call me exited, but...


Active Member
I am enjoying watching my new tank flourish (after only one week!!). My frogspawn, which had not been doing well in the 37 for whatever reason, is now coming around and beggining to look like its old self again. I'm thinking this is because of one or both of two things. In my new tank they're placed near the clowns' mushrooms, and the clowns do go in and out of it quite a bit. I was thinking that they may be feeding it as well...IDK. Another thought is that on this tank I'm running blue actinics in addition to the MH lighting. Maybe that's something the frogspawn enjoys more as well...again, IDK. Doesn't matter, he's looking much better and I'm glad :joy:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Lots of scooping (Pee Ewe!!) and lots of scraping, lots of scrubbing and lots and lots of rinsing, and I've got 'er cleaned up and ready to set up for my seahorses...of course I don't expect ponies to go in until at least 6-7 months after setting it up. I scraped the coraline with single edge razor blades, scooped stinky sand into a 3 gal bucket and covered that as fast as I could. I rinsed the glass, scrubbed some more then scrubbed with white vinegar. After that I rinsed like crazy and air dried...washed the outside of the glass with just clean water and buffed with a soft rag...
Here she is, looking all spiffy and ready to waltz again...My 37gal!!
Lisa :happyfish
Nice tall tank for ponies, what species are you thinking of getting?
I just posted new pictures of my tank and horses in the reef section.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Nice tall tank for ponies, what species are you thinking of getting?
I just posted new pictures of my tank and horses in the reef section.

Though I still have a lot of time to do some research, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be getting h-erectus. It's my understanding that they will be very suitable for the system that I'm planning, and they're also supposed to great for beginning seahorse keeping. Hope so...
I'm headed to the reef section now. I'm really interested in seeing some seahorse set ups for ideas on what to use for hitching posts that will be compatible in saltwater.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Scampi, my CB shrimp gave me a bit of a start today. I walked over to check out the tank and found a "Scampi jacket" stuck to the intake of one of the powerheads. I immediately began looking around and found him in the middle of the vase...his new hang out. He looks fine and very pretty in his new clothes.
Do shrimps molt after a stressful episode? Just wondering.
Lisa :happyfish

fish addict

This is kind of off topic but I've been wodering for a while how often do shrimp molt? and do Hermit crabs molt? Because I didn't know they did but I've found 3 "hermit crabs" well what looks like one but all of my hermit crabs are still alive... (I only have three)


Active Member
Mona lisa...just read through the thread and its looking fantastic....great job. sorry for the loss of the one fish though. I know its a real bummer. I was wondering about the pot. Is it a real pot, I mean ceramic pot or is it resin? I think it looks really nice in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
This is kind of off topic but I've been wodering for a while how often do shrimp molt? and do Hermit crabs molt? Because I didn't know they did but I've found 3 "hermit crabs" well what looks like one but all of my hermit crabs are still alive... (I only have three)
Fish addict,
I know that when my water parameters are all in check, Scampi molts probably once a month to every 6 weeks...emeralds definitely molt, and what you're finding are their "jackets" as I call them. Kinda freaky when you first find least for heart always kind of sinks thinking that I've lost a critter. Keep your water parameters in check and keep up on your water changes...can't go wrong that way.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
mona lisa did u get ur fish and rocks and corals off comment back if u did.
I didn't get any rocks or fish off of, but I've made a couple of purchases here for clean up crew. With my last purchase, they threw in 2 emerald crabs and no kidding, those are the only emeralds I've been able to keep for longer than a week or two...not sure why...but these are doing great, and so is everything else that I've gotten here. Love this site!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Mona lisa...just read through the thread and its looking fantastic....great job. sorry for the loss of the one fish though. I know its a real bummer. I was wondering about the pot. Is it a real pot, I mean ceramic pot or is it resin? I think it looks really nice in there.

I'm so glad that you ask about it only because that tells me that the vase looks like real pottery. Actually it is an aquarium deco that I found at my LFS and thought that it would look great in my new tank. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
As I've stated before in this thread, I'm missing Sr. Mary quite bit...actually more than I thought I would. I can't wait to be able to get another angel in there to follow in her finsteps (???). My HB and I are going on a diving trip to Cozumel Mexico in 3 weeks, and I really want to wait till after we get back to add anything to the tank...till then, I'm angel-less.

Thanks so much for responding to my thread.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
wow those look great lisa!!! that clown in the last picture looks so OLD!
Poor Cookie...if she knew how you talked about her!! All of these pics are under actinics only...maybe that's it, IDK.
Actually, I wasn't finished posting pics...power went out in the middle and has been out now for an hour and a half...
Now I'll finish...



Active Member
Some more exciting news...I have been corresponding with a seahorse breeder from Georgia, and I have decided that I will be getting my bonded pair of hippocampus erectus through her once my 37gal is up and ready. I asked her all kinds of questions regarding shipping, feeding, payment, that kind of thing. She raises only purebred h-erectus and knows just where the line is from. Her ponies are all trained to eat frozen before they are shipped. Anything else that I should inquire about? I'm so excited about that...gonna start getting things going this weekend hopefully!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Oops, forgot a picture...silly me!! I just thought this one was pretty cool looking..Scampi in his hang out...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
So...can you find Gary (sand perch) 2nd pic in post 114? Talk about a peek-a-boo pic...gotta love it!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Hey Bronco,
Do you mind if I ask where you got your zots from? Did you find a breeder, or what? Just wondering what the best route is for getting horses. As I stated in a previous post, I've been corresonding with a breeder, and I may go with her...I just don't know yet, but then, I have time.
Lisa :happyfish