call me exited, but...


Active Member algae is the next step toward macro algae. Just keep a sharp eye out for aiptasia
I let one go and did eliminate soon enough and it spawned, just like little dadelion seeds...I say hundreds of little aiptasia floating about the tank

If you don't have any coral that require light you might want to shorten the hours you keep the tank lights on to keep the algae growth down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna algae is the next step toward macro algae. Just keep a sharp eye out for aiptasia
I let one go and did eliminate soon enough and it spawned, just like little dadelion seeds...I say hundreds of little aiptasia floating about the tank

If you don't have any coral that require light you might want to shorten the hours you keep the tank lights on to keep the algae growth down.

Yeah, I'm ever vigilant about the pesty anenomes and such. I've already got the lights on that tank at only 6 hours or so, and the green is very course and tough, that's why I thought that maybe it's the beginning stage of coraline. The same thing happened in my 46 for a short time, and now the purple is popping like crazy in there. Hmmmm...
Lisa :w/o her happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I don't get it....we're missing 3 smiley icons....????

I don't get it either...I've gotten into such a habit of signing my name with my happyfish...IDK...all these years, now...gone...

Very little tank news here, but I guess that's a good thing. My sh tank is really getting closer and closer to livestock day...I've been figuring that mid to late June will be a good time to add ponies (I hope).
My reef is doing great. I'm in the beginning process of using my own RO water for top offs. Haven't done a change with it yet, but that's coming this week. From taking tests with the tester that came with my RO unit, the water we're making is actually a bit purer than what I've been getting from Wal Mart...not that I would EVER complain about the water I've gotten there...but good to know.


hello! I haven't been here in awhile and was catching up on posts...looks like you're well on your way to owning your own pony or two ...or three..
glad things are going as you planned. I posted a few new pics of my is coming along nicely too...The only complaint I have is running out of fish space! Guess that's what the ocean is for..
anyway..keep up the good work and post a new pic of your bowfront! I'd like to see the progression!
see ya!


oh yeah! by the way! the RO unit you will love! I added a Di unit to mine and I couldn't be more happy! The convenience is way better than hauling water!


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
hello! I haven't been here in awhile and was catching up on posts...looks like you're well on your way to owning your own pony or two ...or three..
glad things are going as you planned. I posted a few new pics of my is coming along nicely too...The only complaint I have is running out of fish space! Guess that's what the ocean is for..
anyway..keep up the good work and post a new pic of your bowfront! I'd like to see the progression!
see ya!

Hmmm...progression, yes. No progression really in the reef. I've been holding off getting more corals while setting up my sh tank, and now it looks like I'm going to be needing not one, but two protein skimmers...gotta go with what I need rather than what I really, REALLY want.

I'm off to take a look at your tank, can't wait to see it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
oh yeah! by the way! the RO unit you will love! I added a Di unit to mine and I couldn't be more happy! The convenience is way better than hauling water!

Oh yeah, I'm just finding this out...VERY nice!!
Lisa ***grrrr


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hmmm...progression, yes. No progression really in the reef. I've been holding off getting more corals while setting up my sh tank, and now it looks like I'm going to be needing not one, but two protein skimmers...gotta go with what I need rather than what I really, REALLY want.

I'm off to take a look at your tank, can't wait to see it.
I know what you mean..(getting stuff you need)..I had some algae problems..(I tend to overfeed, hard lesson to learn) so I had to get more water movement so I got rid of my 2 rios and 1 maxi-jet and got two of the hydor koralia 3's..they are really nice. I doubled my water movement and cut down on the number of powerheads in my tank which is always get rid of anything in the display tank if possible. I lost my pygmy angel and my watchman goby in like two days
..totally disappeared...don't really know what happened to them, not even a fin...It was so sad...I had them a long time..I was afraid I maybe had a mantis shrimp or something..but must not have
..haven't lost any since. that was scary.


Active Member
As the title of this post states, I got my seahorses today. Yeah, about a week early, and not from the source I thought I would get them from. Here's the story...
Beth and I have started a tradition of going to Madison in the spring, either for her b-day or mine, and this year we did it for hers.
Saturday we went and checked in and relaxed for a while, then we went to see the new Pirates of the Carribbean movie...that was awesome. After the movie, we ordered dinner in and watched the first two Pirates movies, and well, pretty much crashed.
This morning after breakfast, it was shop, shop, shop with the last stop being a very good LFS (notice, last stop was very strategic...just in case). I was thinking that I might come away with a nice coral or two for my reef. we were walking around, Beth pointed out a small tank with some seahorses in labeled "dwarf"...mmm, no, definitely not dwarf, but what species?
Further down, some more horses, much bigger horses and 3 of them. After finding the guy who knew something about horses, the first tank were young h-erectus (hope he's right) and the tank with the bigger horses were h-reidi. There were 4 ponies in the h-erectus tank...I bought 2 after grilling the guy for about 20 minutes with questions.
They're captive bred, eating frozen...and pretty much everything according to the guy I talked to, he's really sure that they're young h-erectus, about 5-6 months old.
I acclimated them according to the big horse site, and within 5 minutes of release they were snicking the numerous pods that have accumulated in my tank...I think they're happy. Then they napped for a while and at this time are out and about exploring the tank like crazy. Oh, yeah, during their acclimation, I covered the intakes of the filters and the powerhead and I put the heater in one of the filters.
Please welcome my 2 new (female?...pretty sure) h-erectus ponies, Appache and Navajo...don't ask me to tell them apart...and please excuse the picture quality, they've been chilling under blues to acclimate.



Active Member
Thanks a lot everyone!!
Today they both ate their frozen mysis...some for breakfast and again for dinner. I'm also seeing both snick at pods from time to time.
The only way at this point that I can tell the two apart is personality. Appache is a little more outgoing and Navajo is a little more on the shy side. She's definitely coming along by watching her sister move around the tank. Navajo is also just a smidge bigger than Appache. After eating dinner tonight, I noticed that Appache's sides turned to a really pretty silver then back to black again...I also got to see her poop

I was glad to be able to be home with them all day today. For the most part, they slept a lot and really didn't get motivated to explore their new home again until about 4:00 or so. We'll see if that pattern continues. It seems that when the big light goes out a little after 6:00 is when they really explore and swim around the tank (like right now...
I just keep hoping and praying that I can keep them happy and healthy.


Active Member
As I figured, Navajo is again hitched and snoozing but Appache is out and about yet. More tomorrow with my first day back to work after their arrival. My plan is to get them fed before work and again when I get home from work. Tomorrow the first water change in their tank, 5 gallons...wish me luck...


Active Member
Congradulations!!!!!! They're beautiful!!!!!!!

Just got back from memorial vacation. I'll have to print out some of your pics and tape them to Valiant's tank. He's getting a bit lonely in that sterile QT tank.
How are your's doing today???


Active Member
My fillies are doing pretty good today. They had some frozen mysis after work and I watched each of them eat. Appache is as always, out and about, Navajo is hitched until the big light goes out, then she wanders.
I have a question, is it too early to do a water change in their tank? I really want to do one tonight, but not if it's going to cause undo stress.


Active Member
I decided not to do the water change, just because...well, I'm not sure it's the right thing to do right now. I will wait for responses regarding that...I don't want to stress out my little girls.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
What's your tank water quality status?
All parameters are in check...0 ammonia, nitrites and nitrates...8.2 pH (tests are sitting on the table, since you asked). I know they're fine, and my ponies are fine, playing in the current and such. Maybe I'll just let them be for a few days and do the water change in my reef, as previously planned.
Thanks Ryk. How's Valient doing?