call me exited, but...


Active Member
sorry lisa...i dont think it would have hurt them too much, but no harm in waiting either to let them get settled a bit more


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thanks Ryk. How's Valient doing?
He's doing good...still itchy though, but now I think it is from the healing. Like we itch from a sunburn. He has one area on his side where the infection was the worst.It kinda looks like how we heal from a sunburn. The damaged skin is slowly being replaced by healthy skin.Valiant is feeling much more like himself, I saw him today in his "gallant steed" posture...which he has not done since he fell ill. Today was the end of the first 10 day treatment. Now I need to do a water change and do 10 more days.
There is nothing wrong with his appetite, which is the best sign of health, and I haven't spotted any evil parasites in the 90 gallon since last Friday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
He's doing good...still itchy though, but now I think it is from the healing. Like we itch from a sunburn. He has one area on his side where the infection was the worst.It kinda looks like how we heal from a sunburn. The damaged skin is slowly being replaced by healthy skin.Valiant is feeling much more like himself, I saw him today in his "gallant steed" posture...which he has not done since he fell ill. Today was the end of the first 10 day treatment. Now I need to do a water change and do 10 more days.
There is nothing wrong with his appetite, which is the best sign of health, and I haven't spotted any evil parasites in the 90 gallon since last Friday.

Whew...I'm SO glad to hear he's doing so much better!!
I have yet another question regarding my girls. I'm feeding them twice a day as recommended, once in the morning while I have my coffee and again in the evening after work. the morning, they're sleeping!! They do move around a bit following the mysis, but not like in the evening when they're actually out and about in the tank. Are they eating the mysis then during the day from the substrate and rocks? I hope this doesn't sound like an obsessive concern, but I know that I feel better when I see them both they do in the evening. What do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
sorry lisa...i dont think it would have hurt them too much, but no harm in waiting either to let them get settled a bit more
Thanks Luke,
I did decide to wait since the parameters in the tank are dead on. They will be getting a water change this weekend, and so will my reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Whew...I'm SO glad to hear he's doing so much better!!
I have yet another question regarding my girls. I'm feeding them twice a day as recommended, once in the morning while I have my coffee and again in the evening after work. the morning, they're sleeping!! but I know that I feel better when I see them both they do in the evening. What do you think?
Not obsessive at all. It's a hard call to make. Valiant is happy to take food any time anywhere. He's generally up by 8 the display tank he would already be hunting pods.
I conducted a feed experiment a month or so ago. I wanted to know just how much Valiant would eat. So every half hour I feed him 4 to 7 mysis. On average he ate at least four. After 4 hours and 28 mysis slurped up I decided, like most fish, seahorses will eat all they can when they can...and are not to proud to beg either.
Make sure you keep up with you water changes with your horse tank. That has been my ultimate mistake. Having had a reef tank for 2 years...I thought I had pretty good understanding of water quality. From what little experience I have with Valiant, I now think that reef tanks can handle more water quality fluctuations than a horse tank. A lot of the dieseases that seahorses contract lie in wait for the water quality to decline...which causes stress for the seahorse...and then it attacks.
Valiant is eating fine, however, when I gave him his FW bath I noticed the very tip of his snout had turned white. Which leads me to think that he has contracted snot rot.
This is why I hate quaritine tanks. They're so dang small that the water quality declines in days....and it's so sterile...I have spent a lot of time in hospitals and I can tell you sterile white rooms give me the creeps.
So keep up the regular water changes, and post some pics of your horses when you get a chance.


Active Member
Man...I thought it was stressful caring for my daughter when she was a new born. I feel like a complete newbie when it comes to horses.
I finally got to talk with my LFS seahorse specialist, Shawn. I asked him about the condition of Valiant. He said that as long as Valiant is eating and swimming he's okay. I mentioned that Valiant is constantly hunting for pods, even though there aren't in the QT. He said the was a definate sign that Valiant is healthy and healing.He also mentioned that scarring from skin lesions is typical...since horse's healing process is very slow/weak. He has 2 kuda horses, one that had snout rot for 3 months. His horse now has a permenant discoloration on his snout...but has recovered. Feeding vitamin enriched for is the number one priority besides water quality. He also said that horses under a year old should be feed at least twice a day if not 3-4 times a day.
How are your horses doing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Man...I thought it was stressful caring for my daughter when she was a new born. I feel like a complete newbie when it comes to horses.
I finally got to talk with my LFS seahorse specialist, Shawn. I asked him about the condition of Valiant. He said that as long as Valiant is eating and swimming he's okay. I mentioned that Valiant is constantly hunting for pods, even though there aren't in the QT. He said the was a definate sign that Valiant is healthy and healing.He also mentioned that scarring from skin lesions is typical...since horse's healing process is very slow/weak. He has 2 kuda horses, one that had snout rot for 3 months. His horse now has a permenant discoloration on his snout...but has recovered. Feeding vitamin enriched for is the number one priority besides water quality. He also said that horses under a year old should be feed at least twice a day if not 3-4 times a day.
How are your horses doing?
I know what you mean about the stress. Every day on my way home from work, I wonder how they're doing. Today both girls are out and about like I've never seen before. That's very cool to see.
I did a 5 gallon water change in their tank right after work today. They tolerated that great...they're so curious!! Their tank has a light haze to the water though for some reason. I'm wondering if the sponges over the filter intakes is prohibiting the filters from doing a proper job...IDK
. I also changed out the filter media when I did the change. As I stated, the parameters are all perfectly in check, so...maybe I just need to relax a little. I am running a small fan across the water surface, just to make sure the water stays cool enough.
I'm so glad to hear the Valiant is doing so much better
How much longer before he can go back into the display? Poor guy. Did you have to take your fire fish out of the display too?
Keep me posted. Thanks Ryk.


