call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
"gmail" is a free email site offered by goggle.
it comes with lots of nice perks including "chat". If Luke is online I can chat with him or ask quick questions about tanks, corals and such. To be able to chat with a friend both need to have a gmail account.
I tried to register but had no luck. I'll keep trying and let you know when I get on.


Active Member
I had a great breakthrough with my horses today. Appache has no problems with snicking the mysis shrimp, but I've noticed that Navajo has been less enthusiastic about it. She's been eating 1-2 mysis at a time to Appache's, hmmm, 5-6...
This evening I decided to try the girls on some frozen cyclopeez soaked in garlic...I don't think I've seen Navajo snick so much as when the cyclopeez went in. It was SO great to see.
Since they both eat the mysis, and both eat the cyclopeez, I'm going to try mixing the two meals soaked in garlic...wish me luck. Next step will be the frozen Prime Reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I had a great breakthrough with my horses today. Appache has no problems with snicking the mysis shrimp, but I've noticed that Navajo has been less enthusiastic about it. She's been eating 1-2 mysis at a time to Appache's, hmmm, 5-6...
This evening I decided to try the girls on some frozen cyclopeez soaked in garlic...I don't think I've seen Navajo snick so much as when the cyclopeez went in. It was SO great to see.
Oh my goodness this is halarious. I just did the exact same thing tonight!!!!! I took Valiant to my LFS to get the seahorse specialist's opinion on his health status. Shawn diagnosis was that Valiant is out of danger and healing.He gave me another type of food enhancer called Selcon and also Garlic Guard, which helps fish resistance to ICH and other parasites!!!!!
Man I thought I had seen a fish frenzy before!!! My poor little firgoby, Flash, never had a chance. Valiant was almost doing backflips trying to snick up every last little piece!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Oh my goodness this is halarious. I just did the exact same thing tonight!!!!! I took Valiant to my LFS to get the seahorse specialist's opinion on his health status. Shawn diagnosis was that Valiant is out of danger and healing.He gave me another type of food enhancer called Selcon and also Garlic Guard, which helps fish resistance to ICH and other parasites!!!!!
Man I thought I had seen a fish frenzy before!!! My poor little firgoby, Flash, never had a chance. Valiant was almost doing backflips trying to snick up every last little piece!!!!!!
I've been soaking my horses' food in garlic right from the start. What I was so happy about was that the Cyclopeez was such a hit...both seem to love it, and it stays in the water column a little longer, so they feel like they're really hunting it down.
Navajo had me a little worried (well, ok, a LOT worried) today. I'm not used to being home with them and being able to observe so much during the day. Well, this morning both horses were out and about, both ate very nicely for breakfast. I went in a couple of times this morning to observe them, and they were out and about, playing and hunting. At one point, I think at about noon or one o'clock, I went in to find only Appache swimming about, and I couldn't find Navajo anywhere...ANYWHERE!! This went on all afternoon. Finally at their supper time, I did our ritual and fed them, and there she was. She apparently found a nice little nook tucked behind one of the big corals to snooze. When the food hit the water though, she was out eating and has been out playing ever since...I was SO thankful. I just couldn't imagine where she was...


Active Member
OK, here's another question/concern...excuse me, but I'm kinda thinking out loud right now, however suggestions are more than welcome...
In my observations of my horses...Appache is usually more alert in the morning and will take breakfast quite readily where Navajo takes some, but not as enthusiastically. I've observed that Appache is out and about almost all day while Navajo sleeps. When I feed supper, both are definitely out and eating great. Both then play and explore for about 2 to 2 and half hours, then Appache goes to bed at about 7:00 or so while Navajo (night owl) is out and about.
How do I get these 2 girls on the most effective feeding schedule? It seems that they are on 2 different shifts!! Hmmm...should I add a smaller feed in the evening when Navajo is out? Can I do that without compromising their water quality? Again suggestions greatly welcomed...and soon.


