call me exited, but...


Active Member
lisa, its best to buy from a breeder. you are assured they are CB and eating frozen. I got my girls from a private breeder. they are healthy and were eating good when I got them. Well at least two were. my third was stuborn about eating, but she started after a couple of days, then either snicked a brissle worm or a piece of shell and died. I will be getting my replacement in a couple of weeks. Mine are erectis too. I posted some new pictures in the reef section.
by the way, your tank looks wonderful.


Active Member
i went with a breeder, but mine were WC...but i would definitely suggest going with a breeder like teresa said--more apt to know what you're getting if you know your buying from someone who breeds them


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
lisa, its best to buy from a breeder. you are assured they are CB and eating frozen. I got my girls from a private breeder. they are healthy and were eating good when I got them. Well at least two were. my third was stuborn about eating, but she started after a couple of days, then either snicked a brissle worm or a piece of shell and died. I will be getting my replacement in a couple of weeks. Mine are erectis too. I posted some new pictures in the reef section.
by the way, your tank looks wonderful.
Thanks a lot Teresa,
It amazes me how long these things take. I mean, the tank took 2 days to switch out and get set up, but it's been a week and a half of really settling everybody'd think I'd expect that by now. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, but I'm finding that I will need to nudge a rock or two in order to be able to run my Mag Float by, especially in the biggie.
Thanks for the horsie advice. I'm sure that I'm going to go with the breeder that I've talked to, as she has a few broods and will have some stock ready when I am...captive bred and eating frozen. She will also send me pics of the horses before sending. Oh, and she and I talked about my getting a bonded pair...would you suggest (seeing that I'm brand new to horses) that I get a same --- pair? I'm not planning on breeding at this point, maybe sometime down the line, but certainly not right out of the starting gate.
Is there any way that you could post a picure of your feeding station for your horses? I'm not sure how to go about setting one up, and I would like to have an idea of what I need and how to go about using it.
Really sorry about the loss of your fillie...I'm off to the reef section to take a look at your horses.
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i went with a breeder, but mine were WC...but i would definitely suggest going with a breeder like teresa said--more apt to know what you're getting if you know your buying from someone who breeds them
Yeah, I figured that was the way to go, and the breeder I talked with (as I think I mentioned before) knows where the line of the horses she breeds has come from. She also guarantees that they are captive bred (I've actually seen pictures of her fry...holy smokes) and that they are trained to eat frozen before shipping.

I'll post on here more questions as they come up. Thanks for responding.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
with your size tank-same as mine. I was told i could have 4 total. so i would start with two females if you dont plan to breed right away, unless the person you are getting them from will take the fry back when you have them. I know of people who do this. now you do know that any two male and female will breed, and they dont have to be a bonded pair. they will bond in your tank. I would want them pretty young, so you can enjoy more of thier life. mine are about 9 mo to a yr old, but the new one will be about 6 to 8 mo.
feeding dish was easy. its just a lrge clam shell glued on top on another. I placed hitched around it. use a long clear tube to get food into dish. placed in an area with little or no flow. you can use a small clear glass dish, rynka made one in one of her threads out of shells, it was cute. I have lots of shells, let me know i'll mail you a couple.
I wish they would start a seahorse forum. We could give each other tips a lot better. I think i will start one in the dish forum on how to color up your horses.
Sorry to ramble
Lisa, give me an e-mail, and i might be able to direct you to a kuda breeder.
m0m24 @


Active Member
As many know from reading through this thread, I lost my coral beauty angel when I switched my tank over. I was at my LFS today, and a friend of mine that manages the place told me that they're getting in some Fiji Coral Beauties on Tuesday...I asked her to give me a call when they come in. I'm going to go and take a look at them...we'll see...I'll be glad to have an angel again.
Lisa :happyfish


