As the title of this post states, I got my seahorses today. Yeah, about a week early, and not from the source I thought I would get them from. Here's the story...
Beth and I have started a tradition of going to Madison in the spring, either for her b-day or mine, and this year we did it for hers.
Saturday we went and checked in and relaxed for a while, then we went to see the new Pirates of the Carribbean movie...that was awesome. After the movie, we ordered dinner in and watched the first two Pirates movies, and well, pretty much crashed.
This morning after breakfast, it was shop, shop, shop with the last stop being a very good LFS (notice, last stop was very strategic...just in case). I was thinking that I might come away with a nice coral or two for my reef. we were walking around, Beth pointed out a small tank with some seahorses in labeled "dwarf"...mmm, no, definitely not dwarf, but what species?
Further down, some more horses, much bigger horses and 3 of them. After finding the guy who knew something about horses, the first tank were young h-erectus (hope he's right) and the tank with the bigger horses were h-reidi. There were 4 ponies in the h-erectus tank...I bought 2 after grilling the guy for about 20 minutes with questions.
They're captive bred, eating frozen...and pretty much everything according to the guy I talked to, he's really sure that they're young h-erectus, about 5-6 months old.
I acclimated them according to the big horse site, and within 5 minutes of release they were snicking the numerous pods that have accumulated in my tank...I think they're happy. Then they napped for a while and at this time are out and about exploring the tank like crazy. Oh, yeah, during their acclimation, I covered the intakes of the filters and the powerhead and I put the heater in one of the filters.
Please welcome my 2 new (female?...pretty sure) h-erectus ponies, Appache and Navajo...don't ask me to tell them apart...and please excuse the picture quality, they've been chilling under blues to acclimate.