut for you too!!
The middle section I am using as a refugium to put macro algae in and to make a happy pod haven.
Let me know what you think :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I have plenty of Plexi left over now that I have taken down my 45. Give me the dimensions of you horse tank and I can get one cut for you too!!
The middle section I am using as a refugium to put macro algae in and to make a happy pod haven.
Let me know what you think :happyfish
Let's see, 30" long, 19" from the bottom of the canopy to the top of the sand bed, and only 12" wide...that's where something like what you're making may not work. I'm thinking with only 12" from front to back, and with my equipment and will I fit anything else in there? I think it's a great idea though, maybe you can think of something I haven't. Put your thinking cap on Rykna!! :thinking:
Oh, by the way...thanks a TON for your help!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Let's see, 30" long, 19" from the bottom of the canopy to the top of the sand bed, and only 12" wide...that's where something like what you're making may not work. I'm thinking with only 12" from front to back, and with my equipment and will I fit anything else in there? I think it's a great idea though, maybe you can think of something I haven't. Put your thinking cap on Rykna!! :thinking:
Oh, by the way...thanks a TON for your help!!

Lisa :happyfish
No problem

To make the shield fit correctly I need to know the exact measurements of your tank. Correct the numbers I added if needed.
The length: 30"
(from the glass bottom, to the top of the trim on the tank, the shield goes all the way from the very bottom of the tank to the top)
The length of the trim on the inside top of the tank:
(so the shield will fit under the lip of the tank)
The width: 12"
(I'm thinking 2.5" for the shield and 9.5 inches for horses)
The thickness of the glass:
(mine is 3/8th of an inch thick~the thickness takes away from the ******** measurements)
I hope this pic helps

Ryk the Inventor


Active Member
I've come to the conclusion that there's a reason that I don't do things as I set out to do...ugh...I'm SO picky about what my water is doing and how it looks. I haven't put anything except the clean up crew into my sh tank yet...but I'm still working on getting rid of that "new tank" haze...I hate it...tomorrow another 5 gallon change. We'll see after that...hmmmm

Lisa :happyfish