call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
It could be all sorts of things...especially since you just did a water change. Sediments get stirred up, and it takes a day or so to resettle. Probably nothing to worry about or loose sleep over, if it were me I'd keep a close eye on the water quality until the water cleared. It should be fine by morning.

That's why I like the aquaclear filters. When both have clean floss and are on high the tank water is crystal clear in an hour.

The problem is that the haziness started before the water change. Today it is a little better, but not crystal clear...I think I'm going to shop for a skimmer in that tank. I think I'd feel better if I had one in there.
The AquaClear is awesome in my reef though, thanks for the heads up on that Ryk!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Dang Lisa. I've missed quit a bit I see. It's been a really busy month for me! I see you got your ponies!!!!!!!! They're gorgeous and congrats!!!! I started my 90gal project and have some really good pictures of the newly stained stand. Bombay Mohogany is the color. I love it. Well the family and I went to California for a long weekend to stay with my family and visit. It was a huge amount of fun. Gabby got to see all her relatives for the first time, not including my parents..and it was her first time on a plane and to california where her daddy was born. She did really well. And Memorial day, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa and Uncle got to go fishing off the coast of san diego/mexico. It was a blast, the fishing could've been better, but a bad day fishing is definitely better than a good day of work<3 Anyhow, i'm glad to see everything is going wonderful for you and all that and I have missed talking to you.
Talk to you soon!
Jason!!'re back!! I was wondering what ever happened to you!!
As you can see, yes, I got my ponies. Did you read the circumstances behind that purchase. A little earlier than I had planned, but I was ready and my tank was definitely ready. So far, they're doing great. Tonight they are actually out and about in the tank, and get this...they're finally playing together!!
One of them (Navajo) isn't eating quite as good as Appache, but I'm still seeing her eat at least 2-3 mysis, so I guess I shouldn't worry.
Good to see you back again, and I'm SO glad your trip was such a success. Kiss Gabby for me.
Lisa...[still no icon]


Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81
I wanted to do some seahorses but I've heard they are very sensitive little creatures and require alot more work than your average saltwater tank.
I just love the way they look- hopefully down the line when I can have more than one tank in my house I'll get a few to try out.
Good luck and post as many pics as you can!

I totally agree with Ryk's response to your post. Seahorses aren't impossible, but require a very different mindset. I'm still in the process of getting myself to not feed them as I do my's a bit of a slower process. I'm getting it though, and so are my fillies.
If you have questions, just post them here. There are a number of sh keepers keeping an eye on things going on here.
I've got a bunch of pictures of Appache and Navajo to go through, including some I took just minutes ago. I'm going to do that right now and post those when I'm ready...later.


Active Member
I found more usable pics than I expected of my girls. Here they are...
Appache swims with her tail more curled...she just kinda moseys around, Navajo likes to explore up and down more in the tank, so mostly her tail isn't as curled in the pics (it's a bouyancy thing).
Here they are...



Active Member
Some more...that last pic is of Navajo playing her favorite game...she loves playing in the current of the filters.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Your girls are beautiful!!!!! Can't wait for more pics.

Thanks Ryk, I think they're beautiful too. Every day I'm so excited to see what they'll do next. Today, they actually sought each other out to play together. The first (or is it the last, can't remember) 6 pics of that last series was from tonight...before this I wasn't able to get any decent pics of them together.
I just went in to see what they're doing now...they're playing together...
The first few days in their new home, one was pretty much always hitched and sleeping and the other out and about (except after dark...the first night, then both were out). I wonder if they've had to figure out that nothing in the tank is going to hurt them, so that they can sleep at the same time and play at the same time...hmmm
I hope they're happy.


Active Member
Seahorses like to be in herds. The more the merrier. Pairs of horses, have a greeting ritual they preform every morning before they head out to forage. They are very affectionate fish, and this greeting is thought to reinforce the bond. This is one reason it is very tempting for me to buy a female horse for Valiant. However, baby seahorses are an entire new subject.
I have been researching seahorse breeding farms. Number one problem is that the fry need live baby brine shrimp to feed on. I'll be learning this process so I can be prepared when I get my mini seahorses in July. The mini's or "ponies" need live baby brine shrimp twice a day.


Active Member
This might sound like a really silly question, but I'm new to these girls...could 2 little seahorses completely delpete a 37 gallon tank of all pods in just 5 days???
I was just looking at the glass in their tank, no bugs, can't see bugs on the sand as before, and I can't see bugs on the rocks as before (please see previous post with pics of pods on the glass). Have they depleted the supply in there that fast, or have the pods run for the hills knowing that there are predators after them? I do still see Appache and Navajo hunting them and occasionally snicking them, but not like when they were first released into the tank. Responses on this very much appreciated.


Active Member
I don't think so, however, they will dimish the pod population. How many lbs of LR do you have? The more the better.
In my reef tank I had 135 lbs of LR. My blue mandrin, Moby, was so fat. There were so many pods he didn't have to swim around much. Mostly he perched on his favorite rock and grazed on the pod buffet.
Currently I have 35lbs of LR in the 90. I want to increase that to at least 90lbs. I have noticed that the pod population has made a huge come back since Valiant has been in the QT.
Also, pods disappear during the day, especially when predators like seahorses are out and about hunting. If you have moon lights or use a flash light. Turn all the room lights off, and wait a half hour or so after the tank lights have shut off. A whole new world emerges at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Also, pods disappear during the day, especially when predators like seahorses are out and about hunting. If you have moon lights or use a flash light. Turn all the room lights off, and wait a half hour or so after the tank lights have shut off. A whole new world emerges at night.
Good idea Ryk. Lights have just gone out. I'll wait and see what I can see. I have about 20# of LR and another 10-15# of base and coral skeleton. I've also noticed when feeding in that tank, there are still some small bristle worms in there...that isn't a problem, is it? So many questions all of a sudden...



Active Member
Would it ever...sigh...
Bristle worms are's the fire bristle worm you have to look out for. Bristles worms are great a cleaning up leftovers, but they multiply and grow quickly. I didn't mind them in my reef first. But after 6 months of population growth the peppermint shrimp had to fight to save his dinner from the bristle worms.
you think you have questions now..boy howdy.
I'm starting to think I should have gone the route of a Marine Biologist for my College degree. Unfortunately the courses aren't readily available in Wisconsin.


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Quick question Lisa. Do you have gmail? If so would you be interested in signing onto my chat list?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Great vids Ryk...I don't mind at all!! I welcome all and anything to educate myself and others. Thanks again!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Quick question Lisa. Do you have gmail? If so would you be interested in signing onto my chat list?
Mmmm, no, what's gmail? Do you have my email addy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Mmmm, no, what's gmail? Do you have my email addy?
"gmail" is a free email site offered by goggle.
it comes with lots of nice perks including "chat". If Luke is online I can chat with him or ask quick questions about tanks, corals and such. To be able to chat with a friend both need to have a gmail account.