Active Member
Do you feed them in the same spot? Also, you just brought them home. It takes a while to settle in. Valiant spent most of his first two weeks hiding in and around the LR. Once they become accustom to your feeding schedule both of them will be flocking to the dinner corner 5 minutes before you actually bring dinner. If I'm late with dinner Valiant gets very impatient. He swims back and forth, up and down, as one would tap their foot when impatient. So best case, let the girls settle in and get use to your schedule and their new home.
If it were me, I'd keep an eye on Navajo...Valiant does that a lot to when he's hunting pods, sometimes i won't see him for hours either. Horses are the most unusual swimmers I have ever seen. One moment they're swimming upright, the next they're tail diving snout over fin through the return flow. You have made steps to ensure health and happiness for you pets.
Don't panic
..., use the information that you have gathered. Fish hide when they sleep or hunt and fish hide when they're getting sick too. My second horse, Romeo, started to disappear. At first I disregarded it...after a week of him constantly disappearing I started wondering what was going on. By the time I realized he was sick it was to late. Romeo's passing was partially do, I found out latter, was to 3 weeks of malnutrition in the pet store. He was part of the group that came in with Valiant.
The first signs were jerky unusual swimming movements. Using their tails to what appears to be scratching themselves. This is what Valiant came down with.
Your girls have the support of their new "mom"
and a website of fish addicts at your disposal.

Do you have more pictures to post?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Do you feed them in the same spot? Also, you just brought them home. It takes a while to settle in. Valiant spent most of his first two weeks hiding in and around the LR. Once they become accustom to your feeding schedule both of them will be flocking to the dinner corner 5 minutes before you actually bring dinner. If I'm late with dinner Valiant gets very impatient. He swims back and forth, up and down, as one would tap their foot when impatient. So best case, let the girls settle in and get use to your schedule and their new home.
If it were me, I'd keep an eye on Navajo...Valiant does that a lot to when he's hunting pods, sometimes i won't see him for hours either. Horses are the most unusual swimmers I have ever seen. One moment they're swimming upright, the next they're tail diving snout over fin through the return flow. You have made steps to ensure health and happiness for you pets.
Don't panic
..., use the information that you have gathered. Fish hide when they sleep or hunt and fish hide when they're getting sick too. My second horse, Romeo, started to disappear. At first I disregarded it...after a week of him constantly disappearing I started wondering what was going on. By the time I realized he was sick it was to late. Romeo's passing was partially do, I found out latter, was to 3 weeks of malnutrition in the pet store. He was part of the group that came in with Valiant.
The first signs were jerky unusual swimming movements. Using their tails to what appears to be scratching themselves. This is what Valiant came down with.
Your girls have the support of their new "mom"
and a website of fish addicts at your disposal.

Do you have more pictures to post?
Thank you SO much for the kind words Ryk. I've also come to the mind set that I've done everything to make their transition as comfortable as I possibly can. I've done my homework and am acting on it.
You should have seen my little girls eat tonight...oh man, it did my heart good. Not that they've not been eating, but to see both of them going at it at the same time. They're so precious.
I've come to the conclusion that Navajo has found a nook to sleep in. It also looks like both girls are beginning to get themselves onto the same shift. Navajo isn't out quite as late by herself as she was, and she tucks herself in about an hour or so after Appache hitches for the night. It's been really interesting to observe their behavior and track it. This morning Appache was awake for breakfast, and Navajo woke up shortly after breakfast was served.
I'm feeling much more relaxed about what I'm doing with them, and what they're learning.
Oh, I almost forgot. I'll get pics tomorrow when the big lights are on. My window between getting home and lights out is only about an hour, during which is dinner time. Hopefully I'll remember to get some shots tomorrow.
That's it for now.


Active Member
You're very welcome. They do catch your heart.It's so cute when they curl up to sleep. It's so hard to think of them as fish. They're so social. Sounds like they're making themselves at home. I look forward to pictures of your girls


Active Member
I finally got pics with the lights on. Sorry for the blurry ones...I'm not much of a photographer. Some of them turned out pretty cool, I think.



Active Member
Awesome!!!!! The girls are gorgeous!!!! Maybe I should tape their pictures up on the tank wall to cheer Valiant up!!!
Are they Kudas? Glad to hear they're making themselves at home. Tank looks great too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Awesome!!!!! The girls are gorgeous!!!! Maybe I should tape their pictures up on the tank wall to cheer Valiant up!!!
Are they Kudas? Glad to hear they're making themselves at home. Tank looks great too.

