call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lolly1
How cool would that be if she were protecting a clutch?! On the other hand, I don't have a clue what I would do with the fry if they hatched while you were on vacation........

Beth ***)
Me either...I don't really plan on keeping the fry...but if a hatch happens, don't feed that day, and take water parameters the next day...if out of whack, water change :hilarious
Looking forward to spaghetti!!
Me :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
I really enjoy this thread Lisa. The tank looks great. I can't wait til I get my new tank up and running finally. I haven't done much of anything to my 37g because I don't want to have to move more stuff from it to the new tank. That and i'm saving up for my start up funds.
but yeah, good lookin' tank!

Thank you very much for the nice compliment Anubisxero. When you have your's up and running (how long till that happens?) be sure to post a thread on this site. I really think that these diaries are a great way for others to learn.
Can't wait to see your new exciting, 'eh?
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thank you very much for the nice compliment Anubisxero. When you have your's up and running (how long till that happens?) be sure to post a thread on this site. I really think that these diaries are a great way for others to learn.
Can't wait to see your new exciting, 'eh?
Lisa :happyfish
You're welcome. I'm not quite sure when i'll be able to get it set up. I'm picking it up tomorrow evening. I bought it with part of my tax return and figured i'd get it piece by piece until I could kickstart everything. I'll be sitting and drooling for a while I think.
I totally love these diaries people make they're so interesting to watch/find ideas.
I'm Jason btw. Nice meeting you. I saw all that snow ya'll got. Where in Wisconsin are ya? I'm right below beloit, in Rockford and we've gotten plenty of it in the past month or so. I'm ready for spring.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
You're welcome. I'm not quite sure when i'll be able to get it set up. I'm picking it up tomorrow evening. I bought it with part of my tax return and figured i'd get it piece by piece until I could kickstart everything. I'll be sitting and drooling for a while I think.
I totally love these diaries people make they're so interesting to watch/find ideas.
I'm Jason btw. Nice meeting you. I saw all that snow ya'll got. Where in Wisconsin are ya? I'm right below beloit, in Rockford and we've gotten plenty of it in the past month or so. I'm ready for spring.

That's the best way to do it...slow and easy, take your time. I'm in the process of researching a good set up for my 37gal for seahorses...very different research, set up and maintenance...I'm looking forward to the challenge. I totally agree that these diaries are perfect for collecting information, ideas, experiences, etc. Just look at the wide range of experiences I had with my "little" change over!! LOL
As it turns out, it was a very good change and all of my critters are doing much better in the new tank, gotta love that!!
It's very nice to meet you as well, Jason. I'm about 25-30 miles north of Madison, in Beaver Dam...spring can come anytime in my book. I'm on my way to Cozumel, Mexico this coming Saturday for a week of SCUBA diving and nice warm weather!! Can't WAIT!! :jumping:
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
That's the best way to do it...slow and easy, take your time. I'm in the process of researching a good set up for my 37gal for seahorses...very different research, set up and maintenance...I'm looking forward to the challenge. I totally agree that these diaries are perfect for collecting information, ideas, experiences, etc. Just look at the wide range of experiences I had with my "little" change over!! LOL
As it turns out, it was a very good change and all of my critters are doing much better in the new tank, gotta love that!!
It's very nice to meet you as well, Jason. I'm about 25-30 miles north of Madison, in Beaver Dam...spring can come anytime in my book. I'm on my way to Cozumel, Mexico this coming Saturday for a week of SCUBA diving and nice warm weather!! Can't WAIT!! :jumping:
Lisa :happyfish
Ohhhh you lucky duck. I'd love to be in cozumel about now. Hell, anywhere tropic would be nice. Never been scuba diving though. I have wanted to. But yeah, I'd love to have the thing set up sooner rather than later, but ehhh I guess it'll be better to piece it together slowly. Or at least it'll be better on the budget. That and there are a few things i'm working on designing that i'd like to have built by then, like the sump/fuge and the plumbing and whatnot. Oh and can't forget the lighting retro. Still torn between t-5's and halides..or a combo of both. Decisions, decisions! lol. Well you take care, and if I don't speak to you before your trip. Have a safe one!


the tanks looks beautiful.
i have a question 4 you, i am setting up my 46 gallon and was thinking 2 1200mjs would be too much current, how are they working for your tank? is it too much current or just enough? i was thinking maybe i should go with 2 900s....if the 1200s are too much for a 46 gallon. thanks in advance