congrats. i am also getting a coral beauty, mabey this weekend. hope everything goes well in your tank. good shots.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
congrats. i am also getting a coral beauty, mabey this weekend. hope everything goes well in your tank. good shots.
Thanks Nemo, so far so good. I'll only be going in to look at the angels after they arrive. If they've already been released into the LFS tanks, I will have to wait a couple of weeks before purchasing. If they're still in bags and one strikes my fancy, I'll snap her up and spare her being released that extra time.
Good luck with your angel. Post pics when you can. Here's another pic that forgot to post the other evening...maybe I shouldn't take so many at a time, hmmmm.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Boy, I was really hoping to get things going for my seahorse tank this weekend, and I may still get some things going for it...but it's looking more and more like I'm going to have to wait until I get back from my dive trip in March. I just don't want to "throw" something together and hope it works out. We'll see what I can accomplish tomorrow. More then...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I missed the message from my LFS that the angels did indeed come in, and by the time I got home from running around after work tonight, it was too late. I'll stop in tomorrow and see what they've got, but again...I'll just wait with getting anything new in the tank until after our trip...less than 2 weeks and counting!! My daughter (Lolly1 on this site) and her hubby are staying at my house for the week we're gone to take care of my sheltie (Leo) and my tank. I just think it's better to not add anything at this point to avoid the chance of having something happen while I'm gone with the tank in their care. Oh, patience...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by richarl5
Your tank looks so cool! I love the vase, it's very creative!
Thank you very much!! As soon as I saw it, I knew that I wanted to work it into my rockwork. I think it worked out very nicely in there, and Scampi has pretty much set up housekeeping in the vase.
I did indeed go to my LFS this evening to take a look at the cb angel they got, not to me, but she wasn't there and had gotten sold today. I feel like I dodged a bullet there, LOL.
I didn't really leave empty handed though. My daughter was with me, and to thank her for watching our house and my pets while I'm gone, I bought her a beautiful pink finger leather coral. I can't wait to see it in her tank.
I also bought something for my seahorse tank...get a load of this. It's about 12-13" high and about 8-9" wide. It's JUST PERFECT for in my 37!! I'm planning on working it somehow into the rock work. Talk about a hitching station, eh?
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I did indeed go to my LFS this evening to take a look at the cb angel they got, not to me, but she wasn't there and had gotten sold today. I feel like I dodged a bullet there, LOL.
Lisa :happyfish
same here, i went to the LFS to get a CB to keep a close eye on him over the 4 day weekend and that was the only week my LFS has been out of CB!
just talk about coincidence that the only time i feel like taking the risk of an angel fish and they dont have one. oh well, we will see this friday


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
same here, i went to the LFS to get a CB to keep a close eye on him over the 4 day weekend and that was the only week my LFS has been out of CB!
just talk about coincidence that the only time i feel like taking the risk of an angel fish and they dont have one. oh well, we will see this friday

Just not the time for purchasing CB angels, I guess. Good luck tomorrow. If you get one, be sure to post a pic (if you can GET one!!).
I keep running through my head how I want to set up my seahorse tank (now that the reef has settled in). I still need some ideas on how to set up a feeding station, and actually how to use one.
I found a great tip on another thread about how to keep pods reproducing in my tank for very inexpensively and not in an unsightly manner. I'm definitely going to use that. I may just test that out on my reef, just to see if I notice a difference.
That's where I'm at for now. I keep going in to look at my empty seahorse tank and picturing how it will be with life in it. I've pretty my decided that the only other fish I'll have in that tank will be either a pair of green clown gobies or one yellow and one green clown goby...still trying to decide that.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Nope nothing new yet. Mostly just wanted to bump my thread up so I don't lose it. The reef is doing awesome. After my water change yesterday, it seems that the water is finally, finally crystal clear!! I don't know if I'm just really picky that way or what...but you should see it now...beautiful...I'm glad.
I went to see the pink finger leather in my daughter's looks perfectly awesome and perfectly at home in there!! I would venture to bet that before long, after they're done bickering about who's going to be who, that her false perc clowns set up housekeeping in that little number. **fingers crossed**
She (Lolly1 on this site) also got a 6-line wrasse this past weekend. He's got to be one of the prettiest 6-lines I've ever seen...very colorful. We were very pleased to find him out and about in the tank the day after release and totally exploring every inch of the rockwork...very cool fish, and he gets along great with her clowns and her chromis.
Welp, that's it for now. Thanks for looking.
Lisa :happyfish


wow, your making the leather sound really good. can we get a picture? i am also really picky like that about my water too. i kinda gave up on the Coral Beauty. mabey in the future. just dont want to risk any disease in my tank. finally looks good after six months of being up. dont want to ruin it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
wow, your making the leather sound really good. can we get a picture? i am also really picky like that about my water too. i kinda gave up on the Coral Beauty. mabey in the future. just dont want to risk any disease in my tank. finally looks good after six months of being up. dont want to ruin it.
After 6 months your tank should be fine for a coral beauty...what else do you have in your tank? I guess that's important to know before advising.

As for pictures of the pink finger leather...kinda HB posted a note on the back door all weekend so that we would remember to take the stupid camera...well...we forgot. I can't wait to get pictures of that's doing SO beautifully!! Believe me, when we do finally get pictures of Lolly1's tank, I'll post them here in my log as well, if she doesn't mind.
About being picky about the water in my tank...since the water change yesterday, I'm finally being able to look at the tank and not feel a little let down...I really am picky, can't help it. It is totally crystal clear now...
Thanks for your response, and for your interest. Post pics of that coral beauty after you round one up!!
Lisa :happyfish


all i have is a clown fish and a dragon goby. yeah, i already posted and everyone said it would do fine. IDK. maybe in a month once i get all the money i spent last weekend on the filter to clear my water and the bucket of salt and my new orange mushrooms.


Active Member
Had great fun with the good packing snow yesterday. My daughter and I got out and got creative...our whole front lawn looked like an underwater scene...hope you can make these out, especially the snail and the turtle...what fun..hope you can see the detail.
Beth made the fish and the turtle, I did the seahorse and the snail...hope these pics show good...
Lisa :happyfish