Active Member
Yep both Flash and Valiant are in the QT. They will be in the QT until July 1st. I have to wait at least 2 months to make sure all parasites have died from startvation.
Glad to hear your fillies are out and exploring. I was reading about training horses for feeding and handling.I should have known....Females are much faster learners than their male conterparts!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Yep both Flash and Valiant are in the QT. They will be in the QT until July 1st. I have to wait at least 2 months to make sure all parasites have died from startvation.
Glad to hear your fillies are out and exploring. I was reading about training horses for feeding and handling.I should have known....Females are much faster learners than their male conterparts!!!!

Hmmm, good to know. I've been turning off the filtration and tapping on the glass with the turkey baster...they're catching on pretty fast and definitely recognizing the baster as the "giver of the food". In the evening at least, as soon as the filtration goes off, they start looking around for their food...they do learn pretty fast, I guess. I just love 'em.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Make sure you keep up with you water changes with your horse tank. That has been my ultimate mistake. Having had a reef tank for 2 years...I thought I had pretty good understanding of water quality. From what little experience I have with Valiant, I now think that reef tanks can handle more water quality fluctuations than a horse tank. A lot of the dieseases that seahorses contract lie in wait for the water quality to decline...which causes stress for the seahorse...and then it attacks.
So keep up the regular water changes, and post some pics of your horses when you get a chance.
I'm definitely going to be more obsessive with the water quality in my horse tank. It makes sense to, just because that tank is getting fed twice a day as opposed to once a day maximum in my reef. It has also been my understanding that horses produce a lot of waste. I diligently try to make sure that I do a 5 gallon change in my reef every 1-2 weeks. My plan for the horse tank is a 5 gallon change every week just to make sure things stay in check.
I'm glad you posted the above, I think it's an important point for those reading these posts and considering starting a species horse tank, don't ya think?
I'll post pics as soon as I can.
Thanks again Ryk!!


Active Member
No problem, absolutely.

I just finished cleaning the QT tank. Just by adding fresh RO water Valiant has perked up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
No problem, absolutely.

I just finished cleaning the QT tank. Just by adding fresh RO water Valiant has perked up.
I know what you seems Appache and Navajo like it too when the maid shows up


Active Member
Just a thought, could the haziness in my sh tank be from the nassarius snails coming to life again the last few days to clean up after feeding my horses? Hmmm...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I know what you seems Appache and Navajo like it too when the maid shows up
he get's even more perky when the "servant" brings the food dish!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Just a thought, could the haziness in my sh tank be from the nassarius snails coming to life again the last few days to clean up after feeding my horses? Hmmm...
It could be all sorts of things...especially since you just did a water change. Sediments get stirred up, and it takes a day or so to resettle. Probably nothing to worry about or loose sleep over, if it were me I'd keep a close eye on the water quality until the water cleared. It should be fine by morning.

That's why I like the aquaclear filters. When both have clean floss and are on high the tank water is crystal clear in an hour.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hmmm, good to know. I've been turning off the filtration and tapping on the glass with the turkey baster...they're catching on pretty fast and definitely recognizing the baster as the "giver of the food". In the evening at least, as soon as the filtration goes off, they start looking around for their food...they do learn pretty fast, I guess. I just love 'em.
Awesome!!!! Not only the dropper, but you too! Valiant begs constantly now that he's in the QT which sits on my desk! A few minutes ago I set the food dish on the desk in front of the tank to soak in the food enhancer...Valiant zipped over and still has his snout glued to the tank wall.


Dang Lisa. I've missed quit a bit I see. It's been a really busy month for me! I see you got your ponies!!!!!!!! They're gorgeous and congrats!!!! I started my 90gal project and have some really good pictures of the newly stained stand. Bombay Mohogany is the color. I love it. Well the family and I went to California for a long weekend to stay with my family and visit. It was a huge amount of fun. Gabby got to see all her relatives for the first time, not including my parents..and it was her first time on a plane and to california where her daddy was born. She did really well. And Memorial day, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa and Uncle got to go fishing off the coast of san diego/mexico. It was a blast, the fishing could've been better, but a bad day fishing is definitely better than a good day of work<3 Anyhow, i'm glad to see everything is going wonderful for you and all that and I have missed talking to you.
Talk to you soon!


I wanted to do some seahorses but I've heard they are very sensitive little creatures and require alot more work than your average saltwater tank.
I just love the way they look- hopefully down the line when I can have more than one tank in my house I'll get a few to try out.
Good luck and post as many pics as you can!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81
I wanted to do some seahorses but I've heard they are very sensitive little creatures and require alot more work than your average saltwater tank.
I just love the way they look- hopefully down the line when I can have more than one tank in my house I'll get a few to try out.
Good luck and post as many pics as you can!

Seahorses are the most incredible unique fish I have ever had, and also the biggest challenge I have ever taken on since I began my fish hobby at the age of 7 (32 now).
I can't wait to see more pictures of Apache and Navajo. As Lisa said, I agree that this thread will give a lot of information for future seahorse keepers through her experience with her fillies. So far research and preparation have been the biggest key.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
he get's even more perky when the "servant" brings the food dish!!!
OMG, how true is that!!