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownGyrl
the tanks looks beautiful.
i have a question 4 you, i am setting up my 46 gallon and was thinking 2 1200mjs would be too much current, how are they working for your tank? is it too much current or just enough? i was thinking maybe i should go with 2 900s....if the 1200s are too much for a 46 gallon. thanks in advance

Thank you clowngyrl.
I have two mj 1200s in mine, and it did take a little tweaking (position-wise), but they're working out great. I thought they might be a bit much too, but the fish don't seem to think so. Good luck with your set up, and post pics when it's done...gotta see pics!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It's hard to believe right now (snow blowing and wind going nuts), but at this time tomorrow night, I will have been in Cozumel for about an hour and looking forward to a week of diving (I'm going to read this part of my thread later, after being home for a while, and feel homesick for Coz...I love it). I'll try to post pics when I can. Have a great week all!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It's hard to believe right now (snow blowing and wind going nuts), but at this time tomorrow night, I will have been in Cozumel for about an hour and looking forward to a week of diving (I'm going to read this part of my thread later, after being home for a while, and feel homesick for Coz...I love it). I'll try to post pics when I can. Have a great week all!!
Lisa :happyfish


Wow!! your tank looks great!! (it's been awhile since I've been here) I like the look of the vase. I just love your snow sea critters.. that must have been alot of fun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Wow!! your tank looks great!! (it's been awhile since I've been here) I like the look of the vase. I just love your snow sea critters.. that must have been alot of fun.
OMG, doing the snow sculptures was GREAT fun!!
I really like the way the vase fit in as well...kind of a gamble in a SW tank, but I think it worked out great.
Thank you for the compliments!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
This post is specifically for Jason (Anubisxero),
I just got back from vacation and I had the most INCREDIBLE dives!! The corals in Cozumel are coming back incredibly. Before this trip, I'd never seen a nurse shark (thank goodness, in my mind)...this time I saw 4 of them...sheesh they're HUGE!! The sharks we saw were at least 10' long nose to tail. And those were out and about, one of them ferociously scavenging in the corals...I would have hated to be on the receiving end of his tail at that time.
All in all, we did 10 ocean dives and 2 cenotes (caverns). Sorry no pics..we forgot our digital cam and the only disposables we found were only waterproof to 27' or so...our best dives were at 80' or so.
My goal on this trip was to finally be able to see a seahorse. We saw a HUGE sea turtle being groomed by some HUGE french angels (that was surprising)...we saw puffers, and I saw the tiniest drum fish...we saw an incredible large green moray. On our night dive, and actually on one of our morning dives, we saw octopus out and about and scavenging. During the day, we saw the octopus actually tent a huge piece of rock and then it took off swimming...incredible. Disappointing was that the divemaster kind of harassed a porcupine puffer into inflating...I had to turn away...
This was the second time we've done the cenotes...all I can say is ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING!!! They've changed the routes from the last time we've done this. The water in those cenotes is so clear that you feel like you're flying...really flying!! At the outtake though, there were some little fish that were incredibly interested in us. I wiggled my fingers a bit, and had a HUGE cloud of those fish taking turns at nipping (not hard) at my fingertips. Very cool.
All of this just scratches the surface of what we saw. The big finale though was on our last dive...I was down to my last possible 200psi. We swam over to a grassy area off of the reef to look for horses. We were over there for about 10 minutes or so looking around and the divemaster indicated that he'd found one...a beautiful little yellowish-green horse, male, I think, not sure what species... I smiled so wide that I flooded my mask...I didn't care...hmmmmm
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
This post is specifically for Jason (Anubisxero),
I just got back from vacation and I had the most INCREDIBLE dives!! The corals in Cozumel are coming back incredibly. Before this trip, I'd never seen a nurse shark (thank goodness, in my mind)...this time I saw 4 of them...sheesh they're HUGE!! The sharks we saw were at least 10' long nose to tail. And those were out and about, one of them ferociously scavenging in the corals...I would have hated to be on the receiving end of his tail at that time.
All in all, we did 10 ocean dives and 2 cenotes (caverns). Sorry no pics..we forgot our digital cam and the only disposables we found were only waterproof to 27' or so...our best dives were at 80' or so.