Thanks Ryk!!
I'm a little embarrassed to say, but they were sold to me as h-erectus, but the more I look at them the more I'm convinced that they're kuda (very OK in my book), it could also be that they're pretty young, IDK. Maybe someone with knowledge of identifiying species will chime in here. Or, maybe I should start another thread...wadda 'ya think?
So you think they look good? They sure are eating and exploring. They're also looking forward to their next 5 gallon water change in the tank on Thursday...they like that (I think). I wish my d@mn maid would show up one of these days



Active Member
They are beautiful (and I agree Kuda!) little girls!
They look quite healthy and busy.
They will tend to choose a favorite "stall" to sleep in. Very much creatures of habit and I think they have great internal clocks and good memory for fish.
There is no doubt in my mind that they will socialize with you. That is the most amazing aspect of seahorses, to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thanks Ryk!!
I'm a little embarrassed to say, but they were sold to me as h-erectus, but the more I look at them the more I'm convinced that they're kuda (very OK in my book), it could also be that they're pretty young, IDK. Maybe someone with knowledge of identifiying species will chime in here. Or, maybe I should start another thread...wadda 'ya think?
So you think they look good? They sure are eating and exploring. They're also looking forward to their next 5 gallon water change in the tank on Thursday...they like that (I think). I wish my d@mn maid would show up one of these days

Yes!!! They look very healthy. About 3.5 inches? Darthtang commented that until horses are one years old the do best with at least 2 feedings a day, although Valiant would eat non stop. I think Valiant likes the cleaning too. Once you get a chance you'll have to count, Erectus has 11 body rings, 34-39 tail rings. The dorsal fin has 16-20 rays. The pectoral fin has 14-18 rays. The Kuda Have 11 body rings, 36 tail rings and 10 dorsal fin rays, and 16 pectoral fin rays. Either way, the girls look very happy and healthy
Make sure to leave them the cleaning bill


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
They are beautiful (and I agree Kuda!) little girls!
They look quite healthy and busy.
They will tend to choose a favorite "stall" to sleep in. Very much creatures of habit and I think they have great internal clocks and good memory for fish.
There is no doubt in my mind that they will socialize with you. That is the most amazing aspect of seahorses, to me.
Thanks PonieGirl, I think they're beautiful too, and incredibly curious. That's what probably gets them into trouble from time to time. I'm pretty sure I have all my bases covered, lol, literally.
It didn't take Appache and Navajo long to find their favorite stalls, although this morning they were both sleeping hitched to the highest part of the big was really cute.
more later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Yes!!! They look very healthy. About 3.5 inches? Darthtang commented that until horses are one years old the do best with at least 2 feedings a day, although Valiant would eat non stop. I think Valiant likes the cleaning too. Once you get a chance you'll have to count, Erectus has 11 body rings, 34-39 tail rings. The dorsal fin has 16-20 rays. The pectoral fin has 14-18 rays. The Kuda Have 11 body rings, 36 tail rings and 10 dorsal fin rays, and 16 pectoral fin rays. Either way, the girls look very happy and healthy
Make sure to leave them the cleaning bill

Hi Ryk!! Boy, page 13 sure went by quickly, eh?
Yes, my girls are about 3.5 inches, and they are getting fed twice a day and both love their frozen mysis and cyclopeez in garlic
. I want to very slowly start adding some safe, soft corals to their tank, probably starting with a very nice colt coral I have in my reef. I also still have that yellow goronian in my reef that was purchased with the seahorse tank in mind. And I certainly have some xenias to spare. We'll see where I can fit those in.
After that, it's on to stocking the reef with lots of beautiful new corals...always busy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Awesome!!! Yeah Just wait until page 20 blows by!!!

Appache and Navajo are definitely anticipating their supper time meal and both are ready and waiting for it when it comes. We are also making some headway with breakfast in that this morning they were both hitched at the highest part of the coral this morning...kinda waiting...still not as enthusiastic on Navajo's part, but I think we're getting there. I've just got to get comfortable with the fact that she just not a "morning person"...she seems to find enough to eat during the day though.
This coming weekend: hospital tank, order meds to have on hand, set up a little pod procreation area in the tank (dang...that puts off putting corals in...oh well).
How's your little Valiant doing?

darthtang aw

Active Member
The horses look great...I have two suggestions however. Remove the dead coral in the tank...this is sharper than live rock and when the hitch with thgeir tail they can harm themselves...especially if you ever have to handle them and they are hitched to the coral. I would also suggest atleast 10 more pounds of live rock to help increase the pod population. In a hurry so this is all I have for now...will give more tips tomorrow.