My goal on this trip was to finally be able to see a seahorse. We saw a HUGE sea turtle being groomed by some HUGE french angels (that was surprising)...we saw puffers, and I saw the tiniest drum fish...we saw an incredible large green moray. On our night dive, and actually on one of our morning dives, we saw octopus out and about and scavenging. During the day, we saw the octopus actually tent a huge piece of rock and then it took off swimming...incredible. Disappointing was that the divemaster kind of harassed a porcupine puffer into inflating...I had to turn away...
This was the second time we've done the cenotes...all I can say is ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING!!! They've changed the routes from the last time we've done this. The water in those cenotes is so clear that you feel like you're flying...really flying!! At the outtake though, there were some little fish that were incredibly interested in us. I wiggled my fingers a bit, and had a HUGE cloud of those fish taking turns at nipping (not hard) at my fingertips. Very cool.
All of this just scratches the surface of what we saw. The big finale though was on our last dive...I was down to my last possible 200psi. We swam over to a grassy area off of the reef to look for horses. We were over there for about 10 minutes or so looking around and the divemaster indicated that he'd found one...a beautiful little yellowish-green horse, male, I think, not sure what species... I smiled so wide that I flooded my mask...I didn't care...hmmmmm
Lisa :happyfish
Ha. Don't I feel special. Oh wow!! All of that sounds amazing. I can only imagine! I hope to do that eventually. I've never been anywhere remotely "reefy" I guess nowhere tropical even. But all in due time I suppose. I'm glad you got to see your horsey! I think they're just amazing little creatures. I've seen this video a guy made of his fuge/horsefarm. They're great looking. You might like to see it. Gimme your email and i'll forward the page it's on. It has other awesome videos of setups and things like that.
Anyhow, while you were away I bought a new piece of LR that had the sebae I wanted attached to it. So my guy gave me a good deal on that and some beautiful zoo's. I also just got a pair of yellow-head sleeper gobies(which i've had before and loved) but sadly my female didn't make it. Depressing I know. Hopefully I can find a replacement soon. Other than that like I said i'm about to try my hand in converting my wet/dry into a fuge or partial fuge and have one of those soap dishy things in the tank just for added measure. So here's hoping. *crosses fingers* I already fragged the zoo's too. I've been keeping myself busy. Ah well. Like I said, gimme your email and i'll be glad to show you the video.
Take care and talk to you soon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Ha. Don't I feel special. Oh wow!! All of that sounds amazing. I can only imagine! I hope to do that eventually. I've never been anywhere remotely "reefy" I guess nowhere tropical even. But all in due time I suppose. I'm glad you got to see your horsey! I think they're just amazing little creatures. I've seen this video a guy made of his fuge/horsefarm. They're great looking. You might like to see it. Gimme your email and i'll forward the page it's on. It has other awesome videos of setups and things like that.
Anyhow, while you were away I bought a new piece of LR that had the sebae I wanted attached to it. So my guy gave me a good deal on that and some beautiful zoo's. I also just got a pair of yellow-head sleeper gobies(which i've had before and loved) but sadly my female didn't make it. Depressing I know. Hopefully I can find a replacement soon. Other than that like I said i'm about to try my hand in converting my wet/dry into a fuge or partial fuge and have one of those soap dishy things in the tank just for added measure. So here's hoping. *crosses fingers* I already fragged the zoo's too. I've been keeping myself busy. Ah well. Like I said, gimme your email and i'll be glad to show you the video.
Take care and talk to you soon!

Hey Jason. Do you SCUBA?
here it is...
Sounds interesting....
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hey Jason. Do you SCUBA?
here it is...
Sounds interesting....
Lisa :happyfish
Nope. Never even been so much as snorkeling. Shame eh? lol. You've got mail. And yes, interesting is my middle name...Kind of..not really.



Sorry to hear of your loss. I have a 72 gal bow front. Like everyone in this hoby, I would like to have a larger tank also. It does scare me to think that you can do everything right, and and still loose pets you have had for several years. After your new tank is established, despite your lost, I am sure you love your new tank. Good luck!


I have been to Cozumel also, and several places in the Caribian. Every time I go there I go snorkling. I hope everyone in this hoby has a chance to do this someday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kg2qe
Sorry to hear of your loss. I have a 72 gal bow front. Like everyone in this hoby, I would like to have a larger tank also. It does scare me to think that you can do everything right, and and still loose pets you have had for several years. After your new tank is established, despite your lost, I am sure you love your new tank. Good luck!

My new tank is awesome. I still want to replace my little angel soon, but I want to find the perfect addition. Since it will be an angel, I'm not TOO worried about her becoming territorial with my other fish.
Thanks a lot for the comments...much appